3M is about to get fucked. They’ve been selling critical medical supplies to foreign counties
3M is about to get fucked. They’ve been selling critical medical supplies to foreign counties
Sounds like free market to me.
>Company selling to the highest bidder
Big surprise to who, Trump? Many such cases.
Guess which unpresidented mofo didn't invoke the defense production act
At this point the Dolan is looking like one blonde five blaccs
Free market? We have a central bank and paper money you retard.
Yeah. Clearly Trump is going to have to keep these kikes in line. He is signing an EO tomorrow addressing the issue of critical goods leaving US soil
This is fucking hilarious. Trump is literally having to do the opposite of his philosophy. This is divine retribution! Repent sinners et cetera. But seriously, everyone and I mean everyone is getting their ass kicked so hard right now I can't believe it.
Cool it with the anti semitic remarks
>Trump is literally having to do the opposite of his philosophy
Trump isn't a libertarian you dip lmao. Calm your uterus.
Free trade = globalism.
Protectionism = nationalism.
America First.
Fuck he is the biggest ass clown in history
trump will abolish the ((free market)). we are moving towards socialism. a nationalist socialism if you will.
t. kikes butthurt at Trump for pressuring the Fed into banning usury
Trump is a kike
God imagine if we got this trump all the time instead of Kiked trump. Use their weapons against patriot act ndaa the whole shabangabang
>making efforts to ban usury
pick ein, Silverstein.
Drumpf made his fortune on usury
t. doesn't know what usury is.
Trump is a real estate guy, he was always in favor of a 0% interest rate.
>not a kike
>suck's Israel's dick
This, ladies and gentlemen, is called Schizophrenia.
Any kind of interest is usury
even no interest?
Trump is a guy who paid interest all his life you moron.
He doesn't charge it.
Israel is either Jewish (i.e. a Christian protectorate) or Muslim.
Paying interest is usury
fucking lol
Enabling usury is usury
>becoming president and striving to ban usury
>"enabling usury"
pick one
Trump suffered his entire life at the hands of the blood-sucking jew, and at the end of his life he battled the establishment to gain the highest office and put an end to usury.
Not for his own benefit (he only has a good decade or so left), but for the benefit of the people.
0%, kikel, suck it.
>Trump suffered his entire life at the hands of the blood-sucking jew
And not just at the hands of the banks either; Trump was a Queens lad who managed to break into the Jew-controlled Manhattan real estate scene.
Taste epic meme, villian!
Kek, brainwashed poorfag
Imagine if he actually stockpiled reserves before a pandemic, kept the pandemic response team, and listened to his intelligence officers instead of being a dumb retard. We wouldnt even need to invoke the production act because he could have used all that tax money he collected to have the response team stockpile necessities. Instead, he plays golf. What a fucking world.
>burgers steal non-burger masks destined from other countries by paying high markup with their infinitely printed dollars
>3M doesn't sell only to burgers
if you jews are going to rule through force, the least you could do is have the good grace to stop pretending you have any moral legitimacy
Before your FED, america had local central banks. Like instead one big central bank, america had about 10 smaller central banks. It was not so much different before 1913, before the FED.
People like you think there was a radical change with the FED. But the FED is only an evolution from a semi centralized system which was in place before. 1913.
Okay Mosche. Except for you know, 0% income tax before 1913.
(...)My mistake, is had 3 big banks, (((new york))), chicage, and st Louis. But other banks had some of their reserves from one of those 3 banks. Obviously, (((New york))) bank already had most of the power. So yeah, already pretty centralized, and no, it was not the libertarian dream of free independent money you fantasize about.
Income taxe was first acted with the revenue act of 1861:
So 50 years before the FED.
Socialism is ok when it's also nationalism. You know what would be a cool idea! If they had people with dial citizenship wear some sort of identification, maybe like an arm band or something.
That would make it easier to know who you're dealing with.
You retards think the FED is responsible for all your miseries. The think is, central banks are only a part of the system, which is based around others pillars, like private property of the means of production, which is the (false) base of the justification of surplus labor, and also wage labor. What's more, the tendency of the rate of profit to fall is independant of any central bank, and would happen even without centralized entities printing money. With gold backed banks, crisis would happen less frequently, and would be less devastation, but growth would also be slower. What's more, and again, it would only delay the tendency of the rate of profit to fall, because capitalism would progress at a slower pace. It would diminish the intensity of the crisis each 10-12 decades, but not prevent them. What's more, we would still be in a dead end, due to this tendency of the rate of profit to fall, and the final crisis would still be inevitable.
Fucking cope
With what?
wtf I love the Fed now
That's a great way to get companies to leave the US. They've already been doing it for decades and going to places like Ireland for tax breaks. He's not gonna do shit.
That's fine. The US has been sniping supplies that were going to other countries, but it's every man for himself at this point. His corona response has been generally retarded but this seems pretty normal.
>His corona response has been generally retarded
Yeah, like when he closed the borders to China and then Europe before everyone else.
Bet it all on Asia, desu. ARPA will rise from the ashes like a phoenix from this shit.
We live in a clown world. You are totally right of course. In reality democrats were calling drumphf racist, with nancy pelosi encouraging people to go hug a chinaman in their nearest chinktown to combat the horrible racism of shutting the border with china. Like a week later whole narrative changes and now it is that trump is an idiot and should have closed the border a month earlier. Hard to accept there is still anyine that trusts a lick of the bald-faced lies the media tells them.
It's one thing seeing that propaganda on CNN, but I'm sick of seeing retards on here parroting this shit too.
Either they're paid shills or actual boomers who stumbled on Yas Forums while thingken bout dem bitcorns to diversify away from their boomerstocks after the corona crash.