And you schizos think this quarantine is going to last any longer than April because...?

And you schizos think this quarantine is going to last any longer than April because...?
Fucking retards, I swear.

Attached: 3296190293.jpg (512x512, 35.72K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it's not even got started yet


Because retarded states like Georgia, Alabama and Florida only just started to lock things down

obvious newfag is obvious

Because we live in clown world. We killed the economy over a flu.

>And you schizos think this quarantine is going to last any longer than April because...?
Toronto is on lockdown for the next 12 weeks minimum. I expect stocks will deep even further when it becomes clear to boomers that no, it's not going to be over by summer.

Because if a Governor ends it and some kid dies of coronavirus shortly after or things get worse again, then he's not getting re-elected and that's bad for him.

Not to mention, anyone that has tried to deviate from it instantly shamed by the social media mob.

This shit is not going away until the food runs out.. It will take massive public rebellion which is not going to happen anytime soon either because everyone seems content with sitting at home watching netflix propoganda and getting fat

Either make the system well or watch us take it to hell.


>retarded states like Georgia
To be fair, the Governor said he didn't know people can be infectious yet asymptomatic, and ordered the lockdown once he found out.
So he says.

WOOOPSIES, due to my incompetence and inability to remain informed about the most important crisis facing my state in 150 years, thousands are going to die.
Although it's the poor urban working class (retail, service industry) who are interacting with the public and more likely to get sick before a lockdown. They weren't going to vote for him anyway. So hell maybe this is just a high iq play to remove liberal voters.

Attached: sorry.jpg (460x480, 43.13K)

At least until fall. That's when mandatory vaccinations and ID2020 roll out

Brian Brooks now second most powerful at the FED. He used to be coinbase's CLO AMD oversaw USDC. Plan to put the dollar on Erc-20 standard?

ID2020. Microsoft backed project linked to Ethereum Enterprise Alliance through Decentralized Identity Foundation. This is a blockchain based biometric chip that will be used to track who has a vaccine certificate. You will be unable to resume international travel without it so should onboard tons of people into Ethereum via a blockchain identity.

Key people involved:
Garry Conille (UN)
Blythe Masters (Hyperledger & JPMORGAN)
David Treat (Hyperledger & Enterprise Ethereum Alliance)

Mipasa. Same as ID2020 but non USA focus. Less info is known

It's a Ethereum blockchain technocratic takeover ofc we aren't getting off any time soon

If only Stacey Abrams won.

This is the only correct answer. Crypto will moon but enslave you at the same time.

For Canada at least, the Parliamentary Budget Office is expecting the (((lockdown))) to last until August. I'm including a link to the report below:

>We assume that the current COVID-19 social distancing and self-isolation
measures will remain in place through August, lasting
roughly 6 months in total.

Attached: image-asset.png (427x238, 99.46K)

this so much

Attached: 1492363862277.png (619x453, 45.73K)

Look at Pennsylvania. Tom Wolf got re-elected in a landslide 2 years ago and that commie and his tranny health secretary are shutting everything down indefinitely.

They'll start to transition into a different system where they focus on tracking individual cases and isolating problem areas in about a week. There will still be areas in quarantine next winter.

The Coronaviridae family is well known for decades to have two peaks of infection. Covid-19 is only two mutations different than Sars, which is why it is a Sars strain and not a different species.

Attached: corona reinfections.png (2440x1424, 1.43M)

Ima sad frog too

I contribute to the Gits for these blockchain projects and I thought we were building a better economy not a global control grid.....

everything will be in lockdown until a vaccine is out this virus is too easily spread its much more infectuos than influenza and causes many more young people to be hopsitalized

great post thank you

>Crypto mooning all but confirmed within a year or two
>(((FED))) and (((intl govts))) are fighting hard to continue their shadow financial enslavement of people
>we'll all be rich slaves, but slaves nonetheless, (((they))) still hold the keys

I don't like this timeline anymore.

This, the official virus designation is SARS-CoV-2, which is literally "Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus-[strain] 2". "COVID-19" is technically the disease it causes in humans, not the virus itself.

