Get ready for a massive depression

Unless you're literally retarded, you understand that corona virus is a hoax.

>The "novel" corona virus was first officially recorded on Nov 17th, which means it was around well before that, possibly even in October.
>Wuhan is a central connection point of air travel in China as well as around ASIA. There are dozens of direct flights to Tokyo, the densest city in the world, everyday.
>Chinese account for over 50% of Japan's tourism, thousands of Chinese fly in and out of Tokyo from Wuhan EVERY day.
>Japan enacted ZERO warnings of Corona virus until late January, meaing that the virus had at least TWO months to spread unchecked in Tokyo
>To this day, Tokyo has NOT issued any form of quarantine or lock downs, and life continues as normal.
>Japan only has 63 deaths in 5 months of being exposed to corona chan, and literally no one gives a shit about it there. Media doesn't even report on it.

Now, why the fuck would America, and the western economies, decide to "lock down" the economy to "save lives"? Quotes because obviously governments don't give a fuck about lives. Since January, more people in America alone have died from Influenza than people in the ENTIRE WORLD have died from Corona virus...

Could it be that our behaviors that triggered the 2008 collapse have not changed? Could it be that instead of changing the way we manage debt, we simply increased the debt and used debt manipulation in MORE industries than less? Could it be that we allowed companies to repurchase their stocks with government bailout money and thus artificially pin "growth" at a permanent 45 degree angle upwards 12 years?

Banks and government learned in 2008 that the average peasant is going to go ballistic if another financial crash ensues from slimy banker behavior.

>o-oh wait! there's some chink "flu" emerging in wuhan and people already know about SARS, let's SHUT DOWN THE ENTIRE ECONOMY AND BLAME THIS INEVITABLE RECESSION (that will make 2008 look like a joke) ON CHYNAH!

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Expect massive plummets in crypto, maybe another 30-40% losses in stock prices. 50%+ losses are not impossible.

tha's an ass

Coz 80% of d mutts are overweight unhealthy faggits

Listen to Gregory Mannarino if you want to hear what's really going on

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No idea who that is beause I don't listen to faggity alt-lite podcasts for sub 90 IQ edgelords, sorry.

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Yep, and occupy wall street type gatherings are now illegal, in order to save lives!

>corona virus is a hoax
found the imbecile
depression was coming anyhow, this just makes it come faster and maybe worse. but it's real of course.

Actually I just checked out his twitter. He's right that this is also an attack on the middle class.