Why do thots invest in jerks / assholes?

As a KHHV this statement can’t be true right?


they are naive dumb women who have zero self esteem wondering why they can’t score a “man”.

any self respecting man wouldn’t act like a considerable douche. If he does he’s probably low IQ, insecure and has no friends.

Dumb tinder thots are attracted to these fuck boys because they are degenerate females themselves. Narcissistic selfies, instagram birds, promoting #humble brags and painting their face like clowns with make up.

Also spoiled as fuck riding off daddy’s money and not doing house wife acts like cleaning dish washing and laundry with their “claws” acrylic nails

also rave sluts in general or the majority of 10+ body thots on tinder with shitty attitudes

prove me wrong. I was an overly assertive jerk because i was insecure and googled that girls like “bad boys”

I watched this video


This only applies to dumb thots and sluts who are insecure have mental illness and are narcissists themselves through instagram selfies and self promotion right?

do i really have to act like an asshole to get girls to invest in me like pic related.m

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They do it because more masculine men are attractive to women just like feminine sexy girls are attractive to men. Why would they go after little boys with nothing going for them?

alpha fucks beta bucks

you're a kissless virgin for a reason
any girl can fall for a jerk. being an asshole is not what attracts them, what attracts women is not trying to change who you are to please them. jerks attract women despite being jerks, not because they are, unless these girls have issues.

>do i really have to act like an asshole to get girls to invest in me like pic related.m
and no you dont. actually the nicer you are the better. BUT being nice doesn't mean being a simp. Women genuinely love guys who are nice. They hate simps though. Younger men don't understand the difference

Care to explain the difference?

dont do things for a girl just because she is a girl. that's all there is to it. it's true though that if you're physically attractive you'll just have more leeway to act like an idiot

being nice means having respect for yourself and others, being empathetic. being empathetic is a great quality. having respect for yourself means you can be nice but you recognize that it can't be at your own detriment (some people pleasers are afraid to say no, that's a lack of self-respect). here are some examples that differentiate a simp and a nice confident man:

- you love doing X and the girl you really like tells you (without knowing) that she thinks people who do X are pathetic. a simp will hide the fact that he loves doing X because he's afraid she will reject him. a nice confident man will tell her straight away that he loves doing X and he disagrees with her statement. he's not afraid of an hypothetical rejection, he doesn't hide who he is and if the girl doesn't like it she can kindly gtfo. --> that's attractive behaviour.

- a nice confident man can give compliments or help a girl without waiting anything in return. a simp will give compliments or help a girl only because he has a secret agenda of getting into her pants. the difference in behaviour will start to show, the simp will start to become irritated when he still doesn't get what he wants (how dare she sleep with that jerk when I listened to her problems all night). every hot girl has a tons of orbiters who do nice things for them but only because they secretely hope to have something in return. that's where jerks have a huge advantage: they don't expect anything in return, actually they dont give a fuck about anything. that's attractive but only to a certain extent.

Your not acting
You already sound like an asshole
I bet you are a mean person thats hard to get along with and you think your a nice guy kek. Drop 10 hits of acid and youll be fixed

>that's attractive but only to a certain extent.
and by that I mean being rude with waiters for example. if you treat waiters/people like shit like they are beneath you it will be a deal-breaker with any quality girl. Though, the hotter you are the more you can get away with doing/saying outrageous things. That's the case both for women and men.


These threads are the reason why I sometimes post Yas Forums threads on Yas Forums

well, he says it himself:
>I was an overly assertive jerk because i was insecure
being an assertive jerk is just a sign of insecurity and only some young/inexperienced or fucked up girls can't see it.


to put it simply user. These womens egos are inflated due to so many men messaging them all the time being thirsty etc.

Simply they want a man who has balls to be true to himself, not be scared to deride, disagree and be a general dick with her as you would with a close mate. They genuinely dont want to be worshipped they are just as human as you, no matter how attractive she looks.