It'll be over by June 1st. Screencap this.

Attached: 1585950870169.png (490x898, 178.93K)

Also, if you detox your body to remove free radicals on a regular basis, you literally can't get the virus. Read, brainlets:

holy fug

>i swear
go back, fucking normie

These are the two genes that are mutated in Covid-19. The replicase mutation does not encode for a different amino acid (codon degeneracy), but is thought to have faster translation.
pic related
mutated covid19 genes underlined in red

Attached: 2 mutations in Covid 19.png (1516x1356, 443.47K)

Co for coronaviridae family
V for virus
ID for ID #19

You’re the clown, Ferdinand.

If by “it” you mean the economy, then yes.

its not just ethereum. Fantom is working with central banks in the Asian, European, and African regions to create and establish their CBDC's through a Xar network proxy. Shit's getting real fast. But most of us should get rich, so fuck it

it''s going to last 6months+

>V for virus
>ID for ID #19
Vi for virus
D for disease
19 for the year it showed up.
It's vague as shit but I guess they didn't wanna just slap SARS 2: Electric Boogaloo on the version of the name with the most public exposure.

Attached: 1564616484149.jpg (1280x1859, 391.28K)

>over a flu

You types are the reason this shit got out of hand in the first place.

>ETH will moon but is Evil
>BTC is idealistic but flawed and will dump
>XMR will moon and is Good
Looks like the choice is simple

this, there was legislation recently passed saying coronavirus isn't allowed to infect people after April 30.

india is going to get ravaged

>Although it's the poor urban working class (retail, service industry) who are interacting with the public and more likely to get sick before a lockdown. They weren't going to vote for him anyway.
That part is true, but the people actually dying are overwhelmingly old and, apparently, about 60% male, which is a decidedly republican demographic.

This shows how many people are infected and with which grow factor it will take how many days to go under a certain limit so the healthcare isn't overloaded. As you can see from one of the graphs even when only 2% of the people need intensive care and an average time in the hospital of 15 days it would take a year to be under a threshold so the system isn't overloaded. So it will still take a very long will only be over if we have a vaccine or a lot of people die if we want herd immunity.

Attached: Screenshot_20200403-180834.jpg (1080x1920, 686.19K)

I think schools and most workplaces will reopen around then. But there will still be restrictions on large gatherings, social distancing in stores, etc.

Justin Trudeau said Canadá will be on lockdown till July.......

Fucking hate it here

Were fucked

Leave then faggot, Trudeau is giving me $8000 to do absolutely nothing

Wow in just a week user? Get real. The US is too incompetent for this.

Gee the country goes into a state enforced lockdown for weeks(something impossible for the US apparently) and new reported cases decline? WOW who would have thought. Guess that means they are done and can just go back to normal. No need for quarantine/lockdown anymore. Zero chance of it spreading out of control again.

Based Leaf. For once, your country is truly superior to Burgerland.

This. The pleasure service industry and travel will and are getting absolutely fucked.


The (american) stock market exists to transfer money from the retard schizo doomers to the based Golden Bulls.

Simple as.
Simple as.
Simple as

come back in july and apologize

What are we going shut down everything every time someone gets a cold? When I was your age we held rock concerts for pressing disease issues.

>we held rock concerts for pressing disease issues.
Not for airborne infectious diseases in places those diseases were currently spreading

Attached: 1575474093843.gif (370x330, 325.09K)

>You types
you mean fearless chads?

Colds and seasonal flu don't flood hospitals and icu and exhaust medical supplies nor are they as fatal or as contagious so nice try.

>Because retarded states like Georgia, Alabama and Florida only just started to lock things down
I was thinking of going there to chill cuz i can't get lattes in my fav coffeshop in california anymore which i do to check out the zoomer girls who come in. its all shut down. :(

If spreading misinformation that does nothing but make the situation worse is a chad thing then yes I guess.


Nice buzzword come back when you have an argument.

Hahaha baited you good I'm not an ignorant boomer xD


shut up retard

it's probably going to be a full year and I will eventually go crazy and kms if it really goes on that long

die black nigger