I don't ever click a thread with that weird egyptian thing. Why are there so many of them?

I don't ever click a thread with that weird egyptian thing. Why are there so many of them?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-05 at 1.12.42 PM.png (750x1188, 414.82K)

Other urls found in this thread:


In order for bagholders to be able to dump on idiots, they need the volume to increase and the price to rise. Some people on biz are gullible idiots, who fall for shilling and scams time and time again. The coin itself serves almost no purpose. The anonymous IDENA team expects advertisers (they have literally zero of them right now) to buy an low-liquidity token on low volume exchanges. This will not happen. YOU are what they want. Or, to me more precise, your MONEY.

This is why the shill. It's desperation.


at least familiarize yourself with the project before fudding

Because people are excited about a coin that doesn't look like a piece of shit after countless utility shitcoins that have been shilled in the past year
And then there are retards that don't buy in and don't make money because they think everything is satsgang

Shitskins dumping what they've mining onto dumber shitskins


kys faggot ngmi

shitcoins come and go

Attached: Bitcoin.png (800x620, 219.22K)

>at least familiarize yourself with the project before fudding
I did. As already outlined in my previous post, the unknown IDENA team expects actual businesses (advertisers) to BUY their TOKEN on EXCHANGES!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! Dude... They also have no advertiser to speak of to this date.

>And then there are retards that don't buy in and don't make money because they think everything is satsgang
>please buy my pump'n'dump shitcoin, and hope that you will sell at the right time before the dump
Sounds like a plan. But what does the coin DO in your opinion?

Imagine creating fud OC and spending all day on Yas Forums fuding a coin, and the entire time you're not even profiting. What a waste of time and energy.

it's shit

I will not allow you to scam Yas Forumstards.

>Imagine creating fud OC and spending all day on Yas Forums fuding a coin, and the entire time you're not even profiting. What a waste of time and energy.
I will be here every day in every thread. Whatever it takes to inform people about this pump and dump attempt. Do you feel no remorse whatsoever that you can potentially hurt people of Yas Forums financially, especially when the world is in such a turmoil, and money is hard to come by?

It's the first of its kind in tech and the only coin that's made an effort to solve the issues of PoW and PoS in one swoop. It's entirely novel and usecases will arise for it the same way dApps and smart contracts made Ethereum big. This is extremely early and they already have a reasonable roadmap, and the way advertising works (potentially showing ads to hundreds of thousands of miners, with miners being sharded to prevent 51% attacks and allowing for fair voting for consensus for certain proposals in the network). It's at least an interesting concept at its core with a different philosophy with most other coins while being decentralized and trustless (which is why the devs are anonymous, it's the entire principle of the coin to begin with). Your thought process is elementary at best.

Pajeets mad as fuck that no one wants their shitcoin lmao

Attached: 1482380563723s.jpg (221x228, 9.06K)

these scammers are complete psychopaths. Ive been in discords and telegrams that shill shit on Yas Forums just like this. Its your typical diacord edgelords
they rephrase and practice what would be genuine Yas Forums posts. Theyve prepared people calling out their scam months in advance. They know everything Yas Forums is going to say and are denying everything.

Sooner or later, crypto will get regulated and these fucks will finally go to federal prison

Someone market bought $30k a few hours ago, I saw in a thread a few days ago an user that bought 100k+ stack incrementally the past few weeks. People are accumulating and unironically not selling, except for stacklets that are selling their mined/staked coins

Nobody is going to buy your shitcoin ranjeet

Also, has anyone notice how RSR threads have gone completely quiet? Like there are virtually 0 RSR threads at all but now theres an abundance of Idena threads?

