Why is this piece of shit pumping for absolutely no reason again?

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Anyone knows good instruments to predict the movement of this shit?
I pulled my money at 5999 thinking it was going to tank further, then it pumped almost one thousand today.

What the fuck?

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calm your tits, it went up $100


Think itll go over 7k or just drop?

why do u retards think that an asset going 3% up in price is pumping

because i sold

Depends, if I buy it'll tank down to 4k if I keep staring at it, it'll go up to 10k.
Whoever is pumping this shit seems to be waiting until I throw my shit hundred dollar in the right before pulling out

wasnt it like $6200 yesterday?

Zoomers cant into trading

Just buy and hold

It touched 7250 12 hours ago

its going back to 5k, if you can't look at the last 3-4 days and see this is artificial you're retarded

What else do you call something going up 15% in 30 hours

>Just buy and hold

Is not like this shit pays dividends, this straight up speculation literally gambling pump and dump meme coins

Sure, but is it going to up more now or later before it crashes again

>its going to $200, if you can't look at the last 3-4 years and see that is artificial you're retarded

going up 15% in an absolute bear market with the entire world economy falling apart and making no higher highs and getting rejected 3 times in a row in the same position
very low risk move to go long now
good luck

trumpbux trumpbux trumpbux

oh boy it's another seething bobo thread

>no higher highs
It's probably going to drop like a rock overnight then go back to 7200 in two or three days

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>Buy and hold
>No underlying asset or guarenter
>It's literally a Ponzi scheme
>Just buy and hold

Literally everyone who "invests" in cryptos deserves to have their nuts cut off for being retarded.


wicks to the upside are not considered higher highs
candle body closes on the daily are what matter
once we start trading above the yellow line in my picture then we can see some bearish trend building up
up until then its just leverage traders getting rekt

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i meant bullish trend

CME GAP 8400

so you're saying bulls are pumping to rek bears then gonna dump?

>It's literally a Ponzi scheme
By your logic every investment is a ponzi. Just read the whitepaper.

what's to stop this happening again?

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Commodities have underlying value, companies pay dividends, bonds have determined debt.

Crypto has no underlying asset.

Even derivatives are based on something material.

Neck yourself.

Literally nothing, it probably is going to fall that hard again.

everybody anticipates that, so it's probably not going to happen


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it's whats logical rn desu
but i could be wrong
everything is unpredictable nowadays
no one really knows whats gonna happen

>all based on a FED scam

How do you still not understand what crypto is and why its valuable
Eh. it's crabbing, hard to say

Crypto has a finite supply, it’s impossible to confiscate, and can be transferred anywhere for very low cost. It’s gold 2.0

>dollar devaluing
>tether printing more than ever

the crypto federal reserve lol, someone is very rich.

Drop it like it's hot

>companies pay dividends
wrong most dont and if it does its less than inflation
>bonds have determined debt.
negative interest rates now retard

Because it's not a piece of shit. But agree with you, I want more cheapies.

Go all in with your hundred, please.

Do you say the same thing to investors in growth stock?

So I can practice with my $50 lol

>Crypto has a finite supply,
there's just as few BCH or BSV and they do exactly the same thing why should BTC be 50x more valuable

> it’s impossible to confiscate,
silk road coins

> and can be transferred anywhere for very low cost. It’s gold 2.0
gold doesn't require energy generation to exist

Legit went past my liquidation at 7282 yesterday on Bitmex and I wasn’t liquidated.
I think they’re taking pity on me for once

and I turned it into $53. that's 6%

>gold doesn't require energy generation to exist
But a whole lot of energy to transact.

so does bitcoin faggot, BTC mining use as much energy as 10 million peoples right now

Because people are losing confidence in fiat and apparently we’re going to switch over to a crypto that doesn’t work and makes a small group of early investors billionaires who control us...that’s what they think because they’re retards.

Do you know how much shiny boomer rock mining destroys the planet?

Because the currencies in which it's value is meassured are lossing value.

Mathematics is the language of the universe but keep waving your shiny shine around retard

bitcoin is unironically on the path to do just as much damages in them of energy consumption

Only peasants in Venezuela mine bitcoin because they have cheap oil to burn.

funny how nobody can tell me why BTC should be more valuable than BCH or BSV when the same essentially the same shit
have some fucking decency, just fucking admit it's ponzi and you support it because you want to make money out of it

The inescapable power of fate user. It is beyond our control now.

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Because it is btc, doesnt care about idiotic muhhh utility arguments

>get a candle body above the line
>then dump it

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If everybody is anticipating it, isn't it possible that a dip could cause a panic?

Hows it s piece of shit faggot? Its thr only fucking coin I can actually buy shit with. Just purchased some kratom yesterday with it
Wtf can you do with link?

How much will it rise after the halving? Some fuckwits say 100k, but what is a realistic number?


180k tough with this ammount of fiat pumping worlwide probably 500k.

I don't want to believe it but the more central banks pumps the more believable that number becomes.