Why are people under the impression that the economy will be restored within a month or two?

Why are people under the impression that the economy will be restored within a month or two?

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They don't teach economics in school

Because markets are going up

>market going up means economy will be restored

oh no no no!!

Because we are basically a Black Country now


That's about it, really

It's a clown world I know

No one is saying that. Not even people who are super bullish on stocks right now.

pent up demand

Honestly wondering the same thing. I've been working from home for a small business, and some orders just came in that need to be shipped from the post office. Someone from work keeps calling and asking if I've taken stuff to the post office while simultaneously my state keeps saying each day was the highest increase of COVID cases on record, and the CDC says you probably shouldn't go to the grocery store unless it's an emergency. People are just trying to act like life is normal because they're going to fucking lose their minds otherwise.

nothing burger

because fearmongers were memeing about people falling dead on the streets in china
now it's evident that situation is closer to nothingburger than actual happening

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Because the stock market defeated the virus you fucking ninny

Because Trump is the president and Trump is a successful businessman.

Yea but think about how many lives we saved by social distancing and sheltering in place and how many more lives we could have saved if we acted sooner If not for President Trump. We all got blindsided by the fear mongering and I blame Yas Forums

Well they do teach economics, but it's in American public schools


Literally artificial panic over a flu

Thank Vishnu for BSV

we're in textbook denial.

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Lmao. Waiting for reality to set in. No way 10+ million unemployed get a job in under 1 months times. Plus all the others who've gone unemployed last week. Heck I wasn't expecting it to double. If this doubles up again it might set it in stone that even if stocks are going up, unemployment is going up meaning valuations should go down as revenue goes down. Albeit the market is behaving irrationally so a possibilty that the real dump doesnt start for a few months is there. Heck most recent estimates show that in 2018, about 155 million were employed. If another 5 million go unemployed on the upcoming weekly report then we're at 10% unemployment according to those 2018 numbers (no idea for 2019 numbers as they are estimates).

because every country is printing free money for their citizens.

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Here's what retards like you don't understand - it's not true unemployment. Almost everyone has been temporarily laid off while this goes on and is collecting an unemployment check and as soon as the restrictions are lifted they're getting their jobs right back. I literally can not name one small business, let alone major business that has closed it's doors right now meaning true unemployment. This shit has a month left at most and then you're going to be sitting there crying about how rigged everything is.

because no one will give a shit about this, no one has this much freetime or cash reserve. we will wear those fucking masks for the sake of hypocrisy and hope we don't die, but sure as fuck i won't stay home and be scared that i might die if i go outside, and i am even more sure that i won't eat fucking bread and kidney beans all day, i will hit those restaurants baby and will take at least 2 tables to secure my 1.5 meters of safe space

70+ year olds don't contribute to the economy anyway, and death rate below 70 year olds is like >1%. And this period of time will also burn off a crapload of shitty companies.

Thus in the long term this will only benefit the economy.

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Because they achieved what the wanted. People will now accept a greater level of control before the bad flu breaks out again.

And if fact, old people are detrimental to the economy. They hoard most of the wealth, while simultaneously contributing nothing.

I don't think you realize how often economists are wrong.

Because America is filled with literal 85 IQ mutts that worship an orange kike and parrot any media they consume without question in order to serve the interests of Israel.

How do people still not understand that the value of stocks isn't a reflection of actual economic conditions but rather what the average normie believes?

We unironically are in an eternal bull market unless or until the entire economic system of the United States collapses and even then guess what? Stocks for most large corporations will likely keep going. Don't forget the entire concept of the stock market isn't even 150 years old, not even the "experts" can predict this shit because things such as the rate at which information spreads due to the internet just being one example has radically changed how these functions operate even over the course of a couple years. Nobody buys stocks as a true investment anymore, not in the usual sense of the world. They all buy in hopes that big number go up over time. And as long as people believe it will keep going up it will.

So tell me, when will there ever be a point in time where people stop thinking the dollar value of stocks will go up? There won't be

lol come on brainlet think harder. Do you really, REALLY think that all these shitty small businesses running on razor thin margins and sitting on mountains of debt are going to hire everyone back next month? Many are going to stay closed, many are going to re-open with a fraction of the original staff, and many others are going to take this chance to automate things like cashiers. Welcome to the new way things work.

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So idiots, who worked for poorly run companies, will not be employed anymore. Or in other words, morons who didn't contribute, will continue to not contribute.

How is this a problem?

Shill spotted

99% of businesses were running on margins and debt because you couldn't compete otherwise

>Why are people under the impression that the economy will be restored within a month or two?
Because clown world.
Economic theories are nothing more but comic books.

Yes I really do think they will hire people back. They're getting their own free money from the gov and life is a couple of weeks to going back to normal

>poorly run companies
yes uh huh
>will not be employed anymore
okay yes he gets it
>morons who didn't contribute
aw fuck you were doing so well

Do you really think all the shitty local bars/restaurants/clothing stores/venues/art galleries etc etc. weren't contributing? Or at least, do you think the people being paid by those businesses weren't "contributing" in some way to the greater economy?

>No government has enough test
>Oh shit the mortality rate is very high !

Of course it is high if the measured number of infected is 100-1000x lower than reality because there are not enough tests

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They provide services and goods people are willing to pay for. So yeah they do contribute, it's just that they are mismanaged and this is made okay by bailouts. In a free market, shit businesses with shit products and shit capital/debt management would disappear quickly and their employees would wind up in better run companies.

