When you perform your duties do they keep you in a little box?
When you perform your duties do they keep you in a little box?
Other urls found in this thread:
What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Chainlink.
>When you perform your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.
Do you dream about being chainlinked? Chainlinked.
Yes it's called a (U)GCS
Chainlink interlinked
Interrogator: Have you ever been in an institution? Cells.
K: Cells.
Interrogator: Do they keep you in a cell? Cells.
K: Cells.
Interrogator: When you're not performing your duties do they keep you in a little box? Cells.
K: Cells.
Interrogator: Interlinked.
K: Interlinked.
Interrogator: What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
K: Interlinked.
Interrogator: Recite your baseline.
K: "And blood-black nothingness began to spin... A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem... And dreadfully distinct against the dark, a tall white fountain played."
oh no
the NSA must not know I sit at home all day and jerk off
just threw my router out the wind-
This thread has been blessed by 42. Hallelujah
So was rewatching the 'Pi' movie.
Weirder and weirder.
>700k dump
Very nice find, never caught that.
Also this is interesting, considering there is a chase scene right after.
Nice, I see you’re beginning to understand their alpha-numeric code
Look up the numbers in iRobot (same director as the movie Knowing) for his badge number and for Chicago “2035”
Hey 42. You uh..might want to see this..
Thanks, Mr.Kleck covered that up for me.
This is honestly insane at first, but just can't deny the patterns.
>This is honestly insane at first, but just can't deny the patterns.
You basically just described the 42-pill lol
Will check it out
Very nice
I know Oracle was pissed that Microsoft won the Jedi contract and was in litigation for a while.
Glad to see them being used for this application, amazing news for chainlink for obvious reasons.
Hold on and keep your legs and arms in the cabin at all times. This is going to be a bumpy ride hahahahaha.
Remember this guy?
Ended up dead in a forest saying that people were after him
Holy f...
what docu is that
>be safe...
I wish I can strangle you linkies through the screen
>This thread has been blessed by 42. Hallelujah
>I wish I can strangle you linkies through the screen
>Hold on and keep your legs and arms in the cabin at all times. This is going to be a bumpy ride hahahahaha.
pic related
to that user in the other thread who called my science mumbo jumbo womens tales
>squaring the circle...
“According to theorists from universities in Warsaw and Oxford, the most important features of the quantum world may result from the special theory of relativity, which until now seemed to have little to do with quantum mechanics.”
It’s like they’re reading the 42 threads. I’m constantly bringing up special relativity as a tenant of non-simultaneous geometry and now this article comes out explaining exactly what I’ve been describing.
Milkwalker is fucking horrifying.
Imagine that fuckin thing following little children and telling them to be safe
"We posed the question: what happens if—for the time being without entering into the physicality or non-physicality of the solutions—we take seriously not part of the special theory of relativity, but all of it, together with the superluminal system? We expected cause-effect paradoxes. Meanwhile, we saw exactly those effects that form the deepest core of quantum mechanics," say Dr. Dragan and Prof. Ekert.
"We noticed, incidentally, the possibility of an interesting interpretation of the role of individual dimensions. In the system that looks superluminal to the observer some space-time dimensions seem to change their physical roles. Only one dimension of superluminal light has a spatial character—the one along which the particle moves. The other three dimensions appear to be time dimensions," says Dr. Dragan.
A characteristic feature of spatial dimensions is that a particle can move in any direction or remain at rest, while in a time dimension it always propagates in one direction (what we call aging in everyday language). So, three time dimensions of the superluminal system with one spatial dimension (1+3) would thus mean that particles inevitably age in three times simultaneously. The ageing process of a particle in a superluminal system (1+3), observed from a subluminal system (3+1), would look as if the particle was moving like a spherical wave, leading to the famous Huygens principle (every point on a wavefront can be treated itself as a source of a new spherical wave) and corpuscular-wave dualism.
>The ageing process of a particle in a superluminal system (1+3), observed from a subluminal system (3+1), would look as if the particle was moving like a spherical wave, leading to the famous Huygens principle (every point on a wavefront can be treated itself as a source of a new spherical wave) and corpuscular-wave dualism.
That’s the money shot right there
Here’s the thread where I talked about this topic:
>the spacetime interval between any two events is independent of the inertial frame of reference in which they are recorded
>that's due to the speed of light being constant from all frames of reference
>aka "special relativity"
time is woven into the spatial dimensions
that's why it's 4D (3 spatial and 1 temporal)
special and general relativity cover this topic quite well
it's called "minksowski space"
>In mathematical physics, Minkowski space (or Minkowski spacetime) is a combination of three-dimensional Euclidean space and time into a four-dimensional manifold where the spacetime interval between any two events is independent of the inertial frame of reference in which they are recorded.
"Does relativity lie at the source of quantum exoticism?"
Yes, yes it does
light bounds time
light is quantum in nature
>a superluminal system (1+3), observed from a subluminal system (3+1), would look as if the particle was moving like a spherical wave, leading to the famous Huygens principle (every point on a wavefront can be treated itself as a source of a new spherical wave)
it's called "point source"
0 is an interesting "number"
>it's called "point source"
>0 is an interesting "number"
almost looks like a portal...
what game
For almost a hundred years quantum mechanics has been awaiting a deeper theory to explain the nature of its mysterious phenomena. If the reasoning presented by the physicists from FUW and UO stands the test of time, history would cruelly mock all physicists. The "unknown" theory sought for decades, explaining the uniqueness of quantum mechanics, would be something already known from the very first work on quantum theory.
>what game
I have almost the whole original set
it's quite valuable now
It even has Sminems
>For almost a hundred years quantum mechanics has been awaiting a deeper theory to explain the nature of its mysterious phenomena. If the reasoning presented by the physicists from FUW and UO stands the test of time, history would cruelly mock all physicists. The "unknown" theory sought for decades, explaining the uniqueness of quantum mechanics, would be something already known from the very first work on quantum theory.
>42 could you do a tldr max 3 sentence of what you are trying to say?
>42 degrees is the angle at which the rainbow appears in the eye. Light bounds the geometry of time. There is no such thing as a “simultaneous geometry”. This has big implications for quantum mechanics and more relevantly for quantum computers. I suspect quantum computers will be able to send messages back in time to the limit of when the machine was first created.
>There’s so much more but that’s a good Tl;DR
>What will happen to society when this becomes a thing?
>We’re going to need a new calendar and we’re going to need an overhaul of our linguistics to build around this new reality that we’re in the process of creating.
>hint: it’s not AI but rather a new mind that we will be inheriting
>Sci-fi theory: Trumps campaign used something similar to get messages from the future.
now lets get back to this
>pic related
ok, Q. Gimme the gestalt on this.
So they took the pic just at 12AM on 2th of April, published on the 3rd of April at 1PM
Whats so important about it?
>the human race has been enslaved for thousands of years, Keanu Reeves said
>humanity is showing signs of breaking free from the matrix
>what a time to be alive! We are living in exciting times
>Whats so important about it?
look at 4 seconds in the video
April 4th 2020
>look at 4 seconds in the video
>>the human race has been enslaved for thousands of years, Keanu Reeves said
>humanity is showing signs of breaking free from the matrix
>what a time to be alive! We are living in exciting times