If you arent marrying rich women youre doing it wrong

If you arent marrying rich women youre doing it wrong

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based soiboi

fucking based

Fuck I remember when that gay fire song was everywhere absolute fucking cancer music good thing it died.

Kek get fucked you fat pig

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soibois rise up. How did he swing that?

shes thin now tho

is this a positive side effect of feminism

Lol she got cucked.

>marry roastie "popstar" who makes music for 40 year old soccer moms
>make cash off her for 3 years
>divorce her as soon as her fame starts to fade away and no one listens to her
>take a majority of her money with you

One could only dream of being this based

Oh no, she's only going to be worth $50 million after the divorce, how is she ever going to afford to stuff her fat face with cake now?

How did he pull it off lol

What the fuck? Why? Thats wrll over half her shit. For three fucking years?? Are you shitting me???

only $50 million! abject poverty!

fake news

as much as men get fucked in divorce court, sometimes it's just whoever is the more well-off party that gets it

Found the woman who's bitter that men are on to their game.


how do I find rich women?

imagine if someone went off with half your portfolio and you're still set to make it next year. Tell me you wouldn't be looking at your ex wife with contempt?

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its all over the news retard

Based gender equality


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Probably mounds of evidence she was cucking him with black UK rappers for years

open bobs


pls, miss do the needful
post busy and vagene

God they're both so fucking ugly. I'd marry them both just to fuck them out of their money. Same way I'd marry Notch, give him an allergy to an animal and kill him to get the money and actually do something useful with it.

I refuse to believe this is real. I'd believe 20-50 million, but there's no way that's cucked feminist family court would every give a man over half, especially if the woman is a celebrity. They're probably going to appeal it and get it down to like 10 million.

I agree, I was just being a dick. I'd be fucking furious if my spouse made off with over half my net worth.

That being said though, how could the court have decided upon this? I wonder if the divorce was her fault or she did some fucked up shit to him in order for that judgment to come down. That kind of settlement is fair only in clown world, no matter what gender you are.

I wouldn't. I don't look at my bad investments with contempt. Better to think of them as expensive learning experiences.
I already got the lesson second hand though. Never EVER marry without an agreement on how finances will be distributed during the inevitable divorce. Ideally, never marry. Kids are one hell of a hail mary investment themselves, and having kids is the only reason to consider marriage.

look it up

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tell us the story. how hard did your ex fuck you over user? what would do if you had the chance to go back? prenup? are prenups a meme?



give me a link then that isnt a fucking twitter post.. its a RUMOR

post the link if its real.. unlike you retards I dont take image posted here at face value

dyor faggot

I have and nothing is conclusive, besides..
>burden of proof

Ive found in the past week as much shit as pol/Yas Forums gives the "msm" shit for being fake and people for buying into it, they seem to take every info-graph/headline in an image posted here as real and are honestly just as retarded as the people they shit on

Did you read my post? I've never married. I have lost big on risky investments though, and I'm better at managing risk from the experience. That's why I do hookups and fwb. Retards will tell you you're missing out on the wife and kids experience, but that's literally genetically built-in cope designed to keep you from realizing your family makes you unhappy on average. The exceptions to this are pretty rare, and your success rate of having a wife who doesn't hate you and kids who aren't little shits is only partially related to your skill as a father. Doesn't look like a solid investment of basically my whole life. If you're going to do it, hedging with a prenup dictating the split of both finances and kids is the least you can do. Then there's no question, no drawn out emotional nightmare legal fight, no $20k in legal fees. You'll probably give her like 20% and get yourself 50/50 custody easy with no scam child support.

>That kind of settlement is fair only in clown world
Hey dumb nigger that's the standard, half plus monthly payments to keep their standard of living for X years, plus child support forever.

In cucked places like Canada it's even worse, like 60-80% + col standard.

Dave Foley (leaf comedian/tv star) has been pretty open about it, famously.
>Foley married Tabatha Southey on December 31, 1991; they divorced in 1997.[15] The couple has two children: Edmund (born 1991) and Basil (born 1995).[15] In 2011, Foley stated that as a result of having been judicially mandated to pay Southey some $17,700 per month, or "literally 400 per cent of [his] income" in child support, he believes that if he returns to Canada he will be arrested

It's unusual to me since it's a woman getting raped in divorce court instead of the man

with jews you loose

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Yeah bitch that's the point, no one would blink an eye the other way...nevermind calling this news.

fuck roasties and divorce laws
nice to see them get a taste of their own medicine

The 190M probably refers to her net worth, basically that’s how much she makes per year so she’s not losing most of her money



What? Do you know what net worth means? It's extremely unlikely that she's making $140MM/ year if her net worth "only" is $190MM.

Now THATS equality

That judge is a woman I bet
Fucking roastie crabs in the bucket


Remember OP men don't have this type of power in the court of law unless they are extremely jewish like this fellow. This is an exception to the rule of power that women have in the legal system.

LOL I wonder if she'll write another batch of shitty lonelygirl songs about all this.

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the guy is a chad
>murdering Notch

>Did you read my post? I've never married. I have lost big on risky investments though, and I'm better at managing risk from the experience. That's why I do hookups and fwb. Retards will tell you you're missing out on the wife and kids experience, but that's literally genetically built-in cope designed to keep you from realizing your family makes you unhappy on average. The exceptions to this are pretty rare, and your success rate of having a wife who doesn't hate you and kids who aren't little shits is only partially related to your skill as a father. Doesn't look like a solid investment of basically my whole life. If you're going to do it, hedging with a prenup dictating the split of both finances and kids is the least you can do. Then there's no question, no drawn out emotional nightmare legal fight, no $20k in legal fees. You'll probably give her like 20% and get yourself 50/50 custody easy with no scam child support.

The problem with the prenup is judges throw them out of court too often. Name another contract that isn't binding? You can't. The front hole will claim she wasn't of sound mind when she signed that and the judge will look her up and down and agree that she is a retard. Then that same judge will decide its best for the kids to grant custody to that same retard that can't legally sign contracts.

Makes you think really.

Based department? I'd like to file a based report.