/smg/ - Stock Market General

on with it


>Stock market words

>Risk management

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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>he missed the bottom

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>he bought the top

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First day playing stocks. Im up 1.5%

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>he thinks there's such thing as an absolute bottom

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>he bought the top

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monday green
tuesday green
wednesday green
thursday red
friday red

We have transcended bear/bull/crab markets.
We're officially in a clown market.

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you have until may (to hold, exit part of the position, or exit all of the position)
that's not that bad, you'll be fine
just control your risk as the days roll by

I think we found it

You faggots too me to put 50k into sqqq on Friday!!!

how are you up, what?

why is vix at 40? thats a very bad sign for all bears.

Yeah, I'm thinking we're bullcocky.

it was always a clown market
people have been saying this since 2008, since 1997, since the mid 1600s in the netherlands, maybe back further than that

any system that is fully controlled by the whims of hairless monkeys wearing suits will always have plenty of clownishness
the clown eternal

I bought the "bottom" but I didn't buy enough bc poor. here's to the next pandemic eh boys

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If that bullfag claimed old v for bulls can I claim long s for crabs?

ſnib ſnab crab bros.

What we shorting Bobros
Shorting DDS hard right now

>I think we found it
This world is full of bottoms, bulliboy.

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>amazon is only selling disinfectant wipes to medical responders

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Not yet unfortunately

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Robinhood is good if you're broke as shit because they just have you ask yes/no questions to determine your competency. Actual brokerage services might have a guy call you and quiz you on how options work before enabling it on your account. And other brokers might have a bigger selection of shit to invest in and better pricing for some stuff.

tl;dr If you're retarded, RH probably has the last amount of safeguards to prevent you from bankrupting yourself.

there are bottoms everywhere
there could even be one hiding behind you...

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We're gonna make it, each and every one of us.

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That bottom seems quite absolute. If you know what I mean.

gib shelly gf!


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give bojo your energy lads

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>might have a guy call you and quiz you on how options work before enabling it on your account.
Really? Which brokerages do that?
I signed up for TD ameritrade and could only get up to level 2 options, can I call a dude and prove my autistic options knowledge to get up to level 3?


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The fed has signaled that it will do anything to prop up the markets up to and including themselves buying actual securities. Going long is as risk free as it can get. Wtf are you anons gonna do about that?

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What brokerage are you all using? I'm on RH right now but I'm about to pull out and have heard that shit ties your cash up, alot of the others have mixed reviews

My gold stocks did well today, thank you Jerome for cranking out the inflation.

>just hold SQQQ bro

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What do I buy tomorrow to get back my 16%

thinkorswim is very well regarded around these parts.

I decided to make a chart analysis too.

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Yeah, and who cares? I'm still making money handling the swings.

New poll

Should I buy HSU on open again? How many 5 bagger days will we have in a row?

i can't believe it. we really fixed coronavirus.

We'll search for the absolute bottom together, user.

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Good. Means my covered calls will expire OTM. Thanks for the premium faggots.

Schwab. Honestly not sure why it’s not more popular.

it's great, ToS is a really great and deep platform, their customer service is top notch, $0 commissions... I haven't really heard any strong arguments against them ever.

>5 bagger
Stob id. A 'bagger' is 100%. Five bagger would be 500%.

all in on spy 300c 6/19

People don’t know what it is had someone ask me if they can buy options on schwab like robinhood

Even if the fed won't let it drop they aren't going to pump it to ATH either. ETF decay is going to fuck you if we crab for a few months

I'm feeling really bullish about tomorrow though, DOW 110,000 easy

they're fucking lecherous traitorous turbokikes






don't most Canadians dislike Toronto or nah?
I need intel from the north

redpill me on schwab
why should I use it over TDA?

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when RH eventually folds, will the more traditional online brokers go back to charging for trades?

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My gut says bull trap
My wallet says buy

I usually listen to my wallet when my gut is right...

he cant keep getting away with it

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Always wanted to try and get into stocks but I've always been too brainlet for it. Can't even decide what brokerage to go with.

This overly bullish trend kinda sucks, all in all. I'm all okay for markets to go up, I mean, that's why I'm there in the first place. But am I supposed to DCA when it's almost back to where it was in like two weeks, if not less. I could only buy a bit, and that was already over. Where are my usual 12 months recessions that are perfect for DCAing? What happened to those?

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probably not, robinhood isn't the only upstart brokerage with no commissions.

Toronto is like Jew York but gayer, but more importantly I WANT AMERITRADE YOU FUCKING SLUTS

Free trades was a long time coming and most boomer brokerages were just milking people. Robinhood let the cat out of the bag.

