/PMG/ - Precious Metals General

"Bulls ate the crabs" Edition

"...cash is not a very convenient store of value..."
- Janet Yellen (Federal Reserve Chair), Q&A after speech March, 2015
"By your wisdom and your understanding you have made wealth for yourself, and have gathered gold and silver into your treasuries;"
- Ezekiel 28:4 ESV

Ways to invest in precious metals:
- Physical Gold/Silver/etc
- Sovereign PM bonds (SGBs)
- Mining stocks
- Gold backed Crypto, i.e. Tether Gold (XAUt), PAXG & others

Wiki on verification of gold.

Bullion tax info by state:

Recommended online dealers for US:

Gold Panning

Spot silver deals & a good site to check prices of competitors:

YouTube/Reading Resources:

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Other urls found in this thread:


Info regarding Anons B.C. claim reply here...

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What will the real price of silver be after this anons? I want 20 acres and a small cabin in PA, Maine, or NH.

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Just dropped $1k on JNUG. Did I do good?

What county in PA? I am browsing land currently but in the NE things are to rocky and ground water is shallow. Also cucked community fees without being able to shoot on your property.

3 ounces should be arriving in the mail today.

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Got to respect dat Harambe coin.
Dicks out lads.

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Found it at my LCS for a buck over spot before all this corona mess happened

Why silver and not gold?

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ASEs seem like a scam, you're losing more money than you would even with pretty bad inflation

Prolly preaching to the choir here, but this helped convince my boomer dad to start getting into pms and crypto.

Does anyone remember that recent clip where Mike Maloney predicted a drop in silver spot?

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Higher potential for exponential growth, while also beating inflation, like gold.

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True, those are some of the drawbacks. However, ASEs are probably one of most liquid coins on the market that tend to hold thier their premiums, meaning when you do decide to sell, there's no shortage of buyers who will buy above spot. Also, they're eligible for most if not all Precious Metal IRAs.


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should i take out a second mortgage to buy.more silver

Red pill me on gold pandas

The Chad PM holder VS the virgin fiat inflationist

i wouldn't buy a coin showing a chineses kids menu

Beware, your stacks are not protected. Without a batboi many bad things will happen to you. Your tendies will turn to dust. Larry has forsaken you.
I will pray for your stacks.

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No buy what you can afford along the way.

No batboi for you?

>Also cucked community fees without being able to shoot on your property
Are you referring to just PA? Been searching for land in NH with the intent of shooting on the property. Prices are pretty cheap but property taxes are pretty high which sucks.

Iseriouslyhopeyouguys unload this meme before the hypes dies (literally)
It's junk silver in the normal market

I plan to be buried with my batbois so I may be protected in the afterlife. There will be 99 uncirculated tendies waiting for me in heaven. I am certain of it.

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Anyone got a lead on pic related

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Am I gonna make it

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So I'm about to make a purchase but with the current state which would be better recommend?
1. Order from JM Bullion since they're caught back up on orders for the most part or
2. Deal with a local dealer only over the phone since Whu Flu has them closed to the public
I would think the local would be best but I'm a bit hesitant since it will be my first time buying from them but they do have a good rep. Any advice?

i got you beat by a couple years

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You anons did buy the miners i shilled 2 weeks ago right?

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>paco rabanne brand gold bar
sick find bro. how many oz's?
local dealer is probably best desu

Are you in the US? I recently bought smaller amounts from about six different online vendors. If you are buying a smaller amount you might want to try moneymetals.com/ instead of JM Bullion

I'm not rich enough to be investing in paper. Stonk market is rigged.

Checked. I'm looking to put down a decent amount since I'm pretty much looking at this as life insurance. Want to purchase 2 Gold Buffs and about 40oz silver. I'll shop around with the local guys like suggested. But if they cost more than the sites I guess I'll go that route. Thanks for the help lads and here's to a new Era!

Going to buy another ounce today

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>only hold 80oz silver

H-h-h-hold me

Thoughts on this?

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>66 oz ASE
>25 oz silver bars
>1 oz gold buffalo
>1 oz gold eagle

How fucked am I? Should I have bought more silver instead of 2 oz of gold?

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> Want to purchase 2 Gold Buffs and about 40oz silver.
That is is a smaller amount to me. You probably don't want to walk into the a local dealer for the first time with $5,000 cash. I would do online so you don't get ripped off...

Many reasons, but the most obvious one is the mining ratio.
For each oz of gold mined, there are 9 oz of silver mined, so 1:9.
Meanwhile, the value ratio is currently sitting at 1:113, this is nonsensical.
Especially considering silver have many more applications and is a vital component for many tech and medical industries, while gold is mostly used in jewelry.
80% of the yearly production of silver is 'destroyed' in the fabrication of smartphones, computers, sattelites, water filtration systems, missiles, batteries, solar panels, etc..
Our modern world CANT survive without silver, yet it's estimated 90% of the silver on the earth crust alrdy have been mined during the past 6000 years.
Reserves are depleting, the extraction is topping at sub 27K tons/year since a decade, and banksters and industry lobbyists like GATA are now struggling to keep the price suppressed. We are currently witnessing the decoupling of paper silver (ETFs, futures,..) with physical silver.
Once this scam ends, the silver:gold ratio will be equal to it's extraction reality of 1:9.
Which mean at the current gold price ($1650), silver will be reevaluated at $183/oz.
And that's still not taking into account all the fake reserves of paper silver and the gold suppressed price (85oz of paper gold per physical oz traded on the COMEX).