>Simply they want a man who has balls to be true to himself, not be scared to deride, disagree and be a general dick with her as you would with a close mate
*besides being hot, of course. they could care less of someone like that who isn't that attractive. that's the whole problem of tinder, only aesthtetics count and perfectly suitable men who would make great partners are swiped left.

You're fucking ugly. Women only want attractive people to be the badboy.

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But that's wrong you stupid fuck. Here's what being nice actually means.

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attractiveness helps you in all facets of life. Its well known by everyone pretty much. Personality wont save you if you are completely ugly and attractiveness wont save you if you are complete SIMP (if you have ever donated any money to a non-family female ever you are a SIMP).

Yeah, which is why bullies have less sex and worse lives than the people they bully. Oh wait, no they don't.


that's a MAN

>attractiveness helps you in all facets of life.
Attractiveness is the only thing that matters.

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>do i really have to act like an asshole to get girls to invest in me like pic related
Just go to the gym a bunch and the problem will fix itself. Pre-wall women go for whoever is the most masculine instead of whoever is the best for their well-being, that's why you're seeing so many going for Jamal who spends his free time at the gym instead of some soi who spends his free time playing on his Switch.

These are our bankers, federal reserve chairmen, HR managers and project leaders.
A fine show of moral superiority.

Being nice is only a virtue alongside absolute strength.

>just lift bro

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It's better to die a gamer NEET anime watching faggot than to go to the gym for women that will never like you anyway

>being antisocial helps with women
yeah it helps when girls are retarded inexperienced teenagers/students like it's the case in the article. those with more experience will run away if they discover you're one.
I'm talking about real quality girls, those who want attractive physique + attractive personality. They won't be in a relationship with a jerk/simp whose only quality is his physique.

>to go to the gym for women
The secret is to go to the gym for yourself.

>It's better to die a gamer NEET anime watching faggot than to go to the gym for women that will never like you anyway

this is a pathetic defeatist attitude. Not gonna make it.

>go to the gym for yourself.
except it's a meme. i can guarantee that if society and hot girls suddenly valued fat guys you would find 95% less men in the gyms

>the white dude lifted for aesthetics and had a strict diet to enhance his looks
>the brown dude went full unga because he doesn't know what he's doing and thinks looking like a wrestler is attractive
you can look masculine, or you can look like a pile of boulders, more people need to understand that

also this, though my initial reply didn't imply that

>except it's a meme

thinking going to the gym for yourself is just a meme is retard tier bro. Lift, better yourself, feel better.

the meme is real. facial aesthetics > muscles

I think everyone is aware that writing notes to attract women now leads to a dead end, since they realized they could get notes from men without having to follow through. Only the bottom tiers of men continue to play, while the educated and intelligent have already effectively tendered their resignations, societally speaking. God's return draws ever nearer, Earthly desires are temporary and fleeting compared to life with Christ.

>They won't be in a relationship with a jerk/simp whose only quality is his physique.
Yes they will because a jerk has better social skills. That's just how the world works.

Making it is not about getting a woman.

Well okay then that's good.

>yeah it helps when girls are retarded inexperienced teenagers/students like it's the case in the article
What, just wait until they're 30 and the shoe is on the other foot?

grow a beard if your chin is fucked up
for other things, save up money for plastic surgery
I feel like if I keep replying to this thread people will just think up of some other reasons I haven't thought about as the reason for why they can't fuck. There's always one more reason with you people

>thinking going to the gym for yourself is just a meme is retard tier bro
it's not. men go to the gym and try to build muscles because our society values it. in other cultures men don't go to the gym to build muscles and the idea of doing those gym routines sound ridiculous

it's really simple: if you lack in a department you have to compensate elsewhere. So yes if you're ugly it's definitely a good idea to improve everything you can about yourself

>He thinks lifting for youself is a meme
never gonna make it bro, sorry. Personally I lift because I want to look good, like building anything else except I'm building my body (thus bodybuilding). Building on yourself is something that can almost never be taken away save injuries or death.

