Why do people think we're going back to normal after a few weeks or months of lockdowns...

Why do people think we're going back to normal after a few weeks or months of lockdowns? Until we have a vaccine aren't we essentially helpless against corona except for slowing it down as much as we can?

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It's a flu so warm weather will kill it

Most retarded shit I've read on this board lmao

The flu is just the pin that popped the bubble.

They could release a vaccine tomorrow and restart the economy and we would still have a 10+ year economic depression regardless.

Hyper inflation is inevitable and we will return to a gold standard.

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Eventually herd immunity kicks in

We know from the death rates that if we relied on herd immunity millions of people would die while we achieved it.

We're all getting sick, brother. The goal of social distancing is to spread it out over the next year or so, so we don't all get sick and need to be hospitalized at the same time, because we don't have enough hospital beds for everybody at once.

>everyone needing to be hospitalized
>over a flu
which brainlet should I post

It's ogre doomers. Go home.

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Found the idiot

it currently exists in warm areas, and cold areas aren't gonna get warmer then places near the equator.

Obviously I was saying everybody who needs to be hospitalized, hospitalized at once. Not everybody who gets it. Some percentage of people contracting this thing require hospitalization. It also spreads quickly through a population, so without taking measures to slow the spread, more people ill more quickly, so even a small percentage of people becomes too many for a community's inpatient capacity.

I don't think that's the plan, I think the idea is that we'll survive by using lockdowns until we get a vaccine. If there's a vaccine coming it makes sense to have heavy restrictions till we get it. But that definitely means up to a year of restrictions, according to many estimates of when a vaccine might be developed.

If there isn't a vaccine coming then we should slowly allow people to get sick to develop herd immunity while giving us time to develop new non-vaccine treatments and not overwhelming hospitals and have as many survivors as possible, as suggested. But giving up on getting a vaccine is a major decision and requires a major policy change.

I'm just going to assume that you don't work in healthcare or at a hospital.
Why do you think you know more about the capacity of our healthcare system than people who do?

We can just wear masks nigga, let Bezos or whoever the fuck make shittons of them.

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It only hurts boomers and fat people. We will be better off if all those over 50 years of age and bmi>25 drown in their own lungs. For good people it's just like a mild cold. Truly a nothing burger. I for one resent the shit out of the old and fat people that are shutting down the economy for no reason. Their lives are worth so very little and I'm angry that people are acting otherwise.

The Gates foundation is spending billions on vaccine production infrastructure, and thinks we have to wait 18 months on the "good" estimate.

I do think most will get ill at this point, it has spread throughout the country. Containment is unlikely at this point, but that's my opinion.

Thankfully, most of us who get it won't require medical assistance or develop pneumonia, etc.

But I do think it's going to sweep through the population now, we took action too late to prevent it from coming to USA or contain it once it did.

I hear you. I disagree but i understand why you're angry. I'm sure you're not alone, but you're grossly outnumbered. And as a society most people have decided that preventable loss of human life is a bad thing, even if we have to sacrifice personal comfort to prevent that loss of life.

There's precedent for this. Think of all the "safety" things that are annoying. Seat belts. Building codes. Rules for wearing hard hats and vests. Speed limits. Fire exits. Sprinkler systems. We do things as a society to prevent loss of life, even when those things are a nuisance or additional cost.

This COVID thing is that to the extreme. Most people think it's worth it. Some people don't think so. You're not wrong to think the way you do, you're just outnumbered.

Too extreme. If they want to stay inside then fine, they can starve to death or wear a mask and continue working. Instead they hold the economy hostage. There is no comparison that can be made. It's like some guy saw goatse and was mad so he went and burned down a church full of good people. Evil actions that are in no way justifiable. A single day of shutdown harms us many times in excess what these 'people' are worth. We need to stop pretending. It sucks for old people but they should be retired, they can ride a quarantine out. Fat people have had their whole life to stop being fat, it only takes doing literally nothing. The way I see it they've made their choice and must live with the consequences. They are being selfish by forcing this on us.

Business as usual for 99% of people. Death for boomers who would've died in months anyway.

not only, death to all the over weight feminists and sjws with poor health and who are obese with diabetes
truly a based pandemic

Protect your money from fiat currencies being printed in infinite amonut by buying finite supply crypto at:

Yeah I'm thinking Wuflu is fucking based.

Can someone edit this so the female is appropriately clothed and the man is bob getting excited over line goes down

BTC gonna visit 2000s

If we did a better job in lockdown we could all be returning to normal in a couple months.

I think we're fucked currently because the people not honoring the lockdown are prolonging the virus preventing it from being eradicated. which fucks the whole nation into waiting much much longer or just saying fuck it and overwhelming the hospitals and killing millions of people anyway.

How long do you think we'll be on lockdown? I'm thinking this will go at least another 6 months.

People who are healthy get sick too numb nuts. Doctors that are healthy people have gotten sick and died.

That means you can die too.

It's not just "worthless" people who die from this one.

And if they don't die they can have their lungs scarred up something fierce.

Both the healthy and unhealthy.

It's not just a "Fat and Old" disease.

