Average looking girl that's not fat

average looking girl that's not fat
>make onlyfans account
>130K per year

average looking guy
>thousands of hours of hard work
>years of schooling
>the struggle of finding a job
>60K entry finance job

Yas Forums will defend this

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K per year
Yeah, as if.

a bit exaggerated but it does capture the essence of this clown world yes

Roasties are big spenders.

Based americacentricism

In any other "first world" country you'll be starting in finance at under 35k

Men are unironically to blame for this situation because they support this type of behavior.

simps enable this

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So? What should I do know with this info? Gonna go cry on the internet like a bitch?

Blame this on men. Many of them hire women for eye candy.

>implying that girl is average looking
beauty is scarce and in high demand in our society, being hot is almost a skill in itself.

You're getting angry over nothing. The wealth distribution for these thots is insanely skewed. You've got a tiny tiny amount of them making crazy money, and the rest of them make close to nothing

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what the fucking shit

OP is lying. Wages in america arent good either. Median wage is 30k

>Minimum wage is average.
Move outta Arkansas.

Women have it easy when they are young and pretty, yet are a heavily depreciating asset once they can't produce children.

Men have it hard throughout life, yet appreciate in value as they age.

Men only appreciate in value if they play it smart, work for it and grow some balls.

>average looking guy
>60k finance job
>pays some ethot 15% of his paycheck in gifts every week
Men enabled our society

>130K per year
and the next?
Women deteriorate fast
And the younger they are, the dumber they are, so those 130k aren't going into assets

Meanwhile a man will usually earn more and more

It’s the free market at work man.

>and the next?
she then picks the most loaded beta cuck and he keeps financing her

>girl: possibility of forsaking your entire future career and ambitions for short term monetary gain

>man: building the foundation of his future career that will return more value in the long run and support him and his family in his twighlight years

Seems like a basic cost benefit to me desu

Yes it is. Internet forums are delusional when it comes to money. Most people are making just a few dollars above minimum wage

>median wage
Meaningless metric in america

Literally men's fault for paying these E-whores

enablers deserve the gulag

not to mention you have to wage for 10 hours a day while this thot snaps a few videos(which she was already gonna do) fuck this gay earth

I don’t
We need sharia

if they kill another prisoner can they come back?

Yah but that's a doomed relationship.

Just give up and do literally anything else.
Women are over valued.

>a bit

Civilization is for beta males.

>simp and roastie making each other happy, not affecting you in any way
>being mad at the roastie and not the simp
>omg noooooo why is this happening??!!???
How do you deal with being such a fucking retard? What kind of fag do you have to be to care about this in your free time?

You understand there’s plenty of men raking in OnlyFans, Patreon, and PayPal/CashApp/Venmo money too, right?

It is 2020, pimping ain’t ok

tell me more

I’m talking about dudes having their own OnlyFans. A lot of them even bring their woman or others into it. Some make just as much as women do, even though there’s way more women in that space.

That's a man.


>Yas Forums will defend this

Basically, yes. And it makes sense; what doesn't make sense is how we allowed it to get that way. Full autismo:

> A womb is the single most valuable asset on the planet
> Men have evolved to want access to women and their wombs with such intensity that we will devote most of our waking efforts to getting some, then feel emotionally driven to take care of a woman long after she no longer has a functioning womb
> Womb is just that important
> Distinction is that men are attracted to the womb's owner, not the womb itself, and certain signs on a womb's owner indicate greater fertility or accessibility, which men evolved to enjoy more than anything
> One of the cornerstones of a settled civilization is distributing access to wombs in a way that maximizes male economic output
> Every successful civilization took basically total control over wombs by one method or another, limiting their utility to their owners to maximize male economic output
> Monogamous marriage being the most successful but not only method
> So successful that the economy developed such that we had leisure time to spend on political causes, work that could be done effectively by women, and a strong demand for more people with full power to buy and contract debt
> Women are thus given modern set of rights, including bodily autonomy - ie 100% control of their wombs
> Also social norms change to free up ability to advertise, rent, or sell use of womb, including selling time to look at or touch the womb's carrier
> Society changed, but men want the woman as much as ever
> Resources thus diverted to the way that maximizes exposure to womb-bearers
> Mass media enables one above-average girl to sell views of her womb's ad copy to thousands without ever meeting them
In other words, it's men. We gave women total control over the most valuable resource in the world, one so valuable that it's ad copy alone can buy a living from simps. Now they mass-market it for remote viewing.

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>biz superchad who is OG presaler LINK
>did nothting in lift except by 1m link in presale
>doesn't lift
>doesnt have a business
>doesnt even shower
>has harem of 20 average looking girls with 130k per year onlyfans account
biz subhuman doomers will complain about anything. all you had to do was buy link. you only have yourself to blame.

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You're missing out on part 2 where the chick blows through all of the money before hitting the wall and being unable to find a man while the guy progresses up the career ladder and gets to pick his mate in his 30's.

modern economy is internet prostitution or amazon worker. that's it. enjoy

>all you had to do was buy link

Redditors knew Chainlink was a scam and would drop 50% 9 months ago. Are you saying you have lower IQ than a redditor? Why didn't you listen?

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so what?
you think the hole cares or thinks this far?

Just don't date any woman who's put naked pictures of themselves on the internet. Let them be cat ladies. The idea that they get to "settle down" with some dumb simp is peak entitlement.

Median white male wages are $55k. Even median latino male made $35k. (Blacks made 40k.) There is easily accessible government data for this stuff.

they settle down with a simp anyway, everyday a sucker is born and your boycott is meaningless since you are not part of the pussy market anyway

...user i

The pussy market doesn't matter, the marriage market is where whores are going to be fucked (lmao)

Marriage rates are dropping like a stone and men increasingly have no interest in marriage. There will be an entire lost generation of childless cat ladies.

this is not fair

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some cuck will pay them you can be sure of that

Don’t worry they will have their jobs outsourced when the internet proliferates the 3rd world more.

there's pretty much even numbers of men and women, if any % of men drop out if the marriage game, the same % of women are left childless

no problem the government will take your money through taxes and pay the childless roasties

There’s plenty of successful men’s OnlyFans account. Go check for yourself. It’s common knowledge it works both ways. Tons of women pay more to men than men to women. Learn the game

1. willing to bet 70-80% of them make less than $1000 a month
2. they got 5-10 years max to make money and not spend it like a retard, after that theres no hope for any other career
3. they will spend it like a retard on a phone that halves in value in 2 years, purses/jewelry that instantly lose money after you first unpackage it
3. nobody will marry them
still, this should be illegal or have onlyfans should require an ID to use