/smg/ - Stock Market General

this one is for the ladies


>Stock market words

>Risk management

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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buy stocks



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Stubborn management is actually why I'm on Nintendo. It won't work 100%, they will get shit on because "why the fuck aren't they doing this, or this, or this popular shit reeeeee", but at the end of the day, their stubbornness is because they play the long game with their properties rather than cheap quick profit. I'd rather have them be stubborn, but managing and maturing their IPs with intelligence than whoring them up. They know it's what makes them print money, and they know people will have no other choice than to buy their hardware to play their IPs. Actually, I think they already went too far in mobile venture with their IPs. I'd rather they just create new IPs just for mobile, and if they somehow managed to struck gold with one (which is incredibly hard to do in that sector), then why not expand that new IP on consoles? Right now they're trying the reverse, and it's my only complain about their current strategy. No big deal though, I can live with this.

>My thesis is that hardware sales are too risky (Wii U almost caused bankruptcy) and low margin
And no, Wii U never made them close to bankruptcy. Not even close. They could survive doing a Wii U again 10 times if needs be. You have to consider how big Nintendo's treasure is. They have like 8 or 10 billions dollaridoos in their treasure chest, and almost no debt to speak of. They could just put their treasure chest in bonds and live off that eternity, Nintendo isn't going anywhere soon. I guarantee you they'll still be there in 100 years.

Also they have the best waifus in vidya.

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hope everyone gets out of the market prior to the fed meeting tomorrow unless you are in this for the long haul

Agreed, SQQQ, SPXS, and SDOW are great stocks to invest in the current market.

nth for RTX chads

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I should have never squandered money into this Jewish ponzi scheme of a stock market.

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this is pure fucking proof that the current market is largely separated from reality
I hope you're all ready anons.


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what the h*ck happened to nintendo in that 3 year drop?

>not fattening up permabulls during the week only to slaughter them at EoW
That is the playbook the past few weeks.
Are they trying to double dip with "green" M and W?
Everybody getting rich off permabull cucks.

you figured it out.
but you will you go long now, knowing that?

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who /short/ here

Holding SQQQ I bought at $15.84 with iron hands. We revisiting the lows

Bye bye bullniggers

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>Is amazing at household finances
Are we sure about that miss credit score :

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Well it's a start..

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holy fuck, the PS3 was a money pit for sony. they barely won that console generation in terms of hardware sales but it was a pyrrhic victory.

>/smg/ suddenly full of bears again
glad I bought some HSU before close, BRRRRRRRRR

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End of the Wii era, and Wii U not catching on

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this is literally all I want
i don't care how much money I make
just give me them

too many bears on Yas Forums... time to buy more calls


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I warned you about complacency bro!

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>this is pure fucking proof that the current market is largely separated from reality

That's exactly the reason this doesn't matter. The yield curve doesn't take into account the government literally shutting down its own economy. The stock market literally corrected itself and people are buying again. The Chinese virus is unironically priced in now.

God damn you SQQQ faggots are so fucking irritating. Shut the fuck up about.


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This looks really priced in to me, kek.

Seriously though, I'm not even a permabear or permabull but we are retesting 219 before we go any higher.

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Only reply to this post if you're 100% long. No bonds, no puts, no inverse ETFs.

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Always invest in waifus. Why is there no waifu ETF yet? How do we make one?

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>all these bear and bull cucks arguing about stonks
Anyone not buying oil today is gonna feel pretty stupid when the saudis raise prices on Thursday.

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Sony sold PS3s at a loss so that Blu-Ray could beat HD DVD in the format wars only for internet streaming to kill physical media meaning they lost billions of dollars for nothing.

Bought in lower then that guy.

That's a GOOD thing
I don't buy china lol, just saying it's not a good look for businesses that were already not a good look

Where are all the bullfags that were bullying us earlier?

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What about cash?

I bought SQQQ calls at 15.50 today.

What did you do?


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youtubing how to tie a noose

user, you know as well as I do that with the current fandom, waifus would be traded around like shitcoins. There's no loyalty anymore.

>Anyone not buying oil today is gonna feel pretty stupid when the saudis raise prices on Thursday

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List of Scams:
Biotech Stocks
Shale Stocks
Chinese Stocks

what does treasury note yields mean? someone explain how this is tied to markets and why this means we are crashing plz

me gamed credit cards like mad
have them all nearly payed off and only pay interest on one of them

credit score gonna be normally again soon

>this is pure fucking proof that the current market is largely separated from reality
How is this proof of anything?
It’s a relief rally after people got overly pessimistic.

The hedge fund managers on their pandemic islands are seeing that society didn’t break down, so the worst IS over in that sense.

