/PMG/ Precious Metals General

previous thread >>Ways to invest in precious metals:
- Physical Gold/Silver/etc
- Sovereign PM bonds (SGBs)
- Mining stocks

Precious Metal News & Info

Wiki on verification of gold.

Bullion tax info by state:

Recommended online dealers for US:

Gold Panning

Spot silver deals & a good site to check prices of competitors:

YouTube/Reading Resources:

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for batboi

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If anyone wants to learn more about Prospecting for themselves I am sticking around these threads until all the snow melts in my area.... I have a lot of free time so ask away.

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I am interested in prospecting, but mostly as a hobby and not for commercial purpose. I also have been wanting to buy some undeveloped land. Do you know any good places for gold or silver near upstate New York area? Sorry if it's a noob question.

where are you located? I'm in BC and was thinking of going camping for a week this summer to pan the fraser.

I got these this week. Paid $86 for the 5oz'ers.

I got these this week. Paid $86 for the 5oz'ers

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>I got these this week. Paid $86 for the 5oz'ers.
You paid $86 for 5oz this week? And it was a batboi? How is that possibru???

give me a bit, I am west coast I ll do some research, never really looked out that way but I always assumed that territory was fairly barren of precious metals. Lots of bulk minerals like Iron and coal though. I am actually fairly sure that in New York any Precious metal finds belong to the state, even if you have a free miners license the state holds ownership.

serious question. what likely scenario results in PM prices to stop being suppressed and valued correctly? All we hear is bullshit about veneseuala and hyper inflation and all that shit but the average person is absolutely clueless as to how money works. So why would they ever wisen up? same story with bitcoin

Thank you user! I appreciate it.

what is that stone your holding worth?

I panic bought ~10K of PMS
>4 PAMP 1oz gold ingots
>100oz ASEs (x100)
>1 GSE coin
it would be really cool if the dollar collapsed or hyper inflated and i became an aristocrat but in hindsight im seeing how unrealistic that is considering we are the wold's reserve currency and nobody can readily usurp the role.

I live in north central BC in the Cariboo gold fields. Yes the Fraser is one of the great gold bearing rivers of North America, in total we miners think about 4-5 Billion dollars in gold and platinum have been extracted from this mighty river. If you want to pan you should get a panners license, its like $10 at services BC. It stops DFO and other agencies fining you for having fun. Try Yale or Litton for hand panning, the gold there replenishes every year in the floods, try the bedrock near the parking lots too.

That is a "chip" sample off a galena vein I found while wandering around in the coast mountains. I had it tested and it was fairly high in silver (i think 16 grams per tonne) but it was mostly lead and zinc. The ore is pretty to look at though.

Awesome. I heard that winter is the best time to pan because the water is the lowest, is it good all year around? When is the best time?

dont go in the spring the water is too high, try in the early fall, the water level will be low and you can dig behind the different large rocks hidden below the waterline. Pan the areas that have the deep red garnets and black magnetite sands in large quantities, its where the heavy gold will settle.

Anyone collecting medieval and ancient pm? Here's most of my collection, not including coins (spread over many albums). I'm going to make a mini museum when I have a larger collection + buy some Detolf glass cabinets.

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I don't know man I can't really care less, I also like Asia so it would be really dope to travel around doing business and fucking underage prostitutes.

1) enough people lose faith in fiat and demand delivery of physical metal from those who hold paper contracts. kinda like a short squeeze at first. pop in value but will drop to a much higher baseline than before

2) going forward in the future the physical supply of silver will start to be significantly less than that of gold above ground. as it is used industrially in amounts that are not "worth" recycling, it towards trading like palladium and rhodium. those are small markets with little supply so its very much cash and carry

just ramblings from an user on a rabies carrying mammal enthusiast forum

no I ordered them about 2 weeks ago
they took a while to ship
i wish i could get more for that price :(

Bought 20oz of rounds from Texas Precious Metals last night for $400.
>pic related
Feels shitty knowing that I am paying such a premium when I've been interested in silver for years and should've done it a long time ago, but at least I have some now. Should I buy more next time I get paid, or wait a month for premiums to fall?

Anyways, who thinks premiums will go down in the next month? Who thinks it will spike up to $60 or higher by the end of the year? Who thinks that this is all precipitous of a national financial collapse and you will be a king for having any silver in the next few years?

