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Laughs in electric car
>Laughs in electric car
>Laughs in electric car
Whose electricity was generated by fossil fuels....
Best long term buy and hold approach to making $ off oil?
Oh fuck that dog looks WET
Iowan here, running off a nearby wind farm.
Enjoy your 19th century world while you can.
So did the memefans also heat your house and shower water this winter?
None. The world is awash in cheap oil, and this is with several major oil producers either crippled from political turmoil or restricted from selling on the market.
The USA officially killed big money oil.
Do you really think that turbines don't work in the winter Garok?
significantly less of it is needed every day
Can't wait for some semblance of a bottom, then buy and hold?
It'll bounce back some when Dolan magically cures the Coof, but long term it's a dying industry, like Coal.
American car manufacturers are going to stick to high mileage designs because they need to sell those engines in Europe and Asia, so Dolan is wasting his time there. The growing Asia market is all-electric, and thus goes the world car market. The Euros in specific desperately need to replace their defective German diesels, as its causing smog catastrophes.
First, whats your guy take on the oil war do you think coronachan might have crippled the saudis and russians to the point where their plan to kill US shale has to be called off?
Second, do you guys have any opinions on tanker stocks before the meeting this week? I was looking at Euronav and FRO?
Also any energy stocks that your planning on dumping or picking up?
Reminder that whatever play you did, you will never be as retarded as some traders.
good luck getting into space with electromotors
enjoy staying on niggered earth
why the fuck do you think they are forcing consumers to use meme energy sources
If we run out of oil, we are trapped on this planet forever
Price can go negative tard
This is WTI crude, not tar sands in Calgary or inland Wyoming. And 50 cents is below anyone's production costs. The Saudis even can only go down to 3 dollars before they start losing money.
>*Laughs in diesel equipment*
Posting a wojak is not an argument. If you have any objections, back them up. This is oil we're talking about, not cryptocurrencies or anything that is equivalently speculative.
for the love of god I FINALLY FOUND the god damn time of this stupid fucking OPEC meeting.
The meeting is expected to begin at 16:00 Moscow time on April 9apa.az
Essentially :30min before NYSE opens on Thursday.
This could go very right or very wrong.
rumors that saudi’s have been buying up airline/cruise liner stocks and that’s why the prices have been skyrocketing.
That would be a really cruel move if just before the meeting starts (or during), they simply dump all of their holdings in the airliners/cruise ships causing it to plummet at the same time they push back on the cut of production agreement
Russia / Saud probably didn't expect demand to get assed by corona when they started the price war. They need the money- I'm expecting no cut, or a tiny cut that will have no real effect come Thursday.
> World demand is down. Factories are closed and people aren't traveling or buying shit
> Storages are filling. Starting to see minor blurbs show up on the terminal about this. Tanker rates are going up as well as people try to sit on cheap oil to sell later
> China will probably have a 2nd wave as they "open for business", dragging out the recovery.
If you remember OilAnons posts, we were looking at a SHTF in oil glut during Q2 (May-June), with the models under-reporting. I have some $2 5/1 puts on USO, but they might be early desu. I might also hit up Tankers, but waiting for cash to settle before I make more plays.
Imagine writing a news article in a major business magazine over a 10k bet wtf like why
And his two authors too like we're in the biggest economic crisis since the great depression and these journalists are like "hey this one guy made a 10k bet on oil" just baffling am I missing something
> What is a radioisotope thermoelectric generator
The OPEC++ meeting takes place 30 minutes before NYSE opens on Thursday.
anyone making moves or worried?
Too risky
Buying puts
>That would be a really cruel move if just before the meeting starts (or during), they simply dump all of their holdings in the airliners/cruise ships causing it to plummet at the same time they push back on the cut of production agreement
On the contrary, it could just as easily be the opposite with them.
They could be buying up Airline and Cruise companies in anticipation of cheap oil for the near future if no production cut is agreed to.
