I’m getting a divorce, Yas Forums how can I make sure I am financially protected to not lose everything from my car to my portfolio?
I’m getting a divorce...
I feel like fucking shit it’s my fault this is happening but it doesn’t lessen the impact
Get fired and stay unemployed another year before divorcing.
fire cleanses all OP
Fake your death. I heard you can buy a death certificate in india for 1k.
that is a man
perfect time to work on some of your brother's house extensions or something.
you'll be ok fren
time will heal it
Your cars are gone, and I say that from experience. I lost my 2 exotics I dreamed of owning and even my shitbox projects were sold off.
Better put a lot of your portfolio into Monero and some PM you can store elsewhere. Off shore account but you’re probably too late for that. Don’t cheap out on a lawyer either or you’re going to get fucked 3 times as hard as you expected the worst case scenario to be.
ultra kek!
Why is she even gonna get the car we don’t even have kids she has no reason for it
Thank you
>how can I make sure I am financially protected to not lose everything
it is very easy , simple trick really .. never ever get married.
lmao what the fuck
What did you do OP?
>is it tucked
fkn kek
Hello, based department?
kill the bitch
Our 2 years wasted because we’re forced to be stuck inside all day. We've been stuck inside all week and she thought that Sunday would be Funday because we usually go out to eat.
I told her not this time and she kept been passive aggressive about it. I asked her nicely to cook me some eggs and she kept slamming the cooking utensils down so I knew something was wrong. So I asked her what was wrong and she kept saying nothing. So I left it at that. But when she served me the food she kind of threw the plate on the table and the eggs touched the table and I just lost it. I didn’t mean too man but I don’t know what happened. At first I grabbed her hand when she was walking away and she kept pulling and I kept asking what was wrong with her. She didn't respond so I just pushed her but she acted like I had done it hard and she threw herself on the ground and started cursing at me. Then I got on top of her and pinned her head against the floor and started bashing at her ribs for some reason. She ran to the bathroom and everything went so fast like a storm. Her parents showed up, I wouldn’t let them in, she jumped out the window, won’t answer her phone and told me we are done and even my own family back home was told about this mess.
I spent too much time here, I thought she would just want to have sex after I just got a little forceful. I didn’t know she was going to be such a baby about it. But whatever I’m a man and if shit goes to shit, it’s the fault of the man.
Do you think I have enough time
tell me about the wabbits george
sound like a piece of shit dude desu
>marrying a white roastie
Yellow girls or bust.
>started bashing at her ribs for some reason
Kek you piece of shit. I hope you lose everything. Maybe youll go to jail and pay her off for the rest of your life. You best option is suicide.
She sounds like that when I recall the story but before the quarantine she was a normal home wife. I never knew she had such feelings about just going to a restaurant for two hours, but I wish I did
Your fault for not killing her and stuffing her in the septic tank
>Then I got on top of her and pinned her head against the floor and started bashing at her ribs for some reason
Sell everything and put it in crypto. A healthy mix of stablecoins and BTC. Then do some transactions to other addresses you control and say you were hacked and lost it all.
You don’t know me I have pets like dogs and rabbits. I’m a very nice person but I think due to the social distancing something must’ve happened to my mind. It’s a fact the CIA MKultras people so I bet that (((they))) are trying to create mass failed marriages and I got hit by the attack
You're a freak, also you sound like a pajeet or a minority. White men in your situation would just ignore their wife ad infinitum. We've been doing it for centuries and we learn from our fathers.
Bugmen minorities and niggers lose their tempers and physically assault their own loved ones because they have small brains and were raised poorly.
>I’m getting a divorce
lmao got em
dont do this. feminist courts will still bill you at your previous salary and if you dont pay then its jail
I feel like this story and its timing are not uncommon at all. Some relationships wouldn't last years without compensation of drugs and alcohol.
I don't have a proper advice since this is a particularly difificult situation, good luck and try to not discard any possibility.
I am a mix of alot of different white races and I didn’t have any family that isn’t white. And most would say I am redpilled. I know what I did was wrong but I am not wholly to blame nor do I deserve to lose everything I worked for
hes only into trannies, a fellow patrician
Thank you
>nor do I deserve to lose everything I worked for
I have a feeling you're about to. Pretty sure there's going to be a massive wave of divorces over the next few weeks.
a man served many years for an offshore hidden account and he said he lost it all for contempt lf court. if you are going to put it into crypto do not say you lost it all and have a trace. dont be dumb and pay a premium for cypto with cash
OP did you really fall for the women meme? While u were namecalling single men as "incel" didnt you think we had a perfectly good reason to be disgusted by women? Shouldve listened, modern women are a BAD investment period. I learned the hard way too dont worry. Lost my belongings but i will never again fall for it
You know you're a cuck, right?
That woman was getting fucked by another man.
I know that behavior very well.
That woman doesn't see you as a man.
If it was me, as a bull there, the moment I push my girl she's already begging to be fucked.
She wanted to frame you as abusive, and you fell and lost.
Your mistake was getting married in the first place.
As for solution:
Minimize damages.
Get the hell away from her, don't ever talk again.
Look up red pill.
This is my favorite pasta right now
Since you don’t have kids that will help a lot, but that’s why I said lawyer up. The best you can afford. The courts have no issue taking everything you worked for to award your ex wife, especially if she decides to go for it.
i bet this guy is browsing Yas Forums on a regular basis
You're an idiot if you think you're red-pilled.
Red-pilled man don't get married in this age, period.
Stick to concubining.
You’re losing everything. Domestic violence accusations 100%. Your car and everything else is good as gone
How long were you married? That should reflect how much time you have when shit hits the fan.
Just tough it out & stay married OP.
Yes it's far cheaper to drop $150/wk on a good marriage therapist than lose half in an ugly divorce.
Maybe have a kid to save the marriage?
what's this from
Is this the experience of blacks that find themselves in jail and they feel innocent? I feel like I completely understand black people now.
yeah XMR is sounding good right about now lol
not sure how you would go about it though. they would see the transactions from your bank account to bitcoin and maybe even bitcoin to XMR. once it's XMR they cant trace it but your name will still be attached to the withdrawals of money from your bank and btc
i still agree with you. you shouldn’t have flipped, the beating should have been a conscious decision, but she was being a bitch and asking for it
>beat the shit out of your wife
>wtf! why did she leave me?
Bro, only dumb bitches fall for Alpha male shit. Hitting a woman isn't an automatic turn on.
>getting a divorce
If your wife had a mysterious accident that would be way better for you, if you get what I am saying.
Holy based.
If you get pissed off at your woman you wait until you’re already having sex to start smacking her ass and choking her.
Feels good man
DUDE!! i do this shit all the time , you are fine, now all you gotta do it try and fix your shit.
Make her feel like you love her again and go all out to show it, she will come running back in no time, they all do
Tell her it's the Virus making you all crazy and shit, that you are scared she would die from it and you wanted to protect her, rib jabbing is a nice touch tho
yoir wifes a man