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I was thinking about this lately and my best guess would be people loosing faith in digital currency being one factor. As a hypothetical situation, imagine suddenly out of nowhere something happens to the banks that stops people from being able to withdraw or deposit funds. A mass hack where hundreds of thousands of people loose access to their money or a natural disaster like a CME could break this trust. What good is a debit card if you cant transfer funds with it?

>1 trillion dollars

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What got you into this? Like what did you do before and what made you switch to this unconventional way of life? What is an average yearly income? How much did you pay for your property? How many hours a day do you work? Do you live there full time? What do you do with ore? Just like load it up in a trailer and take it to be smelted? What's the lowest g/ton of silver or gold that you can make a profit on? Do you keep silvee yourself, or sell it all? And lastly, is there a generally accepted ratio of how much you spend on equipment to how much money you will be making?

If you can't answer all of these, that's fine, I am just always curious about guys who do things differently.

That's really cool. What got you into that?

Awesome, thanks man

They were asking for 30 but I got em down to 23. I always wanted one of these sexy rounds. Yes, I did pay high.

Also, what the fuck is up with all of the Texas coin shops only having 100 oz bars for sale. The hell?

Two hand cast silver coins and a silver dollar from a hotel in the ghost town of Sandon. One of these days I ll go retrieve my stash of silver bullion and take a proper photo of it. I think I had about 300 coin shaped ingots and 9 bread loaf style ingots done at the Greenwood mill. These ones I keep around for fun.

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Forgot pic

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I want a crown loaf bar badly.

Vintage silver bars bring all my cooms to the yard

ok might take a bit but i can answer most of these. I ve always been interested in prospecting, I grew up hiking with my dad around abandoned mines near my home town and gold panning with friends for beer money.

On my yearly income it fluctuates a LOT. Some years are really lean other years not so much. I made 170k last year hand placer mining and leasing two properties out two larger parties. I work seasonally, I dont do it much anymore for my health but a few years ago I would spend my winters working either as a diamond driller or underground laborer at a mine in the Kootany boundary area.

In the summer an average work day varies depending on what i am doing. If i am in the bush its 8 hours, if i am doing work for others its even more varied, its mostly hauling gear around for elderly prospectors for $30 an hour, 5-6 hours daily depending on the weather.

I do not live on my claims for the most part, most of my summer is spent traveling around the province to my different claims, taking samples, delivering them to assey offices, finding lost drunken crew mates etc. I ll continue in a sec my dog wants dinner.

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That shit looks fake

o man i love that kind of bullion.

they are 95% silver, the other 5% is zinc, back than the mill i took the ore too hadn't dialed in the flotation circuit yet. I had them cast anyway for easier storage instead of huge bags of crushed rock sitting in my yard.

Holy shit frens... the amount of work and technology just to extract 1mg of silver, it's insane!
When you look at this you know why silver should be worth so much more, and why the fed don't want to go back to a metal standard, when they can simply simply press 00000 on their kike keyboard to create digital fiat effortlessly.


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>That's really cool. What got you into that?
I bought a beautiful chest originally from 18th c Pakistan and started collecting old treasures to put in it, literally a treasure chest. Some of it investments, some of it just really cool like 18th c bibles. I love that time period and the coinage and business belonging to it especially and try to read a lot about it. Then I came across the lot in the pic for around $100 from a finnish antique dealer and I'm now leaning more toward smaller stuff and display cabinets. My main thing is coins also and I've ended up with a lot of stuff that's slow to move but great to show off (thalers, ancients, scandinavian 17th-18th c, etc).

For your questions on my claims (how much they cost, what I actually do with ore, ore grades and cut off and equipment) might take a bit of explaining.

For claim price all placer claims in BC cost 100$ to stake, all hard rock are now i believe 175$ to stake. Each claim is 50 hectares square. Placer means the sediments down to bedrock. Hard rock means below the sediments, the later supersedes the other in importance.

I mostly dont usually mine my hard rock claims, that gets really expensive permit wise and you need heavy equipment or lots of guys. I do however hand work my placer claims heavily in the summer. I use a wide range of tools, but to save costs I build most of my own gear. You cant buy too much stuff or you will go under, building or working to own stuff helps a lot.

When I do mine my hard rock claims I bring it either to my own small mill setup I have at a friends storage yard or to a mill at Greenwood BC for processing.

Generally miners and prospectors like myself have a cutoff for gold at 1.5 ounces per tonne. We can make money on that with basic gear, however other factors like accessibility come into play. Doesn't matter if you found a 40 ounce per tonne vein if its on the top of a mountain buried in snow 90% of the year. Silvers cutoff is more tied to what its hanging out with. Is the ore a tetrahedrite, chalcopyrite? Is it lead galea? Silver will not generally pay the bills, its the other metals hosted with it that pay running costs.

