/smg/ - Stock Market General

Chotto matte u lookin kawaii AF my nigenpai edition


>Stock market words

>Risk management

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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>boeing now also closes south carolina manufacturing
>may issue new stocks to raise money
>moons 8%
Boeing is airplane shitcoin

>All the signs were there
>I didn't buy

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Is this market srly so easy to make money? Neither a bull nor a bear, but this shit is too easy. Another 8%+ on the horizon

AMD will hit hit $50 today, I can feel it.

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What's mad thad up to nowadays?

So many people are buying shorts it’s just sending the price up and up

SPY 50k eom, stocks really are shot coins now and this s our 2017 bull run

made 50k off of americas fake pump so far. nice.
can't wait to triple of quadruple that when dump comes end of this month

Is the crisis over guys?

Gold stocks are mooning right now and I got a few calls for May. Should I cash in and buy some regular stonks?

Award for dumbest comment in the previous thread goes to... user! For being a trader for 2 years (apparently) and not even understanding what the fuck stock market is.

>still no argument

Down 30% on SQQQ. Should I cut my losses and buy SSO?


Hopefully still in jail where he belongs
Blast from the past, though. Haven't seen CP USB nigga in time

if someone dies in a hospital but you fail to report it, were they ever alive?

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how stupid am i for fomoing into long now

there people ITT RIGHT NOW that missed a generational bottom

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On that note if you're so smart then why not give me straight answer? I mean this guy did , and made a point.

Longs are fine now but you should wait for the Thursday dump.
Actually DCAing ANYTHING right now should be done at EOW dumps


Why will market dump on Thursday?

He sold?

Nobody wants to hold bags over a 3 day weekend

I bought spxs yesterday.
I am afraid.

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Yes. Don't hold that shit when it turns the wrong way. Learn to do technical analysis. t. day trader that buys both bullish and bearish etf's every trading day

>when it turns the wrong way.
I mean, when the trend changes, exit the position.

Any news on oil deal? shoulnt it be today?

I bought puts on Lyft and Uber yesterday.
I am indifferent desu.

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Sorry, let me rephrase. Should I sell tomorrow or wait for EOW dump?


>making money from this fake and gay pump

Casino stock puts at open, I am a bull but we are going to see more downside either later this week or next

and you all laughed at me when I all-in bought yesterday and advised you to do the same
tatoo this on your forehead: THE SP500 WILL NEVER FALL BELOW 2600 AGAIN

I'd sell today and cut my losses.

Get a trip

I already gave you the answer to that question in the last thread (again your indicating how dumb you are). The short answer is I find your stupidity offense. Other's are not so mean.

I see it like this: why the fuck should I explain something to you that you're too lazy to google and instead tax other people's time for out of arrogance.

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any fresh pic of this gentlemen now he is out of prison?

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>Prime minister in hospital on life support
>FTSE up 3.5%

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>One special person sick
>Why isn't the whole stock market going down?
Is this how Yas Forums thinks?

I like boris, but he's just one person.

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It’s gonna pump more today and tomorrow, I doubt it’ll dump to today’s lows again on Thursday

Now is a good time to invest in WAVES and ETH.

>Is this how Yas Forums thinks?
Just the dumb bears


Thanks. Painful, but I'll sell and pick up SSO.

Its political instability, at a time of crisis already

Imagine missing the most predictable bottom in the history of stock markets


nooooo -35% isn't enough, it has to fall -9001%!

Lmao you're that typical retard who thinks he's smart but can't give a straight answer once you ask him a fucking question.

Honestly this is such an obvious pump of retail bulls and shitty algos. FOMO is going to keep harvesting bulls. It has done this the past 3 weeks.

I bought this shit yesterday, should I just market sell it on the open and pretend it never happened? Is the valuation on the screen accurate, how can the value of my put be calculated if the market is closed?

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>should I just market sell it on the open and pretend it never happened?

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What makes you so confident of this?

What is the most economicaly viable way to kys myself?

All in on Zoom

You might even break even if you jump into soxl

Last chance to pick up semi-cheap call options for september.

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Should I take my profit and sell this ?

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>SOXL up 30%
This fucking market makes no sense.

walk into the ocean with bricks tied to your body. fish will eat you, and nobody has to clean you up

I don’t question it, I hopped on at $90 yesterday and am riding it to the bank


ask yourself - how much is enough, and how much happier will you be

05/22 2150 put on SPX
I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing. Apparently it's down 20% since yesterday according to the valuation on my trading account. How is it calculating this value if the market is closed? Has it priced in the inevitable green dildo on opening, or is this shit going to go even lower once market opens?

This is literally the first time I've traded options or boomerstocks

you can't go broke turning a profit.

>the joke airline stock I bought is now nearly green
The secret to running a successful business all along was to not actually do business.

it probably looks at futures. I also cant sell my shit since it's worth 0.0. I can however buy it for 0.02...

well i had 30k saved up in savings for a nice down payment, not planning on buying a house since waiting for the market to crash. Still have 6k for emergency funds. Mostly going to put it in energy and go long. Blogging this and screencapping it so i can feel regret a year from now

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Jk, I'm stil up 25% but I was +200% at one point...

Price Is always changing, some brokers let you buy/sell from 4am to 8pm

that being said why not just use a trailing stop order?

then stop complaining, pussy

part 2 of suicide blog

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