/smg/ - Stock Market General

your hand in mine


>Stock market words

>Risk management

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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Haven't got to post all day, how did bearfags react?

the jews kicked our ass today bo's.
I think its a religious week for them.
Maybe ill try again next week.

what was the offense?


just be yourself

I am sorry

Is this the bottom?

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Not well.

>buttcheeks edition
Tranime? More like chadime. Damns straight, I'm never gonna pass with this colossal bulge in my pants.

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>That’s because these stimulus checks are technically an advance on a 2020 tax credit that’s available all year.

>trumpbucks is not free money

Based OP, this is why I come to Yas Forums in the first place

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A bad one like really horrible
Not pedo tho

Being myself hasn't worked (.__. )

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Who the fuck did you hurt and what was their age?

JP Morgan doubts it.

Pioneer natural resources saying Americans need to agree to 20% cut with exceptions for small producers. Some key date of April 14th. Any oil chads here?

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Yea and behold, my visions of the future come to pass. Lay thy preemies at thy king's feet. For I shalt sell thee covered calls all along my ride. Yonder bears may be of strength, but the rat kingdom is vast beyond strength of bears.

-Rat King

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Bearfag here, I sold $60k worth of index funds right before close after today's pump.

Daily reminder that it's impossible to reinflate the everything bubble, this is the beginning of the end

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just B.E. yourself

this is bullish because it means they think everyone will be paying taxes next year

it doesn't get deducted from your return
it really is free money, so long as the IRS has your info and you don't make over the maximum.

How do I short England?

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every day until you like it you gambling faggots.

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But have they ever been right? Last week we were reading about negative oil price from them, or their comrades

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Now look at the RSI. I'm bullish on AMD but today was overbought.

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bonds nigger

In volatile market, only stable investment is rats.

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short tea and crumpets

Tomorrow is +3%. This is where you short.

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short ISF


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>its fucking real
this is not a drill. except for tomorrow that is

>dat butthole outline

already priced in

Bojo dying would be the ultimate irony of this entire ordeal.

>no link on Boris
well thanks for trying to make me feel better


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Pray thee fine Rat maiden will dine at my court, and share in thy preemies? The bears and bulls come upon thursday, to bid farewell to preemies owed. There shalt be a feast between the kingdom of rat and crab.

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What is this shit and why does it keep losing so hard over time?
iShares S&P GSCI Commodity-Indexed Trust (GSG)

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I wish
fuck anglos


What is this?

Stop getting me excited



>Boris Johnson gets better
>cover at a higher price
Good job, bobo. Good job.

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basically english muffins

weebshit is fucking disgusting
what the hell happened to this general?

not funny

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wait holy shit it's real

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Oil is cheap but people still need products made from petroleum.

Thinking about selling my BA and buying Airbus. Good idea or not?

Bros did anyone else see so many opportunities at market close, but just did not have the time to analyze. Like AMD, WTF?

Because they are dumb trying to get anyone to buy a penny stock.

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i day trade so that doesn't really matter for me. i'm bullish when the faster EMA is above the slower EMA and both are rising, im bearish when the faster EMA is below the slower EMA and both are falling. a range or flat market will obviously have a flat average, and with practice you can visually see it at any point in time.

I don't know but you can find out by doing a search on the name of the fund and see what it holds or what benchmark it tracks and how it does it.

What happened. Deleted

Thanks. I had a bagel the other day that tasted like an english muffin. I'm screaming at it in my mind:
>no you are a bagel, you shouldn't taste like this!

>1000% increase in robo-waifu posting across 3 different chans
What the fuck are the shills doing?

based priced in poster

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what EMAs and what time frame do you use for day trading?

What do you use to plot 2 EMAs on the same graph?

Their logic seems sound to me, but who knows? Just keep posting lewds.

trying to set you up with a robo-waifu
the future is now

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I've made some good gains today.
AOM has returned me a 10% profit so far. Which is nice. GE is up 7% today MUFG is up and even my poor little pet intelsat is up. Granted it had a day peak of 30% and then lost steam throughout the day...

Lmfao. Im withholding $0 right now and have no plans on filing taxes ever again. Fuck the government. Not paying so these poorly managed companies that don't even have a fucking 2 month energy fund can be bailed out with my money.

Rapists and chomos get the rope

Was it smart for me to sell 40 shares of MSFT at my breakeven price today? I plan on buying back in cheaper later this week

Went all in APA today. Long term it will come back just fine. If it dips tomorrow I'm buying more.

Waste of quints

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Interesting, gonna try this set up out on paper trading. Thank you based user.


