
Why haven't you invested in RSR yet?

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I have.

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The questions about whether retail investors will ever make money arbing RSV seem like there's something to it. I don't want to own a token that will never rise in value.


the only incentive for seed investors and team members was the promise of arbitrage revenue, but now that this is out of the picture I don't see how RSR wont dump to 0

exactly how is arbitrage out of the picture?

the incentive to keep holding I mean

they will probably dump as soon as their tokens start unlocking

are you just making shit up out of thin air?

what things?

I am talking about the 37% of total supply unlocking event once main net goes live. I previously thought that arbitrage revenue could be an incentive for these people/companies to keep holding, but now that it's clear that arbitrage doesn't bring in much revenue for RSR holders, I don't think it's a good enough incentive for them. That's why I think a lot of them will sell as soon as their tokens start vesting.

what are you talking about?
>now that it's clear that arbitrage doesn't bring in much revenue for RSR holders
the whole point is to make sure there's plenty of revenue before mainnet, are you high?

I agree that transaction fees could possibly create a lot of excess RSV, but rsr holders get revenue through arbitrage which requires RSV to trade above $1, which I don't see happening

>sergey senpai, pls deposit a big fat staking incetive inside my little boi pussy. its RESERVED just for you
wow, so thats how they got the name

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Have sex. Preferably heterosexual intercourse.

this FUD was addressed in the telegram group. i think someone posted the screenshots.

How was it addressed?

stablecoins trade above $1 all the time. bids for the excess RSV can also be set to less than $1 WITH RSR based on current demand.

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I know stablecoins do, because there's no alternative

the points made was that if people have an option to not pay more than they have to, they probably wont

it’s also not going to be so easy to mint new RSV as the fudders were implying. RSV will have more than just 3 stablecoins backing it and the onus will be on you to purchase each asset in their tokenized form through various exchanges in order to fulfill the RSV minting requirements. since RSV is targeting the general population and merchants as their primary end-users it’s not always going to be worthwhile for these groups to go out of their way to purchase these various assets just to mint RSV for 2 or 3 cents less.


>the team that goes gaga over chainlink has shitty tech
color me shock


will minting new RSV be kept as hard a possible for this reason? what if even market makers don't want to go through the trouble of collecting 50 different tokens for minting just to get a $0.01 profit for every $1

this difficulty of minting new RSV is counterproductive to increasing RSV adoption by traders etc

it doesn't cash flow

IDEX just listed RSV.

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So it’s either too easy or too difficult? LOL okay, talk about moving the goal post.


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>Why no invest in bla bla
My favourite communist of course
Pol pot knew exactly what to do

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I am not moving anything, I am acknowledging that there's a trade-off

if you keep the minting process as hard a possible via diversifying the vault to 50 tokens you are incentivising people to be willing to buy RSV above the $1 peg on the market - good for RSR holders. But at the same time this is bad for RSV adoption by traders/market makers as noone will want to go through the trouble of minting new RSV anymore.

Fuck off Felix Watkins

the incentive to mint RSV is exactly that it’s backed by multiple assets which is what creates the censorship resistance of a decentralized stablecoin. if you don’t think that’s enough of an incentive then why bother with crypto at all?

why are you talking about something completely irrelevant to our last exchange?

you're making a point about how RSV's design is different from other stablecoins, but we were specifically talking about the incentives of minting RSV vs buying it and how it trades off RSR holders interests vs RSV adoption by traders/market makers

what he said is relevant. market makers and traders want to make money and will jump through those hoops. they'll probably use bots to make it easier . normie users will eat the 5 cent or whatever cost. makes perfect sense to me.

that's a different argument though

he's saying how people will keep collecting 50 differents tokens to mint RSV just because they like the fact that RSV is "backed by multiple assets which is what creates the censorship resistance of a decentralized stablecoin".

adoption is directly tied to utility/decentralization and censorship resistance

Very good coin , I have a bag

again, we were talking about a specific trade off of incentives and now you've derailed from it, talking about "adoption" in a very broad sense

why not just use tether? there’s a specific demand and reason for adoption. not just because it’s a stablecoin, you can’t separate adoption from what makes RSV unique

is your argument that market makers and traders will still mint RSV because they like its fundamental design, even though it might be extremely difficult to do so due to having to collect ~50 assets through numerous exchanges beforehand?