Which mean in a non flawed marked, silver could very well reach $700/800 per oz. $2600/oz if the traders are forced to back up paper silver with real assets.

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You're better off than most. Pretty small silver stack, but good 45:1 gold silver ratio so just keep stacking. I live by a 64:1 ratio and also wish I had more gold.

>posting this weak op with no links to old threads

pict related for both of ya. at least i kek'd at this post

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instead of a roll of eagles you could buy

a shotgun and ammo to hunt your meat
a tiller to plant your garden
a trailer to haul your equipment
armor to protect your self

That's kind of what I was thinking. And being that I'm new to the game I dont want someone to pull the wool over my eyes, so to speak

Are you implying we/I dont already have all of that?


Mines frosty tho and more than likely Comstock silver since it’s from the San Francisco Mint which I think is cool

78 is a key date tho how many tail feathers do you have?

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Well fucking said. Silver is beyond manipulated right now.
Anons, what do you think the elites' vaults look like as far as silver goes? How much of the stuff do they have buried?

ah here is the coin collectors thread i was looking for on this wonderful subchan

are these krugerrands any good? i only own pre 1933 st g's double e's but pickings are slim and i need to make my 2nd quarter buy.

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if i buy coins on ebay what are the chances they're fake?

a shit
Go for francs

it's easy to tell if something is silver or not once you play enough with the stuff, but look for sellers that only sell bullion, check their rating %, and check their reviews. I have bought a ton from ebay, and it checks out. Even sold lots of ebay silver to stores in real life and they check it and it verifies well.

Those who say to never buy from eBay are either boomers or don't know what to check for. The ones who make a living from selling on eBay are the ones you need. Especially silver that is in apmex baggies sealed. Look for extra little stuff like that.

I don’t know about you all... but because of Corona this is the first time since college that I’ve felt alive. I have lots of silver and been waiting for something like this to happen for 5 years. The point where things get so bad that 1 silver Merc dime will buy me a blowjob from a formerly well to do housewife and her 18 year old daughter at the same time. I’ve been waiting in the shadows laughing at these cuck husbands who buy their wives range rovers instead of buying silver bullion... knowing that I’ll be face fucking their wives mouths for the 1.30$ it cost me to buy that silver dime.

Just yesterday at Whole Foods I seamlessly entered into conversation about Corona with a roastie milf that had a ring on her finger in the water aisle... and I said this is all a cover for trump to bring us back on a gold standard. She started looking at me in amazement like she wanted me to paint her lips in cum. At the end of the conversation I’m like take my number l have plenty of protection and freeze dried food if you ever need it and she took it from me.

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Just buy from Larry on eBay. He has 100% seller rating.

I feel like the buy guns/ammo instead of PM meme is Euros projecting. What kind of self respecting burger isn't armed. I do need a garden/truck you got me on that one

tell me im pretty

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Precious Metal Dealers and Investment

Compare Metal Prices

Precious Metal News & Info

Wiki on verification of gold

Bullion tax info by state:


youtube.com/user/silverguru David Morgan
youtube.com/channel/UCfK5KF9J2jfWNq30-OgNoRAm Junius Maltby
youtube.com/channel/UCqmToXM7x2tD7-2rs0KvObA Silver Bullion TV
youtube.com/channel/UCXPvtSNFvh9FJrwN02crJ_A money metals exchange podcast
youtube.com/channel/UCjG_4Kg7ZWWs8o7EnfnDc9Q igold advisor
youtube.com/user/whygoldandsilver mike maloney's channel
youtube.com/user/ArcadiaEconomics primarily metal news and interviews
youtube.com/channel/UClzSFvylrK8ij3KVwrHzjdA As Good As Gold Australia, cool dudes
youtube.com/user/McalvanyFinancial they do Golden Rule Radio weekly, metal market wrap-up

get right with jesus weak ass op and use the catalogue

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That Archangel is fookin nice

That's what always confuses me about those posts. How are those things mutually exclusive in any way

I know from a trusted source ALL the richfags (above 2 millions in net wealth) have silver&gold at home. It may not be much comparatively to their current 'real' wealth, like a 2-3% edge, but it's still enough to dwarfen our poorfags stacks.

I find it funny they constantly repeat us PM are a thing of the past and we shouldn't bother, but behind our backs they still accumulate, every single one of them.

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It's probably someone with none of those things projecting their lack of preparedness on all of us