Should I be worried I am holding this portfolio before the meeting? Currently I am in mostly gains?
>he believed Elon Musical-chairs
Turbines are terribly inefficient way to translate wind power into electricity.
t. construction fag
t. forging engineer fag
no idea but looks nice
I’m currently all in on oil and hope the meeting goes well.
I’m going to dump it when it gets high enough and cash it in for LINK
I am debating doing that I was planning on keeping oil for the divvies but I might have messed up with OKE since its primarily a natural gas producer/piple service, and utility.
>Also hoping that Drumf tomahawks Maduro to solve the oil crisis.
I'm more bullish on the whole thing, but I do agree oil has some tough days ahead. I have Q3 calls but they might be too early. Don't know if I will need to take a loss or not on selling them early.
Short term game, no idea. Like I said, I don't see OPEC/Rus cutting output. They would love to screw over the USA though, so we might see a "no agreement reached, Sad!" tomorrow and stocks go red. I could very well be wrong though.
Long term energy sector will be fine, world runs on oil after all. I'm only bearish short term on oil because of the storage issues.
My plan:
> puts on USO / energy (I'm expecting the next market dip to hit by 5/1, so easy play)
> calls on tankers before earnings hit and wall street wake up, exit when they do
> long term calls on XOM / RDS / HESS /etc. or just hodl common stock and ride the recovery wave a year or two, depending on how well this all goes.
I'm still pretty noob to the options game and wish I had more than a few k to throw around, but it feels like a solid plan for the next few months. Timing is the hard part though, and I'm wondering if this might hit earlier than May/June.
im pretty much all in on oil (mix of shares and options). it's gonna make it or break it for me. I'm betting on oil when it's under 25 fucking bucks. If this somehow still fails me, i can live with it.
. Be wary that with oil technical analysis can be a non factor in many scenarios because of the political importance of oil. There are serious external pressures affecting oil prices constantly and often they are hard to predict to a trader.
$20 WTI crude is the absolute bottom and it may test that multiple times in the next 6 months maybe even longer. I say $20 because negative oil prices are not a reality anymore now that the US is energy independent and can impose tariffs.
Whats your guys positions?
Saudi/Russia can never exert the damage they intend to US shale again because ever since the US became energy independent tariffs are an option. It looks like they have done all the damage to US shale they were capable of.
>no gush
will oil see 40-50 dollars a barrel anytime in the next year??
Where do the batteries and turbine blades go after the mills short lifespan?
im holding MRO and XOM shares and USO calls.
Buy a shitton of oil right now. Leveraged ETFs only if you are good at trading and only in the short term as ETFs are susceptible to contango and they will feel it. Have the brunt of your oil investment in keystone corporations like Exxon mobile and Haliburton as no matter what happens they will probably never fail.
Depends if OPEC and the ruskies make a deal. I'd say likely but I always lose the stonk game.
Probably. But it may never go above $50 again unless there is a nasty war.
Retard here
Is that like an ETF decay going on? What the fuck? Why is it fucking 20$ with an ath of like 1300?
AFAIK there is no easy way to "buy oil" over the market outside of funds and notes that are subject to contango due to futures contracts? Unless you're physically buying barrels of oil lol
I've got a 4800 sqft barn I can stock full of it. Give me OPECs number.
im just looking for 5+ year dividend holds here, im done day trading as I have to work 55 hours a week npw
I'm not so russia is not prepared for the price. They did it on the outset of the pandemic and I feel putins a crafty enough guy to use this opportunity to kill US shale. He had to know demand would be in the shitter
Move to utilities and tech then and stop trading oil when it's on the decline.
I've got HAL, ET, XOM, SLB accumulating for my long term holds... not sure if I should be buying cryptos or some SQQQ with my incoming trumpbux
reverse split, fake price
my man. A lot of SMG shits on LINK you can't convince those retards to throw some change at some promising tech with a great CEO.
