Yas Forums is saying this guy should be executed but I just don't see what he did wrong.
Yas Forums is saying this guy should be executed but I just don't see what he did wrong
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Jackalism is a threat to public health. You know what he did wrong lol.
they always advocate for lynching and torture against every single race, not seeing what's weird here
Republicans do this shit every day and Yas Forums worships them for it. The world is full of hypocrites and cowards
Guilty of being alive and jewish at the same time
>Routine business is the exact same thing as this
other than this, nothing.
what's the difference between this and retarded marketing gimmicks to create demand out of nothing? masks don't even work
>Yas Forums is saying this guy should be executed
Fucking based.
holy shit I'm laughing so hard right now, this nigga Baruch is going to be responsible for so many hasidic jews getting punched in the head in new york. Fucking black israelites are on the case.
that fucking pfp
Because hoarding masks at a clearly opportunistic time can cost people lives. There isn't even anything abstract about this, it's like hoarding food from the store in a famine then making them pay 10x or die.
They just cant help themselves, fucking kike wasnt satisfied with 50% or 100% profit kek
But he was selling the masks to hospitals. The hospitals were ok with paying the price he wanted.
This but Yas Forums is filled with children so don't expect children or the with a childish mind to think critically
Apparently not since they reported his ass
That's a supply side issue.
The jew isn't responsible for it.
You're just a commie
110 and never again
The supply side was not prepared for some rogue actor to step in and buy the whole supply, create an artificial scarcity at the worst possible moment, and lead to potentially hundreds of preventable infections and some deaths.
>the jew isn't responsible for it
>literally arrested for hoarding and price gouging
rough morning huh Rabbi?
>you can't organize and stop us from profiteering
Sure thing Schlomo.
Ok Mr. Goldberg
he dindu nuffin wrong
Well then the factory should have planned ahead and sold to the hospitals if they wanted to.
>it's against the law so it's wrong
This is actually business as usual but the panic over the pandemic is causing federal agents to unfairly apply the law when it suits them.
the far-right, guys like richard spencer are starting to wake up to the evils of capitalism. boomer conservatism and lolbertarianism are on their way out.
And redpilled
Who is paying you shill
Why are you trying to be stubborn and pretending like the law doesn't have grey area precisely for unprecedented situations like this? We all know what he was doing was wrong and opportunistic in a threatening way. This isn't really the time to get on a free market soap box, for starters he isn't even a permanent free market fixture he's just a scalper.
Anyone notice whenever a Jew gets called out on Yas Forums then we have (((anons))) calling those anons calling out the kike a “communist”? And then when it’s some degenerate non Jew news all the (((user))) comments’ are pro- communism?
Can we actually blame the Jew for acting within its programming?
Jews will stop at nothing from exploting human tragedy and suffering. They are literally a soulless, mass-psychopathic sec that needs to be wiped out at once - even the "good" jews - because we just cant trust them anymore. They had their chance.
>implying I care about law
If there was no law and this happened in my community I'd organize the lynch mob myself if needs be.
why in god's name would any fucking foreign intelligence service try to infiltrate 4chinz? that's like trying to get retarded.
hes using the free market to end the free market. aint no markets when everyone is dead bro.
he did nothing wrong. It's supposed to be a free market. the dude can buy whatever he wants. this is unamerican
Look me in the eyes and tell me it's "american" to sell protective gear at over 700% markup to medical personal trying to save lives risking their own amidst a deadly pandemic.
Americans from when your country was good would have tarred and feathered him.
Nothing wrong with that
>700% markup
No. Edison, Carnegie, Rockefeller and JP Morgan would all say he did nothing wrong
America was never good.
>Industrial titans would think some greedy little jackaling small time cunt is worth defending
That's literally how all America's """"Titans"""" of industry started
Any self respecting capitalist would defend him.
>Yas Forums was saying
Believe it or not, businessmen believe in building major enterprises, not living as a squatter then seizing a pile of masks in your area so that grandmas can get sick and die. That is akin to being a thief, burglar, mugger, etc., just base behavior. Try to practice some nuance retards.
LOL no fucking way.
Democrats do this shit every day and the left worships them for it. The world is full of hypocrites and cowards
Holy fukin kike-cope
>it's bad this guy hoarded masks
>it's fine that companies sell insulin that costs 2 dollars to make and has existed for more than a century for hundreds of dollars
>I just don't see what he did wrong.
Found the jew. And then you wonder why literally everybody ever in every single place inhabited by humans wanted to murder you or at least kick you out forever
>Unfairly apply the law.
What in the fuck.
You deceiving parasite!
Fuck you!
Do you want total war?
>Yas Forums
>Worshiping Republicans
op is a kike
Just as we can blame nigger personally rrsponsible for murder and violent robbery. Even tho "muh programming"
What would Tesla say about these people? Or Satoshi? These are our leaders
>a totally free market in which you can create, advertise, and maintain a space specifically for your race or your people is "evil"
>freedom of disassociation is evil
>freedom of disassociation is "boomer conservatism" and "lolbertarianism"
you and every other individual on the "authoritarian right" can keep pointing to the keynesian-backed cabal of megacorps and calling it "capitalism" as much as you'd like
we all get what we deserve. sad to see that such a proud entity that comprises what the media calls the "alt-right" may be deserving of the same self-annihilation that communists reduce themselves to crumpled heaps of rotting organic matter with.
it's almost hilarious, how much these individuals will deserve it, when the time comes that they will deserve it—having resoundingly mocked communists for their enforcement of the central planning of widely different demographics, and then doing precisely the same thing themselves, and meeting the same fate. goddamned foolish humans.
I don"t look people in the eyes. i have the asperger. secondly stop being a bitch, free market or communism. there is no middle ground
Who says that's fine? And they use similarly artificial scarcity caused by FDA enforcement. If anything is under scrutiny by anybody it's the practice of jacking up meds.
market regulations were a thing centuries before communism was a concept, you retard
>richard spencer
lmao i think youve got the wrong e celeb
>poor businessman trying to get rich bad
>rich businessman good
Tesla is on government welfare. So they are bad
But satoshi would support the jew.