>an interesting concept

It's a concept. Thank you. Investing big amounts of money in a "concept" is quite possibly the riskiest proposition out there, and is nothing short of a pure gamble.

this was the sign for me, this is just the beginning.

i love this. I called out how batches of new oc shill images are getting cranked out of nowhere like a discord doing it. All the paid shills deny this saying the images were made months ago. And now look (pic)
you cant make this shit up over how inorganic the shills are

this is the most violent discord raid on Yas Forums ive come across. The scammers really out did themselves this time

Attached: scam.jpg (664x314, 29.75K)

Lmao imagine missing out on the biggest project since Chainlink cause of biz cynicism

Idena is the gift, biz doesn’t deserve

Attached: 67A7D6D8-2FFF-41FA-8AAA-5DC8EACF24E5.jpg (828x1194, 319.86K)

hello fine sirs can l please get an invite?
[email protected]


Attached: 9D692F86-C2C5-42CA-91C5-6DD13525C331.jpg (585x615, 106.24K)

you faggots need a new script

love your FOMO disguised as FUD. didnt get that invite yet while others make nice money on the side without investing anything except for 5 minutes installing an app and solving some puzzles?

You assume that people (a) don't work (b) don't have investments outside of cryptosphere (c) don't have investments in legitimate projects inside of cryptosphere (d) are stupid enough to invest in pump and dump scams and buy your bags

There are a lot of assumptions here, buddy.

What does the DNA token do?

whatever, DNA makes me over 100$ a month on the side without any effort. I just installed it on a VPS. Looks like you hate money

You sound exactly like someone who would not invest in bitcoin back when it was under a dollar. Not saying Idena is a bitcoin level investment but you might want to rethink your reasoning unless you enjoy missing out on potentially life changing opportunities.

So the token serves no real purpose in and of itself. You just mine it, and then sell it on the market. Nice. You have just described every shitcoin on the market.

Stop lying and hoping that anons will buy your bags.

As an active member of the idena community, it is being shilled here for sure. Just look at the price right now. Obvious pump and dump scheme. It's a good coin, but if the community gets caught up in speculation rather than providing value, it won't go as far.

It's better to have 1k per coin in the end, than a 10 dollar pump and dump move onto next shitcoin scam.

I'm considering advertising on the network as soon as they have it up.

There are infinite "life changing opportunities" that "solve real life problems" and are the "next Bitcoin/Ethereum" on the market right now. There are currently over FIVE THOUSAND crypto coins out there. 99.9% of them will fail.

There is absolutely no indication whatsoever that IDENA will be a success. Your investment is a huge gamble, and the odds are heavily against you.

There wasn't just a single time to buy BTC. People could buy it for $10, $100, or a $1000, and still make out like bandints. BTC has history and a high level of trust. IDENA has none of that, and chances are very high that it never will, just like 99.9% of the 5,000+ other coins.

there you go I found some future usecases for you, because you are too stupid too search for yourself

Attached: 4159588351-ddb33f74d66d80188211173e8b0a4dbafeb1cb11491e17c6550298d5ee263bff.jpg (710x210, 33.43K)

>future usecases
POSSIBLE future use cases. IF this project succeeds. IF businesses and governments will trust IDENA's anonymous team. IF IDENA will even gain popularity beyond pure speculation. IF IDENA will be seen as anything special in the sea of thousands of other coins.

Having a dream is nice, for sure, but do not forget to be objective as well. You are betting on a highly risky proposition with a very low possibility of it succeeding. Gambling at a casino make more sense, probability-wise.

kek @ 100 a month.

crypto ubi dood!!!1 so salty u didnt get an invite ha ha ur missing out on big money!!1 stay mad dude u didnt get da invite hahahah eheheh lmaooooo!

If you look at it from that perspective sure.

50% of marriages end in divorce. But if you do the right things leading up to and in marriage, your success rate reaches near 100%

I've been a loser trying to make money on the internet for a while now, I've made money and lost money, ultimately it's up to you. This coin is not a statistic. Ultimately it's a democratic coin so a stable community of engaged users is where it derives its value.


Confirming that each account is a verified person and not a bot/second account makes the value of each user much higher. I do think it's in a bubble currently, and that the UBI isn't a lot. But even a little UBI could change the world.

Pump and dump schemes aside, the internet could really use a decentralized advertising platform based on UBI. In essence, the advertiser is paying you some money to show you an ad. Correct me if I'm wrong.

