Obviously very few people stack but out of those who do what do you think an average silver stack is in ounces?
What do you think the average stacker has in silver?
how many grains of sand are there in a beach?
The average stacker? On Yas Forums probably around 50oz or so with a few anons having far larger stacks. The average person, literally 0 oz desu
I think most people either have a fatass stack or a small
Didn't realize that t b h autos to desu..
Will people actually trade these for goods and services?
Seriously. Money is about to be defunct like literal physical cash. These are shiny I guess but they cost the same "money"that they represent.
Sure it's silver but who the fuck really cares. It's like yea it's dollars but who the fuck really cares.
I think you normys should really think a little harder.
What's a fatass stack to you?
at least 100
I'm at 400oz of silver and 2.5oz of gold.
All silver is in 100oz bouillons.
I said of people who actually stack
You kidding me? That's like shit for a fatass stack.
I think 100 is fine, but its a starter pack...I think 200 is when you start crossing over into make it territory
Stacklet among stacklets reporting in. Literally just received this 1oz Australian silver dollar in the mail 10 minutes ago, the first PM I ever have owned.
I think 400oz is the sweet spot for silver...obviously more is better but I think this will be well more than enough. I would love to know out of everyone who stacks in america who has 50 ounces or above....what percentile that person with 400 ounces of silver would be at.
1000 oz is the rule of thumb. Since that is 30 years worth of labor.
PMs will always hold value
thats 14 blowjobs
I would have to say that the average stacker could have anywhere between 100-300 oz.
Ok, what kind of silver then.
nah...I think for things to balance out relatively nicely I think 100 ounces of silver HAS to be a lot, post meltdown. How many people actually have 1,000 ounces of silver out of people who stack? I'd guess 5%?
how does it make you feel?
>Will people actually trade these for goods and services?
100 oz really isnt much. It's better than 99% of normies, but it's like 2 grand(oh that was old prices lol)
Nice, I've bought mine all at the Perth mint. Called them the other day to check up on another order and they say they aren't selling any silver anymore, besides the 1kg bars. Must be similar in other parts of the country if that's how our biggest mint responded.
Congrats on being a silver chad.
Average person should have about 1000 ounces, it's easy to get, even on minimum wage
Sellers on Ebay let me buy $5,000+ of silver but the second I add a single 1 oz gold coin to my cart it doesnt work. Error after error or nothing happens at all when I click check out. What is going on?
I was just curious.
I wouldn't say easy, just time consuming. I am frustrated things are going at the rate they are since I wanted a few hundred more oz's but cest la vi.
I did it while working minimum wage in a call centre. Yeah it took a few years but it was easy to do before this virus. I could get any amount of silver I wanted close to spot price
Yeah its not that much compared to 1,000 ounces but its a shit ton compared to having 0 post reset.
welcome to the most frustrating obsession you could have invested in
Pretty good. I'm posing like Gollum in LOTR as I type this.
It's nice when you realize that if everything goes OK worst comes to worst I might lose 10-30% as prices fall, in a "best" case scenario where society falls apart, I gain 400% in terms of dollar value and probably more in terms of what it can buy.
Also, 1oz of metal feels heavier than I thought it would, it "feels" as valuable as it is. Also, silver coins are very shiny, photos don't do them justice. I've seen silver artifacts in museums before, but I guess I never really made the connection.
I think collecting this stuff will be a great hobby, frens. I just have to try and hold back from getting lured in by coins that have a massive markup because of their craftsmanship, or even jewelry if I get carried away. I should order a big nondescript bar to stop myself doing this.
Yea I know the feels, I was working and buying a few dozen a month over the past year or so now it's like fuck, I shouldn't have eaten so much BK n shit but oh well. I like food and had to balance family life too.
That's fair but do you plan on buying things in 1oz coins?
>it was easy to do before this virus. I could get any amount of silver I wanted close to spot price
The good old days
Holy shit. You arent even using them to cover your dick with.
That's like 4000 ounces?
