Are you kidding? WTF is the point then?

Are you kidding? WTF is the point then?

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-04 at 1.29.05 PM.png (1256x440, 86.3K)

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To pretend they're doing something for the common man.

Thanks for stealing less from me next year I guess.

Money now > money later

The people who are gonna use the money responsibly would likely have done so next year too, and the people who are gonna spend it would have spent it next year as well. Giving them an advance just means they can invest or spend it sooner.

printer broke.

so no tax return for 2020?

Attached: 1585939825956.jpg (420x315, 26.09K)

That's just the way it's written in the bill, it's still essentially a $1200 check to anyone who did their taxes.

to delay the outrage

A free $1200 loan

I think what you're thinking is that the government is just giving you an advance on your next year's refund. That's not what this means. It is an extra tax credit, meaning the government is giving you an additional $1,200 (or whatever the amount) bonus.

The 1200 just gets added to standard deduction or its not counted as income ?

OP's pic says "credit," not deduction.

don't get a return anyway -oh well

Aksually it's even worse than that. Most people will have a negative tax return i.e you pay MORE.

It's funny because they're pretending this is just a temporary recession and things will be back to normal by next year. We're going to need MORE stimulus checks by next year.

Just become unemployed and get free a $1000+/week tax exempt for sitting around doing nothing.

brownie points for drumpf

It's even worse than that, the govt is taking out a $18,000 loan for every citizen and giving some of them $1,200 back.

You literally get paid more doing nothing than working. Clown country.

To distract from the massive transfer of wealth from the people to the ruling class.

Attached: this maggot is correct.jpg (300x300, 15.83K)

Trump pulled the wool over your eyes..again

But to collect unemployment benefits you have to apply for employment regularly. What if you get a job? There are so many openings right now.

>There are so many openings right now.
No and all available jobs are the ones that were not considered essential until 1 month ago

In other words you would likely still need govt assistance while employed at Walmart.

This is trumps opportunity to put us on a gold standard by giving all this money away.

Attached: trump-signing-bill.png (1185x666, 1.48M)

they are basically going to deduct more from you next year, mutt. thats what it means. lol. meanwhile, they given a few dozen billions to boeing and every megacorp who didnt really need it.

But the corporations don't have to pay back their money? Fuck Trump.

Dumb pieces of shit ITT,
It's a "refundable tax credit"
That means you don't have to pay it back and you get it even if you owe no taxes

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You just have to say you’re looking. If your place actually confirms this just bitch any interviews. It’s not hard.


A tax credit is a dollar for dollar reduction in your taxes owed. They are giving you this money now and accounting for it by saying everyone owes $1200 less next year on taxes.

It's not
>money printer go brrr
But rather
>IRS income go Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah

eventually fed tax is gunna sky rocket. working class is gunna be the ones really bailing us out.


I'll just leave this here.

No money for tax paying citizens, but...

Attached: 1a.png (753x617, 442.5K)

I hate to disagree with this. but do americans have to verbally say that we don't want your tired your hungry your poor? We'll give back lady liberty. i swear to god.

lmao imagine unironically being American

how to qualify for that much? they said i would only get $230 a week

It's just a fucking poem, not national law. Fuck sake, it wasn't even one of the founders who wrote it, just some fucking faggot poet.


You have Americans struggling to pay bills and you want to defend this shit?
I want to strangle you by the goddamn neck.

Would you rather have millions of illegals suddenly becoming homeless and putting even more financial burden on counties?
If you participate in the economy, you should get a check, PERIOD. Recipients buy shit = money goes straight to the businesses. It's all an indirect boost to the corporations anyway.

if they are illegal they aren't paying taxes, so they aren't contributing

>Would you rather have millions of illegals suddenly becoming homeless and putting even more financial burden on counties?

Yes. Most of the Americans will become homeless anyway, the depression hasn't even began. JP Morgan assesses unemployment to be 60% by the end of this year.
So why should illegals be special? These fuckers will get slaughtered and sold for organs once shit really hits the fan this summer. If Corona doesn't kill them before that. And it's a good thing.

so if youre a nigger with 9 kids who contributes nothing to actual revenue, you'll just be getting less money back on your taxes.

niggers and spics btfo

Are you thick in the head? Everyone should get a check. Why would you willfully want LESS individuals participating in the economy when the primary fear right now is the shrinking number of people participating in the economy?
You partisan cucks are fucked in the head.

you idiot, where do you think that check is coming from in the first place? If we give the people not paying taxes checks then we print more money and everyone loses.

Here's an idea, give that money to Americans and have the same thing happen, without feeding leeches. Then maybe the leeches fuck off back to their own shitholes.

Fuck sake, do you also feed every stray dog who comes to your back porch. Bet that works out great for you.

Based and bullish

If you're seeing economic crisis relief in terms of some zero-sum faggotry you heard from partisan pundits, you are bad with money. You're worse than that whore who slept her way to managing hundreds of millions of bucks.

Do you know what the check is? It's not free money. It's advance tax return. So anyone who gets the money now won't get their tax returns for 2020. Illegals don't pay taxes anyway, so the point is moot.

>Why would you willfully want LESS individuals participating in the economy
Because the economy doesn't need individuals. With the current level of automation I'm on board with Rockefellers and Bill Gates, 90% of the world population must be culled. Low-skilled poor subhumans most of all.

The current economy must crash and burn, so that a better one will arise in it's place for better people.

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It's less about illegals and much more about immigrants.

The original bill dictated that only those with a SSN was eligible.

This meant that immigrants who received a SSN on immigration for themselves, but their children only got an ITIN, they would be denied the assistance.
> Second, Congress must include all immigrant workers and tax filers in the tax rebate so people can receive vital cash assistance. In the CARES Act, Congress funded cash rebates for recent tax filers based on their taxpayer identification numbers, but limited this to those using Social Security numbers (SSNs). However, many people file their tax returns using an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). Under the bill, if ITIN users file jointly with a spouse or child with an SSN, everyone in the household will be denied access to the cash assistance. While Congress did create an exception to allow military families to be able to use an ITIN number, this narrow exception only demonstrates that members of Congress understood that they created this cruel carveout and still deliberately chose to leave out millions. As a result, many immigrant workers are put in an increasingly difficult position, cut out of cash assistance and risking their health for essential work without even having access to testing and care.

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What skills do you have

>It's advance tax return.

Actually it's an advance tax Credit.

If you don't apply/receive the assistance in 2019, you can apply the assistance as a tax credit on your 2020 tax return.

Masters in Political science, BA in Business Administration, BA in International Relations.
I have the skill of ruling over the plebeians.

ugh, hate work for making think about 2019

meant don't get in 2020, applies to 2020 return

hi there retard. no, that's not how it works. this is an additional tax credit that is an advance on next year's return. meaning if you have a 300 dollar refund next year, this 1200 is an extra refund you are being advanced now. you'll still get a refund next year. how are biztards this fucking stupid?

Yes. Homeless people should be eradicated with extreme prejudice too btw (in Minecraft)

everyone is retarded. it's partly the fault of the bill making it so complicated though. they should have just called it free money instead of getting all this tax language mixed into it

They're bringing taxes into it for similar reasons ACA was made into a "tax," slight abuse of Article 1 Section 8 so that congress can do what it wants.

the ones working under a stolen SSN pay taxes.

lmao those are all faggot skills that some AI could do thousands of times better!

tax accountant fag here
if you earn more than the threshold for getting the credit (75,000 or 150,000 for married) in 2020 you will have to pay some of it back because they use your 2019 income to calc the credit