The white man's Scarface

The white man's Scarface

Let's face it, this movie inspired you to get into this.

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I can't watch that faggot dikaprio
taxation is theft
that is what made it for me

This is a shitty reddit tier movie. Pi is way better

>get into this
youre a stockbroker?

He'd hire you both

Your goldfish would get eaten

great movie

Hello fed

See? Life mimics art

t. indian streetshitter

No, I keep reality and fiction apart.

Pi, not Life of Pi retard

It’s reddit

WTF is Pi. I was used to be a stockbroker AMA

probably, but hes still. a shifty kike. also big short is better

no it didnt, and honestly it was kind of a shitty movie

felt like an imitation of a scorsese film

This movie unironically ONLY inspired me to do more cocaine.
Only retarded niggers see someone trading penny stocks over a corded phone in 1980 and think they can translate that to profit today.

If you see though the lines and avoid all the degeneracy, The Wolf of Wall Street is a top tier movie.

>the whole fucking movie is about degeneracy

>this movie inspired you to get into this.
It was Robert Kiyosaki actually
The wagie life path is not going to work for me

That's why they come to Yas Forums

Wall Street got me into investing

Gekko is literally an American hero, if you think otherwise, see pic

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michael "184 IQ" burry > jordan "the scam" belfort

Not really. What inspired me to get into this is having been a millionaire already, and getting into crypto. Which has worked phenomenally. So why give it up now, when it is just about to get real interesting?

It was part of the reason. Great movie!

>literally just trying to sell penny stocks to average people who dont understand anything
yeah what a great job

Is BTC halving a buy or sell event? History repeats itself yes?

Pi (1998) Official Trailer

Fuck off Op.
Actually this boomer lizard influenced me.

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Who knows. It looks like it for sure. But there are no guarantees. That goes pretty much for everything though. The times ahead will be interesting for sure though

This is the movie that got me into this.

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zoomers should watch it

The only wallstreet movies I ever liked were the Big Short and that one with Michael Douglas

I'm German raised in Miami, but I liked Scarface more?

I never watched it

This movie should *inspire* you to not be a primitive sense craving degenerate chasing material things

Funny coming from Yas Forums

zoomers should also watch cube

It's okay to be white hans

good movie to see how not to behave and how to straight your morals right

Imagine coming to Yas Forums to convince others that you do not want to be anything else than a 24 year old money crazed multimillionaire

Never saw it

>Let's face it, this movie inspired you to get into this
Actually, it was The Big Short and my personal financial ruin in 2010. I wanted to destroy from within the system that left me penniless and unable to take care of my parents at their time of need.

I watched this movie with my ex girlfriend

She said "She'd totally fuck leonardo dicaprio" or some shit like that. Then I asked her, "What if he wanted you to be his girlfriend?" She was like "I'd leave you".

I swear to god this happened.

BTC whale forever. A literal mountain of cocaine. Alps shit. Infinite everything. God I'm the greatest motherfucker to ever put on shoes.

Darren Aronofsky's first film (or one od his firsts?). Fantastic film.

You mean to tell me you find it surprising that your significant other would leave you for a celebrity multimillionaire?

Are you surprised? Be glad your ex was honest with you cuck

Every single girl is like this.

Listen schmuck, like you wouldn't leave that fumpy ugly ex of yours for Margot Robie? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA THE FUCKING DELUSION OF SOME PEOPLE HERE

He even literally calls himself a degenerate in the movie lmao

What type of leading indicators do you use?
Have you changed the indicators to suit the rise of the credit markets driving price?
Pi is excellent along with the majority of Aronofsky's flicks

Actually this one did

Because I want to live in a world where I am above the law, spend my free time lifting and eating fancy food, and don't need to actually do any work.

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Despite that writer/director's penchant for snarky, smug *wink wink**nudge nudge* on-the-nose characters and melodrama, The Big Short is a good way to get normies to realize just how badly we got fucked by banks in an entertaining way. Inside Job is better and more specific, but it's also a documentary and normies hate docs.

Scarface is the white man's Scarface. This movie was only worth 1 watch and Leo is overrated as an actor. I love Scorsese but who gives a shit about this one

This. I already made bank with crypto, my next goal is to enter my country's foreign service so I can have diplomatic immunity too. That's how you are above the law.

Sacrface is how niggers want to live the dream and inspired brown hordes to become a crime statistic.
Wolf of wall street is how humans want to live the dream and inspired young white men to look into the stock market.

This is a scientific fact.

(((>young white men)))

Actually this is a gay 50iq rap fantasy but for white teens.


Which part of "white man's scarface" did you not understand?

I watched Inside Job first actually. It led me to The Big Short. I didn't get fired up until The Big Short.

When the shit crashed, I legit thought it was just the Americans overspending that caused the crisis, myself included. I wondered what kind of financial misstep I had taken for this to happen. Maybe my mortgage was out of my range and should've expected my business (carpentry) to not last in this day and age. I was able to live off of my savings and credit card for a couple years until everything fell apart.

Now I only feel rage against the system. Fuck these finance faggots. Fuck them all. I wish we could gut them on pay-per-view and send the proceeds to the needy. To those who never recovered from 2008 and are facing the crisis once more.