Impressive, very nice. The good Old days of easy and cheap stacking may be over forever
I’ve got at least a few kilos. Been purchasing more gold lately.
yeah it's pretty interesting how silver has been overlooked for the last 10-20 years. only a very small niche of people care about it. to give you an idea of its value, there's a major tourist location here in southern california called the Huntington Gardens. on the grounds they have a museum. inside the museum there are multiple exhibits showing silverware and other teapots and things like that made of fine silver. this is a museum that collects all sorts of rare artifacts from europe and colonial america, and they bothered to make room for silver pieces.
so all the negativity about silver is part of the psyop. a big one being that 2nd place at the olympics gets silver medal.
Thanks, just shy of 4000. I tried to clean out the LCS during the pandemic declaration and there was not much of anything left. The premiums jumped on what little he had left. Any future stacking will be adding to the gold.
I have the option to purchase any year maple leafs @ $23.44 or 2020 ASE @ $25.75
what should I go for if I want to keep them for at least 1 year and then possibly resell locally?
last year prices were around $18, so worst case I'd be down ~33%
They created the psyop because they gain power by creating currency out of thin air and buy assets wth it. If everybody stopped holding their savings in fiat currencies, the banking cartels wouldn't be able to extract wealth via the stealth tax known as inflation. We work for currency, they print it and buy things before inflation affects the value. If everybody opted out of the theft, they would lose all power because they are actually just parasites, they don't create anything of value.
That is why they fear silver, it's such a tiny market they know average people could bring down their entire system if enough people knew the true value of real money
It's not a stock.
>1000oz = 30 years
the us had silver in its coins until 1965. the average salary was about $4500 per year in 1964.
given that there was .83 oz to $1 fiat that works out to about 3700 oz silver per year.
I just ordered a 100g (3.5oz) bar of silver, bringing me up to just 4oz.
Still not close to making it. As soon as my payday comes in in a few days, I'll get 1/3oz bar of gold, or maybe two 1/10oz gold coins and around $200 of silver so roughly 10oz.
Just keep everyone calm for the next few days, Feds pls
It's called inflation. The 1/10 oz per day holds true even today in the third world. Stay mad or study some.
haha thats me
I really would love to own some Spanish pieces of eight just for fun. Since I don't have very much of a stack at all yet, this is probably not the time to prioritize LARPing as a pirate though.
For thousands of years the average laborer or soldier earned the equivalent of a silver dime for a day’s work.
So 36oz or so of silver amounted to a whole years' salary? That seems low, even accounting for the more rustic notion of a good standard of living in ancient times.
1200 ounces + here
i dont trust in metals
Im just looking to hedge against total anarchy at a fair price
so how did inflation happen from 1750 to 1964?
oh you mean they dug up more silver year after year and inflated the money supply?....yes you are correct but that unfortunately btfo of your gay point.
onions boi desu desu
It kinda freaks me out how expensive gold is. I suppose that's a good thing when you transport it and it's easy to keep secret.
Based I’m a 200oz stacklet
Just a daily reminder to all of you, small and big bags alike, that we are all gonna make it.
Agree with your sentiments, these things are really more beautiful than I imagined, and the weight in your hand feels "valuable" somehow. Little sad about the milk spots on mine tho
Are there any coins that don't look like shit?
I wouldn't be want to get caught with a shitty american coin and the other coins are just fucking instruments and pandas.
What happened to having based men on coins?
Animals and instruments are actually OK relatively speaking.
I would buy anything except maybe capeshit or skulls or something ridiculous like that. If you rule out animals and musical instruments you're cutting out an awful lot of coins.
But if you want really old fashioned coins I don't see why you can't get some. Lots of old American junk silver out there.
>Lots of old American junk silver out there.
1. Not an American
2. Not into American coins or imagery
Personally I find that nation to be an abomination. If I had American coins I would just melt them down to create a crappy silver bar.
what's an example of a coin you'd find suitable then?
okay Yas Forumsler
But seriously, a lot of countries' mints produce coins with animals on them is my point, if you find that undignified you're cutting out a lot of options.
I've learned to stop worrying and love the stock market.
4000 S&P by August. Here we go.