Suterusu bros, we are all going to make it

Test net soon.

***** 1 cent waiting room ******

we are ALL going to make it.


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Attached: SUTER.jpg (1024x768, 26.09K)

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Attached: suterusu.jpg (225x225, 5.69K)

that's right desu

Attached: SUTERgang.png (1500x800, 746.42K)

250k staked up sir when do I get my honorary sword?

When you cross 1M

fill my buy orders on MXC please


i aint filling your sell orders

reeee im priced out

> he thinks anyone smart will sell this under 7 cents.

that's the re-test. we are going there this year. period. all you have to do is stake + wait.

Basically this.

Call me Vlad the Impaler cuz i'm staking hard, son.

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Vlad, when 7 cent retest? how long do i have?

what do you mean by '7 cent retest'

checked. it was 7 cents back in the day. fell because of MXC's fuckery (i see a pattern, never touching this exchange)

fuck those guys, only bots and fake volume brah, i have an acquaintance who trades his tack there...all fake volume!! Justo go on Kucoin

KuCoin is based

This is a bitch to accumulate, but it'll be worth it.

I'm seething that I didn't invest here more...I'm sitting on a big PNK stack which is losing it's value and am afraid that the moment I sell some for SUTER the price will jump back to 2cents

I wouldn't worry too much about your PNK bags, it is unironically one of the best holds there is that is shilled on this board

trips for a dumb silly question?

I'm not, I'm literally FOMO-ing atm :) I burned myself this month by buying 5000 EDGE, I wanted to run a node on a raspberry but after doing the calculations I decided it's a waste of electricity though I don't want to sell those 5000 DADI now at a 40% loss even though it's only 150 dollars worth I'm still pissed cause that money in EE where I live has 5x it's value in USA

if you watch the sells yeah, it's all absolutely full of wash-trading bots. but sometimes you can trick those bots...

next time make an agreement with yourself that if Bag A drops X% you will sell and move on.

yeah that's what he does, he tries to go in with the bots to get filled but only one misstep and you lose between 5-10% of your stack...he tried doing this with suter now on this pump and was stuck in usd for a while before he moved on

>I burned myself this month by buying 5000 EDGE

Yeah I don't fuck with shit that makes me pay more just to get rewards. I'm also getting more alt exposure. I'm really thinking all this virus shit and collapse is priced in at this point. I even sold BTC near the bottom like a cuck but at least I bought some gold and silver so I feel derisked

>he trades on feelings

>only 9.6% in circulation

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Attached: Shh.png (1046x992, 1.21M)

>hearty kek

Top kek
Just bought more

It’s the next Fantom. It’s funny how all the same shills start the same way here on biz. Talk to you in 5 months again

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let me guess. you're an ameriburger dying of the corona virus and have no healthcare because your government is too busy recreating the fall of rome by over-extending itself in imperialist quagmires and cares more about rewarding its parasitic investor class than its citizens. is that about right?

you realize that countries like south korea stopped the disease entirely because of effective governance while the west is falling to the plague, right?

1.5M SUTER dragon reporting in.
I delegated the most to the winning node in the 04-03 competition, where the rate of return was 796.8%.

Attached: 1581549769878.png (640x640, 368.23K)

3m reporting in, we're gonna make it fren

450k reporting in.
How is life going, frens?

quarantine is very comfy, just wake up early, watch the competition, go back to bed for a couple hours and then start my day with an email with my suter rewards

Attached: Pepe.jpg (225x225, 8.62K)

are you gentleman waiting for a certain price to be reached or are you all in for the whole year?

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Must be a pain for people living in the West Coast. It finishes at 1 PM here in the UK.

When does the daily competition end? Are we going for a another win soon?

I'll withdraw a portion before the contest ends. There is a possibility that the price will dip near the end of April, since a potential 60M tokens could be added to the supply (if people withdraw their rewards). If that happens, I'll sell a small percentage.
However, I don't really want to sell any time soon. This has potential, and I see the price at least reaching 2 cents by July.

Neither. It is too early to tell which price it will rise too.

I like I like.
But you have to wait 15 days to withdraw your rewards since they are automatically delegated. Do you buy new every time or just split your investments?

If I had to name a price, i'd wait for $1.

Long term here. Will see how the mainnet goes and reassess then. I haven't been excited about a project this much since I bought Link in 2017.

that sounds like retirement money for me where I am

I keep buying more, and am waiting for some to un-delegate.

I'm bullish on the project as well but that is a pipe dream unless we get an insane bullish market like 2017. My realistic target is around 50-100m market cap by end of summer.

It certainly is for me.
How heavy is your bag?

It is not as unrealistic as you think. We are still early on the crypto train. Very little mainstream attention. Don't forget that.

only 55k, will add another 50k, mdae 2k from delegating, mind you im in EE where each dollar is worth x5-10 more then were u genetlemen are

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pls no bully I'm poorfag compared to you guys but earn good for my country

Nice fren. That amount will still take you places.
>will add another 50k
Try to delegate to a node that you are sure will win the competition. Usually, that means waiting until the last 10 seconds. You don't have to delegate all of it in one go. Some days are better than others in terms of rate of return.

I'm about to get some back from delegating and will time my entry next time, thanks man

Where can i see the competition take Placebo, how do i know weich group wins atm. Just delegated all to the first group i see from London..
T. 200k brainlet

I'm also interested to see where I can actually see who is the top node. I can't find it on the website.

join the discord xb6rV s
You're probably viewing the site on a mobile device, which is why you can't see the link.

>only 9.6% in circulation
>and the 92% of those not yet in circulation go straight to stakers after they are minted
Wow what a terrible thing desu. I'll just 10x my stack over my lifetime simply by staking. Guys pack it up. This guy figured out how suter is cheating us. Don't buy now, definitely don't stake, just wait until 90% of coins are in existence goys and staking doesn't return much

Attached: thumb_ooooh-noooo-that-sucks-152526464-added-by-funkwit-at-oh-52099146.png (300x219, 41.85K)

No way man. I delegated a measly amount like 10k to the ruskies that day and got like 100k back. Great feeling because it was an accidental delegation


>he didnt even look up the unlock schedule for tokens
>he didn't realize that now is the time to start staking and be the early adopters for once

Nice. I put in 86k, and I know it was the most because my friend put in 50k.
Funnily enough, like you, some of it was an accidental delegation. I tried to delegate 56k the day before, but, because of latency, it ended up counting towards the next day. I told my friend before the 04-03 deadline, "wouldn't it be great if that same node won again today". It actually happened, and just by a hair too since the threshold is 200k. Great feeling indeed.