/smg/ - Stock Market General

shut up and buy it nya edition

pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed) (embed)

>Stock market words
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed) (embed)

>Risk management
pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed) (embed)

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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Other urls found in this thread:


It's priced in already bro!

I bet a LOT of people feel this way right now.

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This market is shifting my perception of reality by 180 degrees every other day
It's so fucking stressful

You didn't short the bottom did you, bobo?

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Should I buy BUD stock

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just buy it Nya

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If we close out green on Tuesday I will capitulate and turn into a bull. Whatever moves are happening tomorrow will set the tone for the rest of the month. SPY 200 end of month btw.

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add back the nhentai education link you fucks

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Red or green tomorrow?

I actually regret not buying more on Friday's dip.

>5 million dead and 80% unemployment
>Dow up 3%

It's priced in already bro!


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>Bollinger Bands®

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>hurrrrr how could we be rising

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I don't even trade stocks, i'm just here for the trap and loli posting. Fuck this clown market.

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>Trump stops calling it "Chinese Virus"
>Suddenly media coming out with stories that the virus cam from a lab in Wuhan
Media is literally children.

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10 share RTXlet reporting in

Does /smg/ use straddles and condors in a normal market?
t. newfag

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you now remember anons saying last Friday that tomorrow would be crimson red

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>Bear-cuck finally meeting his day of reckoning

What en epic thread, OP. Keep up the great work!

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this fucking image always gets me

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she was such a believable female character in the comics

>bulls desperately clinging to literally ONE day of lower rate of change
>what is statistical significance
you are all unironically insufferably retarded

All of your posts lately have no relation to the stock market

The door is open, feel free to leave at any time. Might I suggest Yas Forums or Yas Forums? Perhaps Yas Forums or even Yas Forums and Yas Forums? You could even try out some newer boards? There's a whole world out there! Have you tried Yas Forums /news/ /bant/ /trash/??

>those sources
>the media
trash tier outlets have been covering that for months, sometimes just straight repeating "this internet conspiracy theory" word for word.

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Depends entirely on the situation. Straddles are great with this volatility, but are shit with low-volatility stocks unless you gamma scalp, which is time consuming. Condors are good in normal market conditions generally but I wouldn't touch them right now.


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it gonna be 2450 by open tomarrow kek

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What's better to buy? stonks or bonds?

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the geometry of those panties doesn't make any sense. there are straps over her hips but then where he's pulling on them they're angled down toward her ass. lets have some integrity with the quality of the art on this website, huh?

What does this mean?

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First, ask yourself
"Which one of these is priced in?"

Buy Sticks

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Right now, stocks are probably better because stocks are on discount and interest rates are low which makes bond rate low.

then this from 2020:

what a snake

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We haven't had a red Monday in well over a month.

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This is so bullshit. Where did you get this? How do they justify a new all time high THIS YEAR when we're entering a global depression?

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yet the stock market rises
get shit on bobo

Warren buffet says to not worry about price points and graphs and shit and just to buy stocks from products you like/use assuming they aren't in debt and have strong financials. Is he wrong or lying or what?

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which stacks?

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Fellow bears, you all know exactly what's coming. Don't let the permabulls do you in. We all know what's coming Monday. In the mean time, post rare bobos.

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at least i'll forever be not as retarded as you

>Nobody working
>Millions of businesses shutting down
>Millions losing their jobs
I don't understand why futures are up.


They have methodology on their website

that's the dow, not the nasdaq user

it's just cope. reality always eventually catches up with the optimists

>Trump says virus is at it’s peak
>Futures turn green

It’s like people forget he’s a serial liar

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That’s unironically how I pick stocks and it’s worked out pretty well for me

>buy KO because you use KO
>buy COST because you like the deals at Costco
>Market goes down, stocks get crushed, divvies help you DCA down, automatically buying the dips, You keep buying the dips with extra cash, you win in the long run

>Market seems to love this company LK!
>I've never been but the data is great! Total growth phase!
>Buy biotech stock because they have great promising science
>Oh no... the Chinese are liars??
>oh no... microcap stocks with no products on the market are Pump and Dump scams???
>What do you mean "mixed shelf offering?!?!"

Choose one.

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How do I short that image?

Missing a set of limbs user.

This but also pick things your gf likes. Becky index is real.

holy fucking based

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I would pay a hundred bucks to sit and chat with a loser that actually bought LK (or any other Chinese scam stock, for that matter), maybe over a cup of pike place

Guys is there a stock that nobody is paying attention to? Seems like the second media attention is directed at a stock it literally just goes insane. What is nobody thinking about?

>your most reliable source is national review

baka senpai

BAM NEE and TDY, look at the charts, financials, and fundamentals for each. Huge growth.

He's right but most people tend to underestimate the lengths he goes to research the company's financials and growth potential, as well as the time frame involved for hold period.

glad i loaded up on calls friday.

spce fits that criteriahttps:

it's okay I only have 7

buffet is wrong here (yes I know heresy etc etc), the business to business market is like 5x or 10x bigger than the consumer market

>futures open
>thread immediately becomes shit
I fucking hate these newfags that are only here to spectate.

>graph doesn't show pas forecasts
Unless you can show me that, its basically worthless.