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based and quints pilled

Since it is commodities futures it is probably contango related.

buy meat stock

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Its beautiful

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Move into Apple. They're about to announce a new iphone and its getting priced in.


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that won't work long term. all your doing is buying at the top of bubbles

thanks to the user that told me to buy XOM awhile ago, I got in at barely over $30
wish I had bought more than 10 shares though lol

>Being this new.

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First time I tried crumpets I hated them. They were cold and dry and vaguely soggy but not. Then bongs informed me you're supposed to toast them then slather with butter and jam or something. I did that. I understood. Breddy gud.

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The future is now, old man

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>Red futures

>both TA and FA think that BA's gains make no sense
What do we do if this isn't corrected? Will there be a money printer analysis tool in the future?
>b-b-b-but thats a meme
Not with Boeing. They have negative sales, are closed indefinitely and flipped the EMA5 and EMA20 with no ingoing momentum

That's because Drumpf is speaking. After he stops, it will go green again

Alright fucks, someone watch the blompf conference for me, I've got to cram for some sort of online exam. I'm going to fail this quarter as everything is tailspinning right now~

that same lolcats larp bullshitting and newfags taking the bait

wow nice digies

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Ahem, I'll have you know SLCA was as high as 53 a share within the last 5 years and generally hovered around the 10 mark.

5/20/50 works well. i generally enter trades on pullbacks to the 20 with a reversal bar.

tradingview for free, think or swim because i have a AMTD brokerage account.

i got 6 at $31.65...why didnt i buy more. fuck.

>huge rally today based on nothing
What the fuck is this market? Let's say cases goes to 0, it changes nothing. We have no way to deal with corona besides large scale lockdown. The lockdowns are fucking the economy. So what the fuck is the market doing? The fuck is going on?

Inb4"priced in". Even if the lockdown was "priced in", it shouldn't rally. We have the lockdown in place and will continue to have it in place for the foreseeable future.

Is Bojo gonna finna bouta die?

So let me get this straight.
>buy 100 stock
>it goes up
>want to sell it
>write ATM call
>if it goes back down you get a fat premium and can do it all over again
>if the call is ITM at expiry you still sell for the profit you wanted anyway

Why doesn't everybody trade like this? I can't think of a downside aside from losing the potential profit of an unforeseen pump.

Ah. Red futures. God it feels good. Give me more money please. Buy down, sell up. Short up, cover down. Good boy market.

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Beep boop

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cute story user

>from 53 to 1,49

Should i buy puts on boris johnson's life?

divvy chads report in

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Is there anything more comfy than being a swing trader and riding trailing stop orders to the moon?

tell the story user, i promise i wont judge

Don't question it just buy SPY calls bro. There will never be another red day again.

they are sending doctors and special medicine made from stem cells of stolen children to heal him, he will be fine.

Drumpf says on Saturday 'oh no its about to be bad'
Surgeon General says 'its going to be 9/11 all ova again n shiet'

Yesterday, Drumpf and Cuomo say 'oh the numbers may be plateauing gg Coronavirus we are back baby 3.3k by EOM'

So all the bulls took it as the signal to start investing
The problem is the moment that the virus doesn't plateau we'll go down again.

Is it smart to take my profits after all this ends, and putting my money into copying traders on etoro? Or would I better off putting them into safe ETFs?

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rally again tomorrow

There is a huge bearish sentiment so they are erasing their puts and shorts are covering

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>GameStop Shareholders Must Call In Shares By April 20th To Vote
Is this it?

what etoro? it like nhentai?

im enjoying this market

super bullish

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has the GILD pump been fully priced in?

>There will never be another red day again

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not lying to strangers online?

Look at the volume. SPY had a big green and then even bigger red dildo at EOD

sorry dude, don't trade. Just invest and hold spy. Trading is not for you if you seek to bitch about the market instead of understand it.

Just look at this beauty!

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if this breakout rejected we going right back 2100

w-what meat s-tock

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Where can I buy puts on Boris Johnson's life?

Reminder of good divvys. Ford even cancelled theirs.

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Soon. I saved all my money when I sold early this year so now I have a full force of 600k€ to put in divvy stocks and sell covered calls on them.

Im currently comparing it to QYLD. But I think I can do better.

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>copying traders
lmao good luck
Thats the latest scam that brokers + educators have going on now.

I understand chomos but everyone in prisons a rapist

what happened?

Ok dumbass then explain why since no one else in this thread has any idea besides gamble nigger nonsense.

What vehicle is everyone going to buy with all their profits from the people that can no longer afford payments in the recession.

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