Finna kill myself of this market doesn't dump soon

TDA, Schwab, Vangaurd, Robinhood, all are fine
just try one and see if you like it :D

I'll talk to my people, we'll see what we can do
can't you get schwab in canda? that might mean that TDA is coming

>not living in the United States of America, the greatest country God gave man. And we're blessed to be here.

lmao can you IMAGINE? what a fucking NERD LMAOOOOO

You buy if it’s below your cost basis. Simple as.

TD acquired Ameritrade and ThinkorSwim. The volume isn't their for Canadian brokerages to go commission free. Feel free to write TD and complain, its one way things will change. Hell I think most TD waterhouse have no idea their american Ameritrade counterparts get commission free trading

You will get the week over week bleed. But it'll be over months instead of days.

it's called ameritrade not canatrade get your own brokerage leaffag

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you sat out this whole time?

Did they cure corona? How are markets up 10 fucking percent since open??

Who else made good gains today with RTX, BA, and LMT

TDA got bought by schwab last year too
so now it's all big charlie

the upcoming cure is priced in

Do you really think this is over? Lol. There will be another leg down. Anyway, get an actual strategy so you won't get anxious in times like these


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I always regret not taking bigger positions per bite when I DCA

they're literally merging you retard, lmao

Clown world.

Dont worry, we aren't even close to the bottom.

You can't get shit except taxes and fees in cucknada. Every single human with even a modicum of power will nickle and dime you so that you can remain worse than a slave your whole life, be it banks or governments, schools or insurers.

Why is everyone sleeping on JETS?

robinhood isn't fine, robinhood is fucking garbage m8

Saudi pump + retards thinking corona's over + retards thinking the market's hit the bottom.

Okay, i am a poorfag wagie and new to Yas Forums, i dont know what 90% of the terms here mean. But i want a piece of cake from corona-chan. I invested $100 in some random shit (mostly restaurants) and made $14 so far. I want to invest another $100. If i make out of this crisis with free $500 im happy, i dont care/want to get rich with investing. What can i go completely blind and invest on that will get me there? Please faggots i trust this tranny autist forum more than yahoo

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>futures rn


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This is one of the few cases where you can just buystock in one or two of the constituents and probably outperform it.

>Dont worry, we aren't even close to the bottom.
vix is steadily going down and markets are rallying

welcome to another 10 year bull run, you should have never bet against america

>red futures
time to die bullnegroes

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Investopedia, or go all in on SQQQ and check back in 12 months

Just remember: the more Qs in the ticker, the better.

If you don't want to think about what you're doing just DCA into index funds.
You're probably not going to make $500 from $200 though

crude oil?

more like rude oil.

Read the stickies and for god's sake read an introductory investment source that isn't Yas Forums.

it's fine for beginners who have never even made a brokerage account before
if you only have a few thousand dollars, RH is fine

If ive spent the last few weeks buying and selling stocks and made X amount of money, how much more money would I have made if Id been using options instead? If I did everything the same, but instead of buying the 100 shares I just did a call, would I have made more or less? (Assuming I wasnt going into the margin).

even when a canadian says slut it feels well intentioned

I'm not gonna make it

brb, gonna not make it for a while then comer back to continue not making it

t. didn't make it

>Dont worry, we aren't even close to the bottom.
I wish, but considering how the whole narrative is built upon preventing that, I really don't know. You have medias hyping up dubious treatments, talking about "peak" instead of plateauing for week (as if after the peak everything would be over in 2 days), Trump snipe-tweeting EXACTLY at the right moments to prop up the markets, making well timed conferences, tweeting fake news about oil agreements, short selling getting banned, the FED printing billions over billions. Honestly, at some point, you just can't fight that. The whole Road roller is going full steam ahead, and fighting them end up by being ran over.

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See i want to take high risks like that. There's already about 2 stocks I couldve done that on. Wouldve been a 20% to 30% increase yet I keep pussying out. In addition these were safer bets unlike the riskier bets I've done that generally fail.

Which components would you recommend? I'm getting spooked on AAL, DAL and LUV due to memes

there isn't an easy linear relationship between options and stocks.

Some fools claim His divvy will get the ax. Fuck them says I, He has weathered much worse shat than this and came out on top. They claimed "oh the divvy is dead" during the Time Warner deal and the accumulation of the debt. But look at what has happened. He's paid the debt down like clockwork and kept the Fat Divvy nice and safe to boot. He's given the Govt the middle finger when they tried to block the Time Warner deal. Now people are using His network like crack to stream and send all sorts of things, nasty things oh yes, but still hey data is data and those bills will get paid by the sheep who use His network. His Divvy will be safe and sound and He'll give them the finger once this virus shat is over with.

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