/smg/ - Stock Market General

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>Stock market words

>Risk management

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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BOJO rhymes with BOBO... coincidence? I THINK NOT

i give up bear bros. we've tried for a month to demonstrate solid fundamentals but they have repeatedly been turned upside down by unlimited jerome. every time we made the "correct" picks, the stocks went the opposite direction.

bad news? bullish. good news? bearish. it's completely fucked. boeing plant shuts down?
stock soars 9%. 6m unemployment? dow jones gains 5%. i give up. they've beaten me into submission... i have no choice buy to just by SPY and hold like a good goy... maybe some vanguard low cost index funds... check on my 401k...

we have no choice but to just buy normie stocks and accept standard gains... i give up and i just bought FB... i am a bull now....

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now this how you make thread

volume on those bear etfs was crazy high today, bobo selling his bag in a big way

imagine being short both in life and the market lmao

Anyone else open shorts right before close?

+7% everywhere

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SPY 270

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Big bearish reversal signals

enjoy your bags

>"correct" picks
>By holding SQQQ

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happening postponed till September, don't fight the market till then

SQQQ calls baby

Extremely bearish.
Looks like I made the right call.

it's got to come back down tomorrow right? r-right??

me kek

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Mmmmm, honey mustard snyder's... One day I'll actually try them, if I do I'll actually buy CPB
nice n reckless, I'm proud of u

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in all seriousness boris will be fine. just look at all the photos posted online of him jogging, biking, working out etc. he is obviously a fit person with a healthy lifestyle/habits.

>today was just a taste for whats to come EOM

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incredibly bearish

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DOW up 8% today. Are we in a bull market again?

I mean I can't really dispute that anymore.
The market ONLY goes up apparently (until it crashes from a system wide failure)


Oh man his death is already a forgone conclusion

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agreed. better take profits tomorrow

>not satisfied for C, most of the other banks look the be touching it huh?
ya pretty much
Buy JJSF SYY I think is the switch

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>bear capit

Patience, brother bear. We're just in a big titty anime schoolgirl market right now. It only looks like it'll bounce forever.

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I'm holding bags for smallcap shorts so typically yes. Russell has to go below 1120 for me to make money. I'd Tuesday isn't red I'm blowing my brains out and just going all in RTX

I'm looking for +8% by end of next week overall

Been in the market since March 17th
And while I had suspicions of it prior to today
I think today I can confirm

Yas Forums has no fucking clue what they are doing

Guys, tomorrow is going to be green, at least 3%. Do not doubt the clown market.

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I wish I knew how to trade stocks. Sounds like fun.

>wealthsimple still hasn't processed the RTX merger, so I have to calculate my gains by hand
I'd be mad if I didn't make so much money on RTX

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what's your returns?

plz post % returns over long period of time and over past few months.

SQQQ back to $30 confirmed


how would you know? are you involved with these viruses? is there something you'd like to tell us? are you in cahoots with these bio terrorists? how long have you known them? what did they do to get you involved?

I sold everything in my IRAs 5 min before close, plan to rebuy the dip.

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isn't big banana's logic that he was a former "athlete", so he'll be fine?
hueland taking a massive shit soon

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What im in:

What im looking at:

It's not fair. How can we compete with unlimited printer works? Bad guys win again I suppose...

finally decided to buy into the stock market feb 28 when you could tell shit was gonna get nasty,
made 3,000 in short term gains so far lol
gonna suck come tax season

it's not, but it's better than the retarded faggotry of crypto

ooohhhh SYY not satisfied...

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Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-06 Dave Portnoy auf Twitter Down half a million today #fintwit https t co 7XU70gRMti Twitter.png (598x388, 294.29K)

Everyone here shits on triple leveraged ETF's but I really wish I owned some UDOW today

Don't ever fight the market. Don't ever hold out of spite. Don't ever commit yourself to being a bull or bear.
A sailor can tack into the wind, but he'll be pushed back if he fights it head on.

You didn’t give up, you just lost all your money and can no longer play, that’s not the same as giving up you stubborn bear nigger

things are starting to feel more bearish again but I'm still long and longer

she got a tiny neck lol

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reminder that if you missed the bottom and are fomoing, buy alibaba. china hasn’t made a huge correction yet

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As a dividend growth investor do I go for INTC or NVDA? It would take like 10 years for Nvidia to match the current payout of Intel so I'm conflicted.

