
Bears are back edition

Paste in.!;8/8$3;’dki’

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Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q="Fauci or the Jews"&src=trend_click

thank you for your service

Is Boris Johnson dying in the next 24 hours priced in?

Good times. Market is flying higher, the virus is showing signs of peaking, I'm getting paid my full salary to just sit on my ass at home and watch workplace training videos every so often and it's nice outside. What could be better?

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If social distancing only slows the spread then shouldn't the spread explode the moment we go back to normal?

why is CAT mooning? infrastructure bill anticipation?

SQQQ with 4k in good idea now frens?
I am long in oil with 10k and need a counter weight.

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Welcome to the modern economy

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social distancing didn't do jack shit to the spread so nothing whatsoever is going to happen when we go back to normal

>no excuse for flagrant racism
>chinks have caused a worldwide pandemic due to incompetence, have come close too at least one time we know of in the past, likely have swept several potential pandemics under the rug, and historically have been the origin of several diseases that cause pandemics
why is twitter filled with brain dead invalids

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What would be a good ETF for US construction companies? Maybe even specialized on infrastructure.

I should have never bought sqqq...

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Definitely the infrastructure bill.

migrate from this shit thread

click button
where have you been all my life

I know one of BJ's kids.They said that BJ is not doing very well, will be one of the deaths of Coronavirus. Family and media are trying to keep everything quiet to avoid panic and political turmoil but outlook is NOT good. i believe it because most people who are in his condition do not make it out, and the british media is very good at hiding the truth

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Are you completely certain it will tank tomorrow? If yes, then sure. Otherwise avoid it like the plague

I am financially crabbing

I like this new normal though. Less traffic, working 30 hours a week for the same pay as 40, cheap gas. This shit is amazing, I want to go on forever.

Whats its leverage?

I know one of BJ's kids.They said that BJ is doing very well, blood will be used to cure Coronavirus. Family and media are trying to keep everything quiet to avoid markets mooning and political tranquility but outlook is VERY good. i dont believe it because most people who are in his condition do not make it out, and the british media is very bad at hiding the truth

If there's no anime OP I'm not bumping.


Based Bill

Why did so many first-time Zoomer investors get sucked into LK?

Normies btfo with their first taste of the market.

Attached: 2827_zoomer_rage.png (256x256, 42.48K)

Right-wing business cycle in one pic. Brilliant.

Based, I would hire this guy off the street if I saw him.

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/SMG/bros, any other way you guys make money outside wageslaving?
Currently budgeting and putting in as much as I can in stocks.

who has time to care about issues like that when people are dying like flies and looters are at your doorstep? all he wants is twitter points.

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>open racism
Bullish sign.

learn how to day trade based on technical analysis.

Is it okay to feel bad for the person on the other end of your option when they've already hit the strike and the stock went far beyond?

Attached: my strike price.jpg (277x182, 8.22K)

Learn how to day trade based on your sun sign

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You can try being a small time landlord but you have to be good at DIY and follow building codes.

I dont think i make nearly enough to buy a house.
I make about 2500 a month, I was thinking about starting up an e-commerce/dropship shop to get some extra cash but hopefully you guys can give me some extra options

w-wha? How?

>Bears are back edition

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It can be easier to cut expenses rather than add revenue. Have you minimized your living costs and monthly expenses?

>money hit the broker yesterday but everything keeps fucking pumping.
God damnit.

nice "bull run" fucktards. can't even pass +3%.
this is gonna dump end of day and tomorrow is RED

Um... guys, is Twitter redpilled on Fauci and the Jews??
twitter.com/search?q="Fauci or the Jews"&src=trend_click

Attached: FauciOrTheJews.png (360x136, 12.82K)

Here we are Yas Forumstards

EOD pump or dump?

>"At least..."
>"I wasn't"

thx chx

Plot twist, he served in Korea (against Chinks) and the chinks killed all his buddies.

actually he's referring to chinks in armor, thanking them for making it possible to kill the wearer

i'm learning

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Who says bears are back, it doesn't look like it

they let this shit go world wide on purpose to drag everyone else down with them

well the fucked up because australia cured it

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maybe this is a dumb question, but if I buy a stock in a corrupt company doing illegal things, how much can I be screwed over? the worst that can happen is that the price of the stock goes to zero, right? I won't go to jail as an owner, right? right?

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Luckin Coffee?

how dumb am I?

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>>no excuse for flagrant racism

People are now indoctrinated that racism is the worst sin in the cult religion that is the political left. These people are 10 times more ignorant and brainwashed than the Christians they love to mock.

You're stock is wortheless.

this hits another way

You're a fucking idiot. Stockholders don't go to jail for investing in a business that does shady shit since they aren't involved in day-to-day operations, you stupid fuck.

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Energy and RTX bros am I set?

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When religious morals and ethics collapsed in the west, obsession with racism is what took its place. Twitter guy is just trying to signal that he's a good and moral person given the values of his time. These are the same types of people who were accusing other people of witchcraft three centuries ago.

bros i just wanna not work for the rest of my life and I dont need nice things i just want a meager existence in the backwoods of a flyover state


updated DEW calendar

>These are the same types of people who were accusing other people of witchcraft three centuries ago.

Absolutely. These guys only care about social acceptance and how they can use having the correct views to climb in social status. If the Nazis took over this type of person would be the first one goose stepping.

When LK resumes, I hope I don't get JUST'd.

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huh, image didnt' attached, tried reposting it and now its saying i can't have a duplicate image

lets try this again

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Any vol/gamma scalpers in here?

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In these hard economic times, is this bullish?

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