I can see how that could be the case if RSV had already replaced USDT as the default trading pair on exchanges, but in reality this is unlikely to happen for many-many years

until then I'm not convinced that market makers and traders will go through the extreme inconvenience of minting RSV from 50 different assets

market makers and traders will go out of their way if the right incentives are in place, meaning that RSV is trading below the peg and therefore creates an arbitrage opportunity for minting new RSV using tokenized assets. traders/MM who are capable of allocating all the assets in a timely manner will profit from minting new RSV until there's no more profit to be made. then as RSV trades above the peg they are incentivized to buy/hold RSR and use RSR to arbitrage when RSV trades above the $1 peg. these aren't the primary targets of the RSV app however, and the primary users are people that are seeking out a decentralized censorship resistant stablecoin (which tether is not) in order to move out of their fiat which is undergoing inflation/hyperinflation and on-ramping via an easy to use app. if the app fails to create a safe, easy-to-use environment then RSV fails, this is why the primary focus of the team is to create a high quality app for their end-users who are the most incentivized to buy RSV above the $1 peg since it's better than the alternative of keeping their money in inflated fiat currency.

MKR and RSV are the only two "decentralized" stablecoins in the ecosystem and if RSV can surpass MKR then it has a good chance at capturing a large amount of Tether's market cap as well, but it doesn't NEED to because it's not catering to this audience specifically, it's targeting remittances/on-ramping and hyperinflation areas first and foremost.

Are you high?

You don’t have to collect the basket of assets yourself, the protocol handles it.

in order to mint brand *new RSV you have to add all the assets to the protocol, but the excess RSV for RSR arbitrage is sold to RSR holders through a bidding mechanism within the protocol itself.

this is yet more incentives to hold RSR since it will be much easier for holders to get their hands on RSV than if they were to try and mint brand new RSV every time they wanted to move in and out of the stablecoin.

i didnt read this and i didnt read the white paper because im too retarded to understand any of it but i have a 20m bag of rsr and am ready to get really wealthy for no reason

it's going to be pretty easy to make money when the arbitrage pools are out user. you literally just have to buy rsr, hold it, and then send it to the arb pool. rinse and repeat. im only combating this fud to pass the time because it's funny to watch people twist themselves into a pretzel trying to fud the unfuddable.

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How do I buy RSR if I live in the US? Huobi and Idex both prevent me from trading it.

do you think making $0.01 profit for every $1 is a strong enough incentive for market makers and traders to pay attention to, when they have hundreds of other alternatives to make money with? RSV arbitrage is just another potential option for them and not a particularly attractive one because of the low profit margins.

Traders and market makers use the stablecoin that offers the greatest network effects and liquidity. Inherent design features might also be important, but definitely lower on the list.

The latest attempt to FUD the unfuddable.. they put a lot of work in on this one guys. The original post was like 30 minutes worth of incoherent, technically retarded bullshit.


it all depends.

if you're buying RSR at .0025 and it appreciates in value then you're making the profit + the added difference (real estimate is more like .02-.05 not .01) but regardless, that's one aspect.

if you're talking about minting new RSV, you can profit from it by minting below the $1 peg as needed and sell above the $1 peg as needed, to you .01-.05 might not be a lot if you're only dealing with a few thousand bucks, but if you're dealing with a few million bucks then that's 10, 20, or 30k profits...

yes, they are. it's the most desperate, transparent, and fake as fuck fud ever

combating this is cake during a quarantine. im just curious how much longer he'll keep going. i got all day LOL

bidesk.. or just sign up on huobi using a VPN. you won't need it after that

also found it pretty funny and ironic that IDEX announces RSV listing in the middle if this faggot trying to FUD lol

>i have a 20m bag
holy shit, are you rich already? or did you buy that low?

how much to maek it?

either a larper or an idgaf big dick nigger whale that will become an even bigger dick whale when we break $1 lol

when do you think we will hit 50 cents? looks like things are moving slower but its clear that its because the team is taking their time on the ground.

the 2-5% figure you're talking about is an estimate of usd value of excess RSV created, which takes into account only the potential collateral appreciation and tx fees based on velocity, but doesn't take into account arbitrage opportunities in the market, which is what actually creates the revenue and burning of RSR. Without being able to arbitrage, the excess RSV just sits in a smart contract and no RSR will get burned.

also: you're talking about making $10k profit using $1m capital. Professional finance workers operate on ROI, not the absolute number of the trades. Meaning, since the ROI is still bad for RSV arbitrage, it's not particularly attractive.


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>or just sign up on huobi using a VPN
Is that legal?

what are you talking about? of course these estimates take arbitrage into consideration because burning and arbitrage go hand in hand. you can't burn without arbitrage. if they estimate a 2-5% rsr burn rate in usd value then that's actually more RSR being burned not less.

With 45b tokens out in arbitrage pools.

1M RSV burns ~50k usd worth of RSR and that's about 20M tokens burned at .0025 per token.
100M RSV burns 5M usd worth of RSR and that's about 2B tokens burned at .0025 per token.
1B RSV burns ~ 50M usd worth of RSR and that's about 20B tokens burned at .0025 per token.