I generally keep my silver and gold bullion but it usually ends up getting sold off to pay for another venture or broken piece of machinery.

I have a lot of other info but it gets pretty technical, most people dont give a dam about that.

End of the day there must be a concentrated effort to make people demand physical silver over derivatives. Make them think logically and in their own best interest. A bird in the hand may be worth two in the bush but 1 troy ounce of silver is worth 175 paper silver contracts.

Before I die, I want to extract silver with a pickaxe. I think my erection after doing that would be visible to everyone in the entire world. You would be able to see my penis from every corner of the world

yep, milling ore is expensive, most average mines cost around $100 million to get off the ground and at least 10 years of planning and consultation.

That is indeed crazy time, it's hard to watch that and imagine it being profitable.

where are you located? Silver ore in the form of galena is all over the place, and getting the silver out of the ore (depending on the grade) can actually be fairly easy to do.

it honestly isnt very profitable to just mine silver, most mines pay the bills with the secondary returns like copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, antimony.

post an uglier silver coin

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Dallas Texas. I just moved here so I know nothing of gold or silver mining over here. Just moved from Missouri

bonus : coin minting
(yeah the shitty electro music is annoying af)

you can't. That is one ugly piece of shit. Fucking teenagers on eBay making their own silver make better designs

surprisingly level headed and cerebral talk today in the PMG. appreciate the responses lads, it's similar to what I've been thinking. the only thing that I worry about is just how stupid people are, and they'll see their currency get debased another 99% over the ten or so years and assume its normal because that's the way it is. Can't under estimate how dumb the masses are

This is literally my only form of ASMR. There is a guy on youtube called bigstackD casting. He doesn't say a word. Just melts shit and pours liquid metal all day. Best channel to just watch motors and scrap being turned into sexy smooth bars

Damn I want a batboi so much. They are definitely the show stealer of 2020

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If you in the US, just hit up Larry on eBay

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well your in luck, try the Trans-Pecos region. There are loads of abandoned mines out there that i am sure you could grab a few chunks of ore off of. Missouri has even more amazing silver mines though.

money can only go down in value so much before people start noticing the inflation.

kek, I'd rather lick Xi's Dog's Doorknob's Asshole than buy silver off Ebay like a latecooming pleb.

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Gold plating is tacky and should be illegal
also mixing multiple alloys like in those EU coins

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I got mine at Liberty Coin for cheaper. Larry's probably buying up all those tubes and selling them to /pmg/ anons. Seems like a great guy regardles.

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Thats a smalltime silver mine, large mines use leach pads and a cyanide solution to extract the gold/silver from the ore.

At the scale they operate the leach pads we are talking tons and tons of ore, my mine I work at can remain profitable as long as gold stays above 700 dollars an ounce.

Those prices are BATshit insane

Some dude trying to mint his own silver coin.
The amount of work for $2 worth of silver is laughable.

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it really depends though on the ore the mine is working with too. Almost all the major mines here are 4+ commodities coming out of the mill.

Damn, thanks man. You don't think weirdos could be hiding in those mines? Does the government not care about anyone going in those places?

Price is pretty gud, you maybe missed it but it's 5oz coin, so $23/oz.

Also I need to learn what silver ore looks like

Haven't fucked with Liberty Coin yet. Usually do JMB cuz they are actually decent to vets.

Have some Caturday trippiness in return.

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Sure, my mine is underground, so we need a higher grade and a higher price to keep operating. Silver is a byproduct, the mine was originally an arsenic mine back in the 30s, now its gold.

Hey, listen user. I know you mean well but I would really appreciate it if you didn't talk shit about Larry. He has dat batboi and you should respect him.

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Given that I'm still alive in 40 years, it will be fond to look back on with my grandkids who probably won't give a shit about my shiny bat coin or Coronachan, but I will tell them anyway. I will them about Yas Forums. I will tell them about the days before the singularity.
>back when one chainlink cost $2.

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who knows, they probably are owned so dont be an idiot and trespass on an active mine. Look for something thats been abandoned a few decades.

check the first photo i posted today, its called galena, its little silver gray / purple metallic cubes that will smell like rotten eggs. Look around old mine dumps for it, it hangs out with other minerals like pyrite and lemonite. A mineral guide book will help a lot.

I hope we all get to do this one day.