Great Depression 2.0

>We’re about to see one of the biggest financial collapse of our time

How are y’all coping?

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Do people realize most of those people will go back to work after quarantine is over?

>How are y’all coping?

I don't need to. I have a well-paying job in a recession-proof industry and will like come out of all of this in a much better position than other people my age

lol imagine believing this
this is 10x worse than 2008... more leverage, bigger bubble, and now with exponentially higher unemployment

>he thinks he’s going to get his freedoms back

top kek

>recession-proof industry

What do you do

>Having 6.25% of your workforce in alarmed about becoming unemployed, within just two weeks, is nothing

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Nurse at a hospital, but it's also in the operating room so it's not a shitty floor nurse job that nobody should ever want to do. Everybody's bodies are still break in some fashion and need surgery

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