You're right, chasing the next life changing opportunity left and right is highly unlikely to succeed. With that said, I do not know of any other project in the entire space that has solved decentralization in the way IDENA has, if you know of any please let us know because I would be very interested. POW and POS are inherently centralized because they depend on an individual's wealth, POP doesn't. There are countless applications that could use some kind of proof of humanity, and the development output has been good so far. This is not speculation, just observations. Waiting for a project to prove itself as being legit and truly groundbreaking will mean buying in at a significantly higher price, which can be the difference between a life changing amount vs. a good / great amount, it all depends on your risk tolerance and personal goals I suppose. In any case, I agree with you that most cryptos will die, and IDENA may very well fail too (more likely it fails than succeeds if we're being realistic), but that doesn't mean you should be closed minded and think that everything is a scam when at times, there is actually novel tech that is worth digging into.

The first one is technically already accomplished, and the team has delivered thus far with good code and frequent updates. It’s interesting to see where it goes at the very minimum. Also it’s $2m mcap, you could take far riskier gambles. The upside outweighs the downside at this point.

100 dollars a month would lift most of the world out of absolute poverty.

You're looking at the cumulation of success/failures and creating a estimate on that. That statistic does not apply to success/failure of any individual coin. So, no, it's not like a casino.

Based and along my lines of thinking when I put money into it. There’s no point in not putting some money in when we’re at the very ground level of this anyways. It could collapse and die, but the chances of that happening before more upside from this is extremely low

Read "the millionaire next door" and learn why you'll never make it faggot.

same questions basically apply to all alts...
whats your point

It really all depends on the developers and community, as well as the potential of the technology.

Right now it's being pumped up and is going to dump any second. Just look at all the threads, this isn't the idena community this is some other group.

Yeah I’ve been in the daily threads for this and there’s usually only one or 2 at a time with fairly minimal activity. Today’s threads have been nuts and makes this project look like satsgang pnd, fucking annoying

iam not betting anything. except for a few louse bucks of electricity or in my case less than 5$ a month for the VPS

That's why this won't go anywhere at the rate the chart is going right now. A good way to see the real value of the coin is the number of users, which is up but not reflecting the price of the coin. Pure pump and dump. I don't spamming biz attracts the right kind of people to the project anyways.

kek nice boomer book dude. next up in book club, rich dad poor dad!111!!!!!

crypto UBI, woohoooo!!!!!!!!!111

ps. I have an invite and node out of curiosity. Its laughable. its literally pajeet pump and dump textbook. create false scarecity. claim hopes and dreams vaporware, dump onto idiots.

if you are a newfag: this is your only chance in life to become rich

$100/month at basically ground level is pretty decent desu, you’re assuming the price will remain like this too

The chart is from Andrew selling someone nearly 200k otc to a whale at 2200 sats per coin. It’s not from pnders, it’s literally from a big purchase that happened on qtrade

I'm sorry I'm new, where can I see this?

Wait a second... are you trying to trick me? Why are there obvious shill threads then? This doesn't add up.

ever thought of damaging a project by starting fake shill threads? thats why

No, it was confirmed in the tg. I personally think the shills are either inorganic or people that have gotten in the last few days that can’t pump the brakes on shilling. It’s a legit, interesting project but faggots have completely run with it and are doing the same routine of trying to pump their new bag. It’s disgusting desu, everyone that got in at 700 sats weren’t pulling this shit

I'm convinced you're trying to decieve me and I don't see any reason to continue this conversation. Didn't get into this to fall for pump and dump schemes. I will continue to accumulate, and mind my own business.

Honestly man, it's mania. Everyone was on a buying frenzy. I was too. But it's just not worth it to get yourself worked up like that.


holy fuck the shills are dumb. you do realise that the rate of minin would decrease? jesus. even the shills cant get the narrative right.

Idena coin very good , easy moon

>when the volume grows organically

Attached: idena coin very nice.png (829x783, 38.22K)

>2008 financial crisis we got Bitcoin: 2020 financial crisis we now have Idena
i mean who the even write this? I feel sorry for anyone clicking these threads

That’s when the chink exchange listed it, that’s called washtrading newfag
Correct, theoretically price will balance the scarcity. Great time to get in when the rewards are still decent