So which important companies will go under then?

No, that local faggot barista wasn't contributing anything meaningful to my life. And new bars and restaurants will open in the ruins of the old one. I feel 0 attachment to any of those businesses.

Successful, well run, companies will have the means to go through this crisis. Or they will adapt, by selling clothes online or whatever. Some 24 year old faggot selling second hand clothes doesn't have a meaningful impact on my life.

What pisses me off is insolvent companies being propped up with endless central banking cartel monopoly money because they would rather further annihilate chances for future economic prosperity than suffer a loss to their 401k number. We are in such a bad situation with the everything bubble popping and a pandemic on top of it. The market needs a long bear session to cool off, for shit companies to go insolvent and for things to be reorganized. The longer this clown market goes on the worse it's going to be

Not two, maybe 5 or 6.
Infrastructure is still there. Well, considering the high number of deaths and less pressure on the social security money, perhaps 6 mo.

"This shit has a month left at most "
Why do you think this

>People are just trying to act like life is normal because they're going to fucking lose their minds otherwise.
Of course they are, born and bred slaves have an incredibly hard time relaxing and doing nothing.
That being said, no one will actually lose their minds. They just say or think they do. The ones actually killing themselves over this had way deeper rooted problems.

Lol as if your life matters enough for the local barista to contribute to it. Don't be all retarded and act like consumers spending money has nothing to do with economic health. Do you really think banks are going to lend money out to people that think it's a bright idea to open a new restaurant right now??

Meme charts sometimes work and sometimes don't.
Do you think the person that conjured up this chart knew about the BRRRRRRRRRing occuring this time beforehand?
Highly... well... unlikely ain't it?

you think a virus will end global progress.

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Yes actually they will. They will either hire people on next month or go shut down. If you owned a small business which would you do? And that user's right, businesses haven't actually laid people off the term they use is "standby" which is some onions shit I know, but that's what they're calling it now in corporate speak. This is a unique time, comparing what we're seeing to a mass layoff is blatantly false yet every doomer I see runs with this because they WANT it to be true. The reality is once things die down even if a million people die it will be business as usual. Even if 2 million die that's nothing in the grand scheme of things.

You actually think small businesses WONT hire people after the boomer remover runs it's course? Technological development happens slowly over time, it doesn't just pop up out of nowhere and grab everyone by the balls because people are resistant to change, especially the boomers in charge. Your ideas are full of contradictions my dude, shouldn't call other people retarded because it comes off as projection

If that restaurant idea is from your average moron, than no. If the restaurant idea comes from someone with a proven track record, someone who understands that home delivery is important, someone who actually offers value through an innovative product, then yes.

>believing this meme
Most countries will rather end their respective shutdown prematurely and leave it to the people to find jobs again than to actually give their citizens direct monetary assistance.
The big banks, institutions and multinationals already have their bailouts and money injections guaranteed however.
But actually thinking that the financial system wants to give the common person any sorts of nice things just shows how freaking bluepilled some people are imo.

Found the guy who
A) Wants it to go up but likely hasn't gone all in on stocks.
B) Wants it to go up to prove he is right even though he is too scared to go all in

If you're so sure why not post a pic of you going all in? That's right you won't because you aren't 100% sure. Whereas I don't as I clearly see it as manipulation meaning betting up or down I'll get screwed. But hey you don't believe there is any manipulation so why not go all in now on companies like airliners and cruiseliners. Easy 5x in less than 1 month according to yourself. Hell take out a loan since you're so sure of yourself.

I live in Jersey, at the very epicenter of the outbreak in the US. I hear sirens all the time, some ambulances sped past me. There are bodies being stacked to the ceiling in hospitals 60 miles north of me in NYC, but people go about their normal routine. Half of these fucking retards aren't wearing masks.
I go out sometimes to see how people are reacting in my CBRN hazard mask and get glared at. People who aren't wearing masks give me the shittiest looks. Some even laugh. One nigger wanted to take my picture. IT ISN'T A FUCKING JOKE.

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Seriously, could you reduce the LARPshitting for a bit?
>sirens all the time
>boedies being stacked to the ceiling
>wanting to make us believe that you actually leave the house

Oh okay great: home delivery. Automatically lower overhead than a full on restaurant. Automatically lower staff requirements. Automatically fewer jobs available. I'm really not sure how you don't see this.

Lol come on friendo, you know just as well as I do that boomers are the first to cut employees if they see a benefit in it for themselves. All these people running over leveraged businesses are going to take this opportunity to reduce their number one expense: payroll.

Because there's not enough attention span from the majority of people living.

People will forget there was an issue and will continue as normal, regardless of conditions and logic.

critically underrated

Wishful thinking and self delusion.

Shit, man, how is it possible? Im from a 3rd world country and more than half of the ppl here are using some kind of ppe. Back in march normies would react negatively to masks and gloves, but NOW? We are used to it already. How come your people are being so fucking irresponsible?

Sure they'll cut out a lot of employees but they won't be shutting their doors. Right now so many people are filing for unemployment is because they know the government is going to give them gibs. Automation will happen sure, and I wish it was sooner rather than later but we both know boomers will kick and scream until their dying breath to keep things the way they are, brainlets are adverse to change.

Frankly the only way to get them to change business models is when they see someone else doing it and making more profit than them

top quality post

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