The virus lives for weeks on surfaces. How exactly do you think we're going to eradicate it? The people who are being faggots and complying with lockdown is why this is still going on. They can't arrest all of us. Every politician supporting this shutdown should be hung by their entrails. It's disgusting and it's unamerican. Very rarely is someone hurt by using seat belts. Everyone is hurt when we shutdown the economy. Months is far too long anyway. Even tomorrow is not soon enough for us to go back to business as usual.

human psychology.
months of lockdowns will result in riots and our wonderful leaders all dangling from lampposts. corona-chan is preferable, i suppose.

don't have to get rid of corona-chan. just get the number of cases back to a low level. if low enough can lift shutdowns and go back to contact tracing and quarantines + social distancing while we wait for a vaccine.

in the meantime, everyone in hospitals should be given a test. protects hospital workers from asymptomatic/pre-symptomatic and super-spreaders. also acts as a sentinel system to sample the local population for the virus. lockdown only areas where virus is surging again.

early detection. early treatment. anyone with symptoms should get a test and results in 24 hrs. treat with chloroquine or whatever immediately and self-isolate at home.

blah blah blah. etc etc etc. not an impossible problem. but the cdc fucked up and missed the window of opportunity to shut this down early. also nyc fucked up bigly. korea never even had to do any lockdowns. but they had previous experiences with this kind of thing. dunno.

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We've already lost some decent talent. Prob trade you for 1 or 2 of the dead boomers and come out way ahead.

Because of the right wing media and its pundits losing the plot

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why are the recovered cases only slightly greater than the deaths?

In that case stay your pussy ass inside if you're not willing to risk it. I work in health care and ha'leen it it's not a big deal. Lungs fill up with fluid and they die within a few days. Old or fat every single time. Sure there are freak incidents but they are rare. This disease has

I think we'll start to see some loosening in July/August. Restaurants at partial capacity, retail stores opening with caps on customers, etc. Fully reopening everything will get ugly again quick, but as communities see fewer new cases we'll probably start venturing out more.

The fucking states that still dont have "stay at home" orders are just prolonging this thing for the rest of us. The sooner we can get a handle on things the sooner we can get back to it.

I understand why the trump administration doesn't even bother calling Americans citizens anymore just consumers.


I'm fairly certain he is trolling. If not a complete retard that will natural select themselves soon anyway.

No such thing as a decent old or fat person. All are bad. My life and any life is worth more than all boomers lives put together. You are projecting. If self esteem so bad commit suicide. No more having to read your stupid comments. Everyone happier.
I wear a mask, wash hands, everything. Contact with Wuhan patients 4 and 5 times a week, still I don't have it, or better yet, I have and am spreading while being asymptomatic. Just proves my point that it's nothing. Half ass wash your hands, keep distance, wear mask. Literally all it takes if you aren't a worthless old or worthless fat.

why would you wear a mask and wash your hands? It's the flu bro grow a pair. Just intentionally infect yourself so you have immunity.

yeah, open in phases. most businesses can reopen, but movies, stadiums, concerts, etc. would be last to reopen.
might recommend masks for certain situations like travel or whatever.
meh. just throwing out ideas.

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Yes and they will use stringent tracking procedures coupled with Ab testing to try to isolate small outbreaks as they occur. Likely they will do this with an app a new firm if mass surveillance

The Democrats and the WHO have been much worse, pic related.

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hoping it's earlier than that. things should turn around this month.

>suddenly every MAGApede incel is an expert virologist
Cause and effect I guess.

If it looks like it is getting out of hand. Which it will in the US because burgers are dumb as shit and a second peak us starting to firm then they will have to enforce lockdown again

Tempting, but I don't intend to change how I behave just because of something small like this. Much worse infections like c.diff and mrsa in hospitals. If I get it I will be going out in public more often, especially grocery stores during the boomer reserved hours. Otherwise I'm not really doing anything extra until then. Just killing it with all the overtime I want. 3400usd last week.

Americans are so stupid they should be kept in doors indefinitely.

Do you mean centipede? Pangolin has scales but it's not a centipede. Virus is human to human transmission now as far as we know anyway.

>expert virologists
so, how'd they handle this crisis? good job?
kek. they're not that smart. it's just their specialty.
doesn't mean they're all fucking geniuses.

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her leg length is like 2 times her whole upper body.

love this artist, can't remember the name though. remember reading these comics when i was a kid.

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hate to break it to you user but you might be color blind

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Infection control would handle this, not virologist. Virologists don't really have much to do with it at all. They just study viruses, Wuhan coronavirus is a virus but OK. Normalfag does not care about a description of proteins and how long it is.. Only tangentially related to this. Comparison would be be a looking to a botanist when there is an overgrowth in the nematode population. Like you can kinda see it but also it's someone far down the list, with many others you would rather get input from on handling the issue.

Lol no, not with infections still increasing everyday and 50% of resolved cases resulting from death. I don't you anons realize how bad this is. Lockdown does not get rid of the virus, it just delays it. Our medical infrastructure is on the verge of collapse and if goes, things will be way worse econimically than any depression we've ever had. We are a fucking house of cards.

this is dunning-krueger at its finest

>Recovered cases outside China are estimates based on local media reports, and may be substantially lower than the true number.
I'm pretty sure its due to this

>Genuine malice
>Well meaning naivety
Not even a burger but holy shit false equivalency is crawling out your asshole.

yeah, true.
just referring back to poster's comment.
making the point that the experts fucked up on a historically bad level.

Nobody working vs just people who should not have been working to begin with. You are very wrong about everything in your post. We are entering a depression but for the opposite reasons you think. Only cure is going back to normal. Is ok if hospital does not have enough beds. United States has the most icu beds per capita. All medical professionals are trained in triage and can prioritize who is likely to recover and who is not worth expending resources on. It's impossible to overwhelm the system and this in why. We have protocols in place that ensures we are not overwhelmed. If they won't survive and we don't have room we send them home to die. If old or fat person on ventilador we withdraw care and let a good person have it. It's the American way and it's the only just way. Only liberals disagree, and their opinion is only worth as much as a fat or old's life.

>No such thing as a decent old or fat person. All are bad. My life and any life is worth more than all boomers lives put together
Yeah you're not in medicine. Nice try LARPer.

>resolved cases
those numbers are all over the place.
what's the percentage for the UK?

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everyday I thank god I was not born a sharter