>because I want to look good
yeah and you want to look good for others.
"no dude I just want to be attractive for myself duh"
lack of self awareness

you sound like a simp

except if you're a true bodybuilder. i count those as the 5% who would still go to the gym if women suddenly found muscles disgusting.

Yes I actually do like to look attractive for myself, do you not like to admire your own hard work? Do you lack the motivation from your own efforts to keep you going? It's not just for women though, psychologically speaking people treat those who are attractive and in shape better than they treat others. In addition to this doing regular amounts of exercise gives you a significant increase in motivation in your daily life outside of lifting, goals to work for, healthier eating, etc. I absolutely hate doing cardio but lifting weights I have no problems doing so it's a simple replacement. On top of which I enjoy being strong, the feeling of being able to lift more than the average person fuels my workouts as well.

Imagine seeing all of the benefits of strength training and keeping in good physical condition but then shitposting about people's decisions to make superior life choices. THIS is why I say you will never make it, not until you change your mindset brofessor.

it's because they are masculine, become masculine.

>those with more experience
Yeah, because "those with experience" I.E eggcel roasties are looking for a betabuxx like you to be an ATM for them.

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You're the fucking defeatist. We're the only ones telling you what will actually help you. Pic related you ugly incel.

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>Just change your facial structure bro

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you except anyone to believe the first two pics? they're like less than a month apart you fucking retard

Yeah, because that's about how long a rhinoplasty and chin implant take you coping incel.

Ok but everything you do here is is relation to others.
>do you not like to admire your own hard work?
yeah but it's more in art or other things not related to narcissism.
>psychologically speaking people treat those who are attractive and in shape better than they treat others
so it's not really for yourself. you do it because you want to be treated better by others
>the feeling of being able to lift more than the average person fuels my workouts as well
again, it's yourself but in relation to others that fuels you. you actually try to overcompensate something. you want to lift more than the average person. i dont give a fuck about that personally. I dont even count the times I mogged gymcels who were more muscular than me.
Pic related is the kind of bodybuilder who truly dont give a fuck what women think because women clearly find that disgusting.
i never betabuxed for any woman

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imagine the nose of his children...

guaranteed i've been in more gore holes than you, and thats without surgery

>on Yas Forums
>in an incel thread
>sticking your sm0l peepee into anything other than a fleshlight
I guarantee you have not.

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you're the creep with a folder full of weird photos of men you compare yourself to. You think there's a scientific formula to getting laid, because it hasn't happened for you yet.

Oh wow, I found it

You might want to learn what that word means.

You can get caught up in the semantics im going to use my looks to keep getting puss

Except there is no puss on Yas Forums.

News-flash, user. "Sexy" isn't feminine. Even if your feminist Western culture has made you believe otherwise. Cuteness is feminine. If you consider aggressive and liberally "empowered" sexiness with lip-biting to be attractive, odds are you're a latant homosexual with the secret desire of pursuing anal sex or being fucked in the ass with a strap-on, which is the logical next step currently promoted by liberal and stronk feminism. Which makes sense, as well, since guys being obsessed with anal sex, maybe due to pornographic and other sorts of brainwash, is a complaint many girls today have. Maybe even often related to the kind of rhetoric seen on the internet today in which guys have a victim perspective. And they say "she didn't fuck me... (the way she fucked chad)". Meaning that the girl is stronk and sexy and fucks them. With a strap-on dick again being the logical next step.

Just look at advertisements on TV or hear them talk in general. Girls refer to guys as "sexy" and find it to be attractive. It's a male trait. He's dominant and sexy. That's masculine. Girls are submissive and cute. That's feminine.

Buy it's 2020, user. It's okay to be gay. Whereas admitting it might solve many of your problems...

Nah but when I want I can just hit up my GF

20 seconds in to the video and I already know it's just dumb thots thinking they found the perfect guy through his looks alone. It's the same thing for dudes who claim pictures of women as their wives/waifus.

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