The economic fallout will continue. But it’s not the end of law and order and looting and raping and Molotov cocktails flying

stocks only go up they said

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fucking this
it's pathetic and embarrassing compared to old times.

Cruise lines

what chink scams can i invest it for maximum JUST

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Tell me which oil to buy

I got burned on this. Bought at the start of the day on order to sell a covered call but then promptly got my dick stomped on when TDA told me that I'd need to contact them before doing non standard options. By that time it was already tanking and I just said fuck it and took a $250 loss in ~10 mins in the position

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Hair loss treatments

greek shipping companies

it's like the crew on titanic saw the iceberg but instead of trying to maneuver out of the way, decided to ram it at full speed.

It's called BILI

Today coronavirus will kill more Americans than cancer. It would kill more Americans than heart disease if there weren’t so many fat motherfuckers walking amongst us, but that will have to wait for later this week.

stay long divvy bro

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DVX, MRO, XOM, CVX... and XOP if you're feeling extra frisky about it


isnt this a classic bull flag sign though

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kek enjoy missing the most obvious 5x in stonk history

HOLY sh**et why is boeing not going up i thought they made it its literally a company of national interest wtfuark

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>took a $250 loss ten minutes into a 2 year hodl position
nigga you dumb, RTX is for value, not shitcoining

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>you know I think we had some hedge fund managers coming on with crocodile tears, but
>you know some hedgefund managers went to their islands that we don't know about--that actually happened, don't laugh
>they've got islands
>Faber: with their own medical staff and ventilators too
>Cramer: and don't forget, the AR-15's. Don't forget, that's what they have, you see--
>Faber: they got a lot of those, there's A LOT OF EM, a lot of preparation

jesus fuck.

I like the effort put into those wood floors


congrats bb!
how'd you do it??

I really want to buy BILI but LK has me SPOOKED AS FUCK

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>quad of truth

They aren't held as waifus any more. Ironic weebs hijacked the term and turned it meaningless.


I cannot believe you retards fell for muh golden bull run lmao

you also didnt close your long positions because youre a dumb monkey. i hope you keep them open all month retard.

okay so who here is priced in?

Boeing is going to tank on monday but after this shit is over its going right back to 300

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Treasury notes are investor safe havens. Yield goes down means more note buyers. Typically meaning investor sentiment is down

TMDX chads still up. Never selling until they are bought out. :)

Redpill me on Bili, kinda looks like what I'm searching for, for the net 5 years or more

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are those boys

Naval architect here, if they would have slammed in the breaks and rammed straight into the iceberg the ship probably would have floated long enough to mount a rescue.



nice what is your strongest div stock

what is your credit score right now though
what do you even spend money on lol

That's understandable.

Thanks for the tip on RTX, user. We can have a nice celebration a few years from now.

>The yield curve doesn't take into account the government literally shutting down its own economy
why not? it has happened, so now the yield will take it into account.

Noooooo not my heckin golderino! Not my shiny borkin bar boi’s!

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Thanks for holding my bags, Mumu, I really appreciate it.

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vast majority of people that covid kills were a burden to the economy, not an asset.
>that's a mean thing to say, you cant say stuff that are obviously true if they're mean!

hi, PermaBull here

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>opec+ decide not to cut
Russia and Saudi know exactly what were they doing(destroying usa econemy during a crisis), now they are going pretend to meet , not to push their luck with orange man

Calls or puts

>closing long positions with DOW 25K coming next week

>Slammed on the brakes
>On a boat
Some naval engineer lamo

more than half of them would be bankrupt bullnig, this ain't airlines that we are talking about, there will be no bailouts.



Seeing this happen was my Corona chan goal. Seeing it in person would be best but i'll take the photo.

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>Toss a call to your chairman
>O market of plenty
>O market of plenty ooooh bobo
>Toss a call to your chairman
>O market of plentyyyyy

>At the end of the day
>fight the mighty bear
>that sells and shorts shares
>and makes you feel scared

>He ran through their stops
>prevented the drops
>He's a friend of the markets
>so give him some props

>And that's my epic tale
>A printer prevailed
>Defeated the bears
>Now on our yachts we will sail

>Toss a call to your chairman
>O market of plenty
>O market of plenty ooooh bobo
>Toss a call to your chairman
>O market of plentyyyyy

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we shall celebrate with our blood dividends

watching news about conflicts will never be the same for you, you'll be playing the "spot the missile" game and trying to figure out which bombs pay your dividends

it's quite based desu

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>boomer at my job who walked around the office every day screaming nothingburger is in ICU now

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you really want me to buy a natural gas stock bro...
a 10B natural gas company at a time like this
that's unexpected

>dying trader girlfriend
what kind of fetish is this?