Yas Forums just follows memes. If anyone takes any buy/sell investment advice from here without dyor is a retard.

>shits on them..
no this is the perfect time to have 3x ETF with vol lowering

Made my first real gains today (70%) off of SLB calls. Should I let this ride? I have an aggressive contract expiring may 1. Or do I sell and buy day to day?


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me too, damn.
I could have sworn the market used to be rational on some level

>when you could tell
yeah, definitely couldn't tell before that, slow-mo

I bought HSU (2× SP500) at open and sold it for a small profit (like $8 lmao) on a limit sell

Buy more on the next red day, or buy back in immediately tomorrow?

I legitimately think we've seen the bottom and won't retest it

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NVDA is way better than INTC, CEO jenson is abrasive but a super genius and guiding nvidia in the perfect directions.

INTC is.... they have some good points, but I'd weigh heavier into NVDA

Yeah what a pain in the ass. I sold all mine at EOD, anticipating a dump tomorrow. When I buy back in the percentages will be correct I'm guessing.


God bless you coronachan

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BPY. Look at the yield, then look at their property holdings.

how is this news? 90% of Chicago is black

So people have accepted what Corona-chan is going to do and it's all priced in.

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BA is fucking mooning in aftermarket

Think about it. No humans in restaurants = no easy restaurant dumpster trash for rats. That means desperate rats, with no humans to scare them away. How many restaurant owners cleaned up and locked up and are too depressed to even go back to check on the place? What do you think you'll find when you finally open back up in May/June?? RATS BABY! Loads of glorious money making rats! All up in your shit. They can chew through fucking nearly anything. Exterminators will be backed up for months!

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holy shit short boeing

>looking anywhere above the shoulders
Nigga, you queer.

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COOL DUDE enjoy owning mature blue chip stocks with meager growth potential, and then kys

lmao. Blacks making the US look bad on paper again. The problem is hood rats are totally disregarding isolation orders.

It says right in the article they're 30% of the pop.

>informed by memes

Give me one fucking reason why I shouldn't take out a second mortgage on my home to go all in on Boeing stock.

is there any more evidence needed to show that the stock market is just one gigantic ponzi scheme other than the past few weeks? It's entirely fake and manipulated by the wealthy.

I'm just fucking tired.


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I don’t know about you all... but because of Corona this is the first time since college that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 silver Roosevelt dime will buy me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.
Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about Corona with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the water aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a gold standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.

Because Boeing is a zombie company. If you want defense, buy LMT, KTOS or RTX. If you want civil air, idk buy SPR I guess. Boeing can't produce a working product to save their lives.

he's being sarcastic. he and trump are the most obese and unhealthy world leaders of modern times.

How the heck does Warren Buffett invest anymore? Value Investing has gone completely out the window.

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RTX and NOC are based. Why wouldn't you invest in military contractors right now

with tens of billions of dollars

how does this happen to people? i mean i know, probably leverage in some form, but still how the fuck do you lose half a million? does this guy have like 100 million and that's not a big deal to him or something? i mean im here making $50 bets while day trading essentially and i can't even fathom losing multiple orders of magnitude above that.

Alright time to get out of bed and make breakfast.

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biz "bulls" finna bouta get rekt

i lost 80% of my entire capital today

What is tax rate on short term gains? Also for example if I buy Disney at $100, sell for $120, buy back in when it reaches $100 again and hold for a year. Do I still pay short term on that?

> buying chink stock
user, I...

>tfw cut all my losses and went all in on Boeing

I'm literally making back all my lost money as speak. Zombie companies are not so bad, it seems.

>Why wouldn't you invest in military contractors right now
I want to but my portfolio right now is unironically 55% defense contractors and that might be too much


covid not lung virus it blood virus O_O
this also explain why HCQ works

You would pay short term on the $20 per share gain if investing in a normal taxable brokerage account.