What puts do I buy if I think the talks are gonna fail?
If you have the means, knowledge, and space to buy and store physical oil then do it.
You could learn how to buy actual futures but you may end up holding actual barrels of oil if you don't know what you are doing. What I meant by buy a shitton of oil was just buy a lot of the oil sector. Use ETFs for short term but I'm staying away from them. I believe the meeting Thursday will lead to a production cut but there is still the oil glut to get through so I'm not entirely optimistic about short term, but I fully believe 5 years down the road you will at least have doubled your investment long term if you buy and hold keystone corps.
Another note on the meeting it can realistically go either way. There are way to many variables in international politics which oil has a heavy relationship with for us to predict. I expect a cut from the meeting based on the idea that no one wants to be losing all of this fucking money. I believe them saying they can hold out for 10 years with ramped production is classic posturing. All nations involved a lot of other problems to deal with and can't afford to subsidize their largest industries long term. Plus oil execs have a lot of power in the political landscape.
They've done all the damage they could. Trump is willing to use tariffs so they know the fun ends there.
Is trump though? during an election year? the man that made oil cost 4 bucks a gallon won't be good in red states.
UCO or just buy shares in SCO but failed talks are unlikely.
I think I'm going to buy a good bit of USO calls in a month or so. I expect the barrel price to continue to get hurt by indecision and the obviously gutted demand. But strategically speaking, it's in no major producer's best interests to keep losing money per barrel, it will be back above $30 in a year and I'm going to go pretty heavy on that assertion.
I don't like playing the companies as much, a lot of American producers are in deep shit financially as is without this crisis.
I'm waiting on unsettled cash to clear, atm just $2 5/1 puts on USO. It's a bit of a YOLO play but we'll see. When storage glut doom hits, the $0.50 oil guy might actually get a payout.
I actually agree, was thinking more that oil money tends to go to directly funding country govs, and social services in the sauds case. There is no way they wouldn't take advantage of this to knock out US Shale for a few years, and force weaker US company's to bankrupt / reorganize.
XOM,HESS, RDS.B; any of the large companies should weather this just fine.
Trump will talk about it a week or two before it happens... It's Trump, and he likes to gauge reactions before actually moving on things.
Corona Russia and Saudi Arabia. Trump has something to blame for all that and his poll numbers are crazy high. I dont think he's worried.
here is a science man to explain for anyone wondering if they should invest in windmills
If he operates by that logic which he may then oil would still be good long term. He would eventually impose the tariffs after he wins reelection and if he doesn't win I feel anyone else would do the same.
USO is good for short term and that is far too risky for me right now.
I’ve got CRC, SLB
Not at all. His blue collar base was gleefully cheering on the steel tariffs, people think Texas and Oklahoma are going to be mad he's saving their industry? Lmfao
would tariffs even work? saudi oil would just show up in brazil
Full a car with one gallon, drive until it stops, push back car to start. If the way back is too hard you will understand just how much energy is contained inside one gallon.
Is that much energy really worth $3?
It would be a flat import tariff, not case by case. The global supply is dirt cheap.
Why do you say that? It seems like it's in their best interest to say no, if our companies aren't going to cut, fuck it, right?
People in here don’t understand that the oil we import is different than the oil we export. It’s not as simple as slapping a tariff on Saudi oil (heavy crude) and forcing refiners to buy American oil (light sweet crude). Why not? Because in the 70s/80s we built all of our refineries to process heavy crude, retooling then for light sweet would be financially impossible - like several trillions of dollars impossible.
Imposing a tariff wouldn’t do shit for oil prices or American E&P companies, it would make foreign oil more expensive for American refiners and that cost would get passed on to the consumer and everyone will bitch about, “muh gas prices! muh pain at the pump!”
Yeah but swing states (florida) would feel pain. Florida is already fucking up the unemployment shit thanks to rick scott; states definitely in play.
Then tariffs mean fuck all anyway