I believe!

We can pick out some fun new doll parts with your extended lines of credit
Look at TAL like I posted in the last thred! I'm seriously getting sketched out about China dude, BILI looks a lot less fun all of a sudden

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>not also wearing the flippers
Might as well go ham

Ironically ramming the iceberg would have saved the titanic

It was built to crush through them like an icebreaker but by trying to avoid it they caused it to scrape along the side instead causing catastrophic damage

ok just remember not to kys when the prophecy comes true

I expect to make it back when it goes bigly sub 5k again

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wait boboro, we don't want to clown on them prematurely in case this shit turns out to be a simple correction. it should not have happened in the first place given the situation in murica, but the markets are fucked. lets wait untill we go back to 250 SPY regions before we start mocking the mumus

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not him but quick check shows they have a stake in Girls Frontline, Azur Lane, and Fate Grand Order. These are the 3 most popular gachas I know, there's also Granblue but the former 3 are insanely popular waifu games with very little cost.

The Final Fetish

Holy shit, your boss is Boris Johnson?

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What state are you in?

Yeah “slamming on breaks” is a literal term
Either you’re retarded or you drive like some wuhan chink

Everyone point and laugh at bulls

Right here

Because everything might go back to normal in a couple months, thus ending this indefinite uncertainty, and the economy will open up again. Long term projections can change on a dime the moment a vaccine is announced.

daily reminder that if your risk is equal to your reward while trading, you only have to be right more than half the time to be profitable. if your reward is double your risk, you could win 1 and lose 2 and still break even.

all that matters in this game are deciding on good entry points, and once you're in a position you let risk management handle the rest. that's literally all there is. some method to figure out a high probability setup, and then once you're in you set your risk and your reward and walk away, maybe scaling in/out depending on your style. it's all about entry points, and after you enter everything should just be about risk vs. reward.

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Smallcap down 0.5% already I'm feeling like those shorts I bought last minute are going to make me money tomorrow. Will have to wake up early and check pre market

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this is a woman btw, and I'm willing to bet a $100 she's a Q-tard


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What is this?
An ass body suit?

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I fear for the future anons. There's almost nothing left in the west, and I worry the east will also follow suit. Have any back-up interests and hobbies? Been doing SCUBA lately whenever I can.

>Implying US Oil will ever go away
>Implying the Saudis don't know better
>Not realizing Ruskis need Das Kapital
Sorry, user, the cut is coming and (You) are ngmi
see above

Saudis will absolutely not cut and Russia wont cut. Its just a distraction to make an effort for people who are upset.

Why the fuck did I listen to you niggers and sell SQQQ for SPXL? I need to go back to doing the opposite of whatever this board says, you’re no better than the fags at wsb.

>but it's too big to fail
GE was too big to fail, look at it now

nature-chan is cleaning up the gene pool, i love it.

god I want them to serve me omurice
"employee wrongdoing" doesn't sound like LK level fuckery, what's the story?
that's a man

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WE ARE +7%

Gotta love them. I made $900 between friday and today.

I'll see you all after the earnings report

anime and making money are all I need. I do personal fitness too but that's not really a hobby.
The east, especially japan, are much less open to western ideas than we are vice versa. I suggest watching retro anime or most series from the 00's.

>Moses: Hey Nibbas, put lambs blood on your door tonight or your first born is gonna die
>Also Religious Leaders: BAAAA Why is my first born dead???

Yes I like it if it opens above 24 tomorrow, those two buybacks on each 23 dip feels really bullish. Also USO will probably bounce of 5.00

This is kinda true but also a large part you forgot is that Saudis want USA to also agree to cut production which I guess messes with our country too. I have no idea if China needs to be a part of this or what.

Its going to be does Trump want to look politically good in 2020, look like he united for an oil deal Trump is a Big Shot on the world stage, results was SPY rose to 300 on 60 dollar oil, or does he want to help Average Joe save money on gas?

I decided to sell my puts at a tiny gain at noon and take a nap because I was completely unsure if we'd moon or crash.
Damn, she's still falling in after hours. SPY is where it was at market close yesterday.

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Nothing is too big to fail, and anything that legitimately is should be nationalized. Change my mind.

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user I'm speechless I never thought of it that way, so you're saying that if my risk is equal to my reward... I'm actually shaking right now. never thought of it that way... holy shit this might be the smartest thing anyone has ever come up with. I need to copy paste this somewhere. THANK YOU

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You Bearniggers just wait! Maybe we left the pump unattended for like half and hour.. minor mistake. Tomorrow back to bullbizness


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more cheapies!

Entry points are much easier than exit points. Especially hard letting that unrealized loss become realized.