This angers the Yas Forums browser


Attached: Udklip.png (181x129, 2.57K)

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why im not a janny

Is pemdas wrong?

8/2 is 4.
4 x 2 + 2 is 10.
The answer should be 10.
Am I retarded or is the image fake?

Attached: 1463265598656.jpg (312x446, 38.02K)

based retard gorilla nigger

First '+' sign is broken.

You are retarded
Pemdas is not wrong but multiplication/division has the same priority and is done left to right. Addition/subtraction has the same priority and is done left to right.

what seems to be the problem?

16 is correct

Add: (2+2)
8 / 2 x 4
Work form left to right: 8 / 2 = 4
4 x 4 = 16

Faggot OP is confused by elementary math

this fucking nigger calculator fucked me up yeserday lmao

BASIC math. How this angers anyone is beyond me.


Attached: ujfuyju.png (136x190, 3.61K)

OP BTFOs himself. This is a rare one.

Why yes user, 8/8 = 1

Modern day brainlets raised on public education think that math is notation or plugging numbers into equations
Math is a language and the notation in OPs pic reads like shit.

Attached: AE127E33-A132-4A1C-A1A5-973EDE4CB6BE.gif (480x270, 2.94M)

2+2 is 4, 8/2 is 4, 4x4 is 16. This board is seriously dumb.

8 apples divided between 8 people
Why yes its 16 apples!

In my opinion this question is not about intelligence but knowledge. You need to know the rules. This is not a creative thinking problem. Without knowledge of the rules you cannot get the correct answer. Knowledge is not proof of intelligence.

Based Euler poster

The fuck is PEMDAS?
Can't tell if trolling or not.

8 over 2(2+2)
is not the same as 8/2(2+2)

(8)/(2+(2+2)) is what you see in the second pic.

as in he's pretending to take the bait or he's wrong about the numbers?

Hey retard
is the same as
You don't devide 8 by 2 first. 2 is multiplied by 4 before that number divides 8.
The fuck is Yas Forums really a bunch of fucking Indians?

ok you're trolling.

brackets first, so 2+2 = 4

that leaves you with both division and multiplication, which are equal in importance at which point you go left to right

8/2 = 4
4*4 = 16


Nobody knows what PEMDAS is. It's completely impossible to google.

You sound like the type who unironically uses (((limits))) in math


8/16 = 0.5


nope. multiplication and division are the same priority. you do it left to right.
I don't care what some math teacher says. In every single programming language on the earth its done this way. It's always been multiplication and division on the same tier, you resort to left -> right.

this video could actually get someone killed. look at the 747 max. fuck you.

parenthesis, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction.

Parenthesis: (2+2) = 4
Exponents: its 1
Multiplication: 2(4) = 8
Devision:8/8 = 1
no addition no subtraction.


this PEMDAS shit is a scam and proven not to work

You are correct, the answer is 10

Attached: unknown.png (140x70, 2.73K)

wait what. did you even watch the whole video?
he agreed with me. he circled 16. im so fucking confused now bro.

You have to tell a computer to put that extra parenthesis there, but you follow proper order of operations and 8/2(2+2) is still 1.
Because the order of operations demands you multiply 2 by (2+2) before that result is used to divide 8.

dude watch the video you linked.
wait until he circles a number.

like. he explains it. he explains that you go left to right because multiplication and division are on the same level.
you posted it. you linked the video.

2(2+2) is a distributive property and need to be solved first.

lol he needs videos to explain his fallacies

Here's a better video then faggot

Do people ITT seriously not understand that multiplication and division are the same operation?

None of this is going to help make you money.

I didn't post it.

multiplication = division.
left to right. the parenthesis are already dealt with.
its 16. he even says in the comments.

thanks for linking two videos backing up reality and blowing yourself out. try watching what you post before you post it.

>doesn't know what is PEMDAS
gee, how's the pump and dump squad user?

this is the only correct answer
everyone else here has pajeet tier education

PEMDAS doesn't anger anyone with a three digit IQ

2+2 = 4
8/2 = 4
4 x 4 = 16

This. almost doubted myself for a minute there but parentheses are to eliminated first. First you solve what you can within the parentheses, then you eliminate them wholly if you can, from there you divide. There's your answer.

do you not read from left to right?

A few weeks ago a thread was made with a simple math question named "90% of Yas Forums will get this wrong" and it proceded into a huge shitfit and i then made another thread with this image and like 3 retards sperged in it wonderfully i might add. But yeah the answer is 16 the people who think it's 1 is because the question is lined up differently but yes if it was lined up differently it would be 1 but it's placed in a specific way that makes it only possible to be 16


This lmao jesus christ. You do the brackets (2+2=4). Then multiplication is 2*4=8

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Whenever I have trouble with people incorrectly setting up their equation or using parenthesis wrong, I set it up in LISP style.
(/ 8 (* 2 (+ 2 2)))
Theres no way to set it up so it = 16 (not easily at least). Always go with prefix/polish notation, it will solve your problems, and add extra parenthesis to make things clearer if you want to.

(2+2) = 4
8/2 = 4
4*4 = 16

What's the problem?

The only acceptable answer is 1.

Division and multiplication are on the same plane so you would go from left to right after doing the parenthesis


2+2 =4
4x2 =8
the correct answer is 1



I'm wondering how many tests I've been marked wrongly for simply because test grader was one or the other of the above.