If there's an upwards breakout tomorrow we're probably back in a bull market for a few days unless something crazy happens like Boris Johnson dying.

LK was not obviously a scam. They have a large business and the (now proven fraudulent) financials reflected that. It's not easy to trade on fundamentals like this.

how much will you pay us to fuck off?

My day job is an oceanographer and I can confirm teledyne has by far the best instrumentation on the market

my nigga

should I sell my BIP shares to buy more BAM? I'm waffling on whether I like the infrastructure better or the main company

For best bullish case you want a close above 2530 or so on S&P.

Ten dollars, it's probably a lot to a poorfag like yourself.

I see you shilling specifically these three companies every thread and I just want to say that I will probably buy these

SCP POOLCORP is good, summer is coming
You actually ruined the good day I was having and will be leaving until morning

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yes, if it were a US company, I would have more faith in the fundamentals. There would likely be some whistleblowers, and hit pieces written by suspicious analysts.

Even the disney whistleblowers worry me. but it looks like, if there was funny business there, they can probably cover it up by moving all the losses they hid to the coronacrash quarters.

--or something. I don't actually know the many ways to cook books.

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Will open very green, pull back to bait bears, than shoot to the moon monday.

At least I'm priced in

Based, had an airport user shill it to me and I loved it. Their quality means they can get significant profit margins, and they cater to obscure markets where they have significant pricing power. Just like brookfield do with utilities. Little competition mean better deals. Combined with their insane rate of acquisitions What do you do with oceanography? Sounds like a cool job.

The past forecasts probably did not take into account the coronavirus

lmao you're still in POOL?
what about CSSE?

Do I sell my puts for a loss tomorrow or do I double down?
5/15 SPY 200

I just don’t see how anybody could invest in a coffee company without at least tasting the product. Also, never trust a chinaman.

I'm gonna sell everything tommrow bros. One of my stocks keeps falling and the other is stable and if i unload it all I make a small profit. This was my first time trying out stocks and it was very stressful.

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Because the market is always forward looking

what stocks

How many more bears are there to get baited this up move should liquidate almost everyone who went short already.

Ok, but I still want to see if they were even close to right before that.

No idea dude. We are kind of in a crab market. Two huge jobless claims reports and a jobs report didnt change anything in the market.

Keep it, BIP is nice, although I heard there is some BIPC thing which is better for tax purposes. These utilities are great in volatile times and so is BAM. They own quality real estate, not shitty malls, they will always have clients. I would probably say BAM is a better value because it is more exposed to real estate and private equity but look into BPY, insane margin and at a huge discount.

I have May 15th SPY puts, if this market goes up with double digit unemployment fuck me sideways.

Buy June or July puts at the 3:45 pump.

what's the current situation with trumpbux? is that actually happening (and when) or no?

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Mainly water sampling and modeling. It’s a pretty mindless job but it takes me to weird places and I get to dive. We regularly drop $50k on teledyne kit without even batting an eye. And it all needs maintenance and updates and stuff which we pay them for also

Can somebody redpill me on this shit?
Is COF going to get fucking demolished by their derivatives?


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smg, I have come to the conclusion that it almost does not matter what you buy. Almost every stocks charts looks exactly the same. There is literally too much data to accurately price every company. The algos and journalist are basically copying each others's homework at this point. Every chart is basically follow the SPY to with some variation. There are some outliers but it's all hot air nonsense. If you are up, then sell. If you are out of the market, throw some alphabet spagetttoes at the walls and type in the first three letter you see in a row. I am up and I can't tell you why. All data point to me getting fucked, but I went up 16%. No t a fucking clue.

Leafs what trading platform do you use other than scummy Questtrade and meme-tier Wealthsimple Trade

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They're priced in

>17% yield
you fucking what

Glad I can help, so many shitstock shillers I thought I could help out and give some nice picks. After all you guys helped me get into the market a while back when I got bored and clicked in here from /sci/. Paying the gains forward so to speak.

No I sold it but its back in my buy zone as of friday
Havent traded that in a very long time and dont plan on it. Speaking of ghiost candles NATH is still doing very good compared to other restaurants and reliable ghost candles

TDY is way overbought at every scale kek. I’ll set a limit order for $200.

6.5k in an oil company and 6.5k in a metal company. If I sell it all right when the market opens I make 800 profit. small but I just want to get out without a loss.

God I wish that we're me

I used qtrade but it was so expensive. Unironically questrade is the best we have in leaf land

>asx pumping

This meme needs to stop already

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Democrats, in an ironic move, killed it out of spite for Trump and for more welfare gibbes and gay windmills. Invest in California mountain lion repellent.

I think you gotta pay for that, they claim they are 98% accurate

meme tier wealthsimple because I'm poor

can you also make TDY cheaper somehow? I'm dumping $5k into the market because I'm poor and I want to buy more. are there any companies with small share prices you recommend? just asking since you seem like you're one of the few that knows what they're doing

Kek it's incredible

I need to dig into it but surely it will come back to the 20s, and 6 years of consistent divvy growth. I think it'll get cut again but it always has brookfield to fall back on and has quality properties which will always be in demand so they can afford to kick out tenants that don't pay. Unlike REITs that invest in random shopping centers BPY has flagship properties, just look at this, it isn't your local mall.


KTOS and NET, but wtf is BAM not cheap enough for you