Holy shit... war incoming

holy shit... war incoming


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Uhhh how will this lead to war?

Like they will ever find anything. China hides shit better than anyone. This is why Suterusu is a hidden gem still and not top 20. Buy SUTER, stake until next year.

Explain to me how exactly it won't lead to war, Chang...

literally not an argument

Proof of burden is on the one accusing something retard

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they have nukes

gb2r*ddit unironically

there's no war but there is a permanent black stain on China. they might actually have a revolution brewing as we speak

Panda Express diarrhea IS fatal

Americans lost the fucking plot. Dumb rabid dogs.

Are you retarded?

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Retarded and wrong as always

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 it 8/8

kill yourself, chang

Lmao at that image
That was a pathetic lie don was upset and obsessed with that jew because he was outshining him and he only said this to cope and save face. Fits perfectly with burger delusions and insecurity


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This image perfectly sums it up. Why are Yuros so bitter all the time?

Glowniggers at it again.

2/10 bait

>make thread about china
>someone starts bitching
>assume its a euro
sure you dont think about them ;)

China lies

People died

What's not to get.

Its straight up bio warfare.

Against genova convention

Are you legitimately this stupid or is it a LARP?

how can you people give a shit anymore

This is big.

They're basically saying openly now that this is so suspicious of them they are openly investigating.

Hoping normies start to take notice as well.

The CIA lost all credibility post WMDs

Drumpf won’t do shit, he’s a pussy


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eho goves a shit
of people alwetent so shit and dumb they wouldnt need to be ruled and force guided in hopes we would reach kardashev civ. 1 level

instead we are stuck in this hellhole clownworld and those pushing us forward need to be bad guys and idiots need to die

who the fuck would want to be born in a world of NPCs

this world gets what it deserves
not what it wants or needs

I don't think its going to lead to war, but holy fuck China needs to get fucked. Too bad that so much of the west is still dedicated to sucking CCP dick they are not going to do what they should. The UN is still pandering to them for fucks sakes. It will lead to war eventually and China will win at this point because nobody in the west has the balls to do what is necessary and bring back their manufacturing because the jews want their shekels.

you must be retarded.

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>China bans people leaving their homes
>everyone ignoring this gets black bagged.
>welds people into their own homes
>people playing board games get beaten by police with batons.
>entire country gets locked down, all flights cancelled.
>lower death rate then anyone else

it doesnt, they were just really bored and wanted to act all tactical

As much as I wish it would, we will not go to war with China for anything less then an invasion of one of our Allies. Namely Taiwan. Simple as that.

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I legitimately hope we go to war with China.

I would die on the front lines to fight the Chinese but you just know they don't play that way. China's wars are fought exactly how we're seeing now: dirty manipulative diseases and media control. They're paying off major American corporations and political parties to keep the heat off of them for releasing biological warfare. That's how China's wars are fought and that's why they'll win.

>they were just bored so started a global pandemic that has crashed the world economy & society as we know it

cia is wrong and coping

south Korea is an open democracy and they managed to get even better numbers

it's a simple case of masks and stricter quarantining, failure of western culture

I get that this all looks intentional because of timing and a whole list of reasons why this benefits china can go in another thread.

Even if evidence is found, what will the world do? Invade China? They've been war ready with the billions of people and are even moreso ever since Obama allowed them to build a military base on the spratley islands.

its coming back in south korea, and just wait til it hits tokyo boy-o

>he thinks China is dishonest because they're Communist
Oh no, should we tell him?

China: responds to a pandemic in a competent and effective manner.
>USA: *fucks the dog*.
>USA: "nobody could possibly be more competent and effective than us!" "they must be lying!" "REEEEEEE!"
>USA: *continues to fuck the dog*

We are ready for Nuclear War you Mother Fucking ChingChong We are Comming after you...

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Chicks declared Bio warfare...

>Oh no, should we tell him?

jesus just fucking go back you queer faggot

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and you trust Korean numbers. KEK

get rekt faggot leftist scum

>genova convention

The term is 'screw the pooch'

>Dumb rabid dogs
This is exactly what a Chinese person would say. Learn some western insults and you will sound more believable.

wow literal chink shills on Yas Forums now


>But American intelligence agencies have concluded that the Chinese government itself does not know the extent of the virus and is as blind as the rest of the world.

Glownigger memes are so tiresome.

nice try chang

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I fucking hope so. I fully support the US taking out the CCP, those rats need to fucking perish in nuclear hellfire.

>Doubles down
Seriously, it's just a thought terminating cliche.
Here's an exercise for you, take China's worst day rate and growth rate, continue those deaths with the same exponential growth model. How many Chinese are dead now on that basis?
Does that sound reasonable to you?
Then you're smarter than 95% of America.

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>How many Chinese are dead now
Not enough.

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We aren't. Americans are our descendants and brothers. You shouldn't think that way. We are only worried about you, our family.

>trust me gweilo me not chinese! Amelica started virus! Not came from wuhan biolab ching chong ping pong

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They're like rats user. They multiply like rats, spread plague like rats (the black death even came from chinkland) and swarm like rats. Fuck em

nice strawman chang

and in case no one knows has a clue what the real numbers out of china are. the numbers the world was told were clearly a lie, and it meant a level playing field rather than forcing china to go it alone.

Just wait until literally the entire world joins together to assfuck China with everything if this blows over. The indian government is sueing the PRC in international court for bioterrorism. Shit is srs.

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Haha, China is the one country that will kick the mutt's asses like there's no tomorrow. Remember the Korea war?

Why give that information to the press? Seems like poor tactics to announce your espionage research project.

>Sub 60 IQ glowposters
There's no point talking serious shit with you. The stockmarket agrees with me.

China down 10%
US down 30%

No one wants your shitcoin