Link marine here. I advice everyone to take Idena as side dish. It’ll pump nicely in the coming months.
Link marine here. I advice everyone to take Idena as side dish. It’ll pump nicely in the coming months
Other urls found in this thread:
This is reverse FUD
Link is main course
What the fook is Idena
Why are the devs anonymous? Seems shady.
Good review of Idena DNA here. warts and all.
Kek good fud
That's literally the essence of the coin, trustless kyc-less proof of identity. Lots of pseudonymous coins have done very well in this space, literally all of the successful privacy coins for starters.
Maybe because to make the system more decentralized? Like with bitcoin. You know bitcoin?
Even Bitcoin isn't decentralized at this point, as far as mining goes at least
>Over time, the validation of public blockchains got pooled in the hands of a few miners, making it easy to form cartels and distort governance. There are 13 controlling pools in Bitcoin, 20 distinct miners in Ethereum, and 21 block producers in EOS. Fifty percent of Ethers are owned by 400 addresses. The “Proof of Stake” mechanism will only make the distribution more extreme — the rich become richer. Such is the nature of money.
Token not needed
It's an entirely novel blockchain platform built from the ground up with a novel consensus method. ERC-20 tokens are "token not needed", ETH killers are "token not needed". This is neither.
It does
Why you just admit that token not needed?
The token is needed you tard. How can you pay out the sweet sweet UBI.
>successful privacy coins
The very, very few projects that have actually made it, you mean? This is not the arguments for why IDENA will succeed, nor is it the argument for why DNA the token will ever be of any use at all.
Since we know nothing about IDENA's team, their numbers, their location, their experience, their true intentions, you are making one hell of a stretch comparing it to a coin that dominates the market. DNA has less than a 1% chance of ever succeeding, provided that the team doesn't disappear first. They very easily could, you know. Nobody will be able to find them, ever.
It might be needed. I actually like the concept.
What I don't like is the quasi ponzi entry system (generating hype by limiting new members) and the fact that it has a potential infinite supply. infinite.
so...yeah. that's gonna be a no from me dawg.
>the constant sale pressure will make the price go up!
Idena has done everything extremely professional till now. Its less of a scam than most projects who have their team listed on there page. They haven’t done any marketing ever. It listed earlier than expected, they didn’t plan to list it until Q3 when their main net comes out. For now It has a working testnet which is better than most projects with a main net in this space. Their github has been updated everyday for a month since i started checking. The community consists of based developers who created bots and stuff for Idena. Also code in github has been reviewed by many coders who all say its good and clean. Not even talking about the revolutionary idea they have implemented.
There’s a limit because the demand for nodes has grown higher than the supply, because more and more people are discovering this project. Within 2-3 validation rounds all the new nodes will become verified and the supply of invitation codes will be increased and thus the demand will be met.
Also there are certain mechanisms in place to prevent dumping like a stake wallet. A wallet where a part of your income goes from running a node and of which you can only reach the coins in it when you kill the node. Besides that the amount of Nodes is increasing fast, so the stakes is getting spread across more nodes so less selling pressure.
Idena memes suck
If somehow this project is a success, which is a big if in this space, where projects drop like flies left and right every day, what would make the DNA token useful? As it stands right now, the DNA token is not being used for anything, aside from pure speculative gambling, like pretty much any trash coin with no value out there.
Like, for real, would you be willing to drop $15,000 on a DNA token right now?
same with bitcoin, don't hear anyone bitch and complain though
This. I'm more excited about Idena right now than I was about Chainlink when I bought my LINK stack 2 years ago. It's honestly an amazing project.
This is a scam shitcoin, stay far way
As i said it was supposed to list on an official exchange on Q3 when the main net comes out, but Qtrade decided to list it without any fee now, so its a little early still. Besides that its a completely new type of system, so there of course aren’t much new use-cases yet, they have yet to be discovered still. So for now there are already a couple UBI, onchain advertising, staked-collateralized loans, electronic democracies, courts etc. But as i said the design is really unique and cool. I think overtime with creativity there will be many new use-cases one would’ve never thought of.
Example of another guy from the community adding something useful:
Where do you buy this?
It's listed on qtrade
Well luckily Idena's sole purpose isn't to be a meme generator unlike another popular biz coin.
Please stop associating my Idena with this shitcoin.
Getting Nano vibes
Great work whoever he/she is
It amazes me how people on their own are showing such a dedication and commitment to a cause whose TIME, maybe, has come
Does anyone have a invite left? would appreciate it .
stop talking in code faggot, spill it.
it's an useles 2018 coin that they spam here to scam newbies
This coin started end of 2019 faggot. You couldn’t even buy it until a few months ago.
ill seriously pay the shilling team thats responsible for IDENA.
seriously post a protonmail someone
Look with open eyes bizfag or clean something small inside your useless head--something called a Brain.....Then look again....
how many coins are available for this coin?
It’s unironically a solid coin and seems better than a lot of projects in this space despite being new. It’s a risk as is any investment in crypto but there’s much more upside to this than most projects being shilled
i have a separate project im recruiting for (just shilling) please drop a line
It’s probably a pajeet scamcoin, fuck off
why people hould buy this coin? The only people who win are the faggots doing flipping
Doesn't fit the proper shape, not a worthy coin.
What is the purpose of the coin? Why Mr X average joe should buy it?
no answer. Lol. Pajeeta coin
>I wasn't spoonfed in exactly 4 minutes
>it's a scam
still no use of case
>use of case
Okay Ranjesh
>he still didn't tell me why this project is useful
There have been numerous posts in multiple threads answering this question you keep asking Rankesh.
So it's tokenomics are steaming curry shit.
Infinite supply.
Ponzi'd early adopters earn massive amounts as the network grows.
If Nvidia used their AI power they could end the Idena project in half a day.
I’m excited for the pink wojaks to come. All volume is fake. Maybe $5k of it is real. Sorry pajeets Kys.
>b-but m-muh vitalik
I’m in, stinky - can you hit me with an invite code? [email protected]
Also posting on the discord, but I already have the node going - and a ton of flips made - and just want to get on with it
>Besides that its a completely new type of system, so there of course aren’t much new use-cases yet, they have yet to be discovered still. So for now there are already a couple UBI, onchain advertising, staked-collateralized loans, electronic democracies, courts etc.
I don't see how this blockchain is necessary when you can recreate these things with smart contracts.
Not an argument. Anyone with a brain knows CSW is Satoshi.
Where do you even buy this? I tried to get an invite to mine but I didnt have a thot as my TG avatar and everyone ignored me.