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NOC is at like an all time high almost, not buying that shit

RTX could be good though

Jack in the Box
Regional banks (Kre)

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Intel and Nvidia are semiconductor companies.

it doesnt work tho

I dont think ill ever see almost +10,000 again in a single day but it was cool to see

assuming you don't make a single trade again. you've realized $20 gains and will be taxed at the marginal tax rate

Short Nike. Calls on Purple Sizrup to dump on homeboy's auntie grave.

necks are important

I don’t know about you all... but because of Corona Light this is the first time since middle school that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of Kraft-Heinz stock and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 share of KHC will buy me a loving footjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her gassy 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying food stocks... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 19.99 it cost me to buy that share.
Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about ketchup with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the cheese aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a processed food standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and macaroni if you ever need it and she took it from me.

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Salty bear

Already am. Funny eight NOC is the one I'm missing

Im in cash since mid february.
Im buying back in tomorrow.

I cant wait any longer. The bearmarket is over.

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Do my US dividends automatically withhold 15% or do I have to send Uncle Sam his money manually? t. canadian

according to people trying sell million dollar a dose HIV drugs yeah


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I started slowly adding SQQQ from around noon until right at the close. Could be comfortable doubling what I put in if the opportunity comes up. We could definitely be in for a strong push up though, it's only a matter of time until we string together multiple consecutive days with gains this big.

>major DNC contributor murders her husband with fish dewormer
>entire country disregards a potential treatment due to partisan politics
It's all so tiresome.

I don't have any debt and my credit score is 845 no larp.


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I'm not even paying rent lol

>paid for college instead of putting my tuition money into AMD in early 2016
I literally could have been retired right now

You must kneel before Trump

Why wouldn't I?


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i'd think most of them would have considered this by now, but i suppose you don't need that many for a significant increase in business. pretty neat, i hope it works out - you're the rat prince until new ath though.

Is that Yuru Camp? I heard about it, never watched it

>Jerome has no intention to stop pumping
>they will pump until it all falls apart
>currency is going to dump

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who in their right mind wouldn't? nobody is forgiving debt, you might not get hit with late fees depending on the bank

depends where you hold it. Non Reg account=15% witholding tax(you my be able to get a credit)
RRSP=no tax(just on withdrawl at your marginal rate)
TFSA=taxed and non recoverable

>necks are important

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yeah I get that but idk whether the kowtowing is automatic or not

Am I evil for wishing that Boris dies and it'll maybe trigger second wave of selloff?

>carrying credit card debt
I know a lot of companies are waiving interest, but what the fuck am I going to do with the like 200 bucks I have on my cards anyways?

>all these dumbass nu-Yas Forums redditors getting blown the fuck out because they think the market needs to respond to their perceived reality ()
>b-but the news told me things are bad, d-doesn't anybody watch the news?
>nu-Yas Forums traders are the equivalent of Barstool Presidente (), a guy who has been trading for 1 week, when it comes to predicting the market

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Just a regular account, I know it's 15% but does my broker handle it or do I have to literally mail a $0.50 cheque to the IRS?

Such as?

Didn't get a chance to buy puts today because I was busy actually working. Not sure if I lucked out or if it's going to plunge tomorrow when they realize that sundays usually have fewer cases. The 7% is unnatural.

So not only are niggers dying in droves from not listening to authority, but they're also refusing to pay their credit cards and rent because they think they'll get bailout gibs.

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>having a credit card bill
>not paying off everything you buy with your CC immediately

i literally just use my CC as a means of paying for things more securely than cash and to boost my credit score. it's like a middle man between my bank account and whoever im paying, and all it does is boost my credit score and give me rewards for having that middle man, lmao.

also this current financial crisis was mostly caused by people taking on way too much debt so maybe you should consider getting out of whatever your current debt is and not taking on any more.

you should read the manga

ya that sounds rude

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lmao it's part of your tax return when you file for the year

The redpill is that blacks have the lowest IQ rates next to Australian aboriginals and their "misfortune" is due to 70 IQ and not racism.

no. money is the most important thing there is

How do I short Boris Johnson dying tomorrow?

I thought that was the blackpill

Their planes keep falling out of the sky

he already dead if taken to ICU O_O

>bought 3/23 dip
>sold today
>90% cash
Just crash one more time for fucks sake.

His death would be bullish news in this market.

this is literally the only way anyone should use a credit card. I'd use debit for everything if the (((bank))) didn't charge such a high fee for using it.