It turns out that our Stable Genius president over-leveraged, too

>Representatives of Mr. Trump’s company have recently spoken with Deutsche Bank, the president’s largest creditor, about the possibility of postponing payments on at least some of its loans from the bank.

>And in Florida, the Trump Organization sought guidance last week from Palm Beach County about whether it expected the company to continue making monthly payments on county land that it leases for a 27-hole golf club.

>The discussions with Deutsche Bank and Palm Beach County are preliminary, and it isn’t clear whether Mr. Trump’s company will be able to delay or reduce its payments, according to people briefed on the discussions.

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What a moron! How could he not know the chinese were going to eat raw bat at the end of 2019 and cause a disease that the MSM would blow up to be worse than it really is shutting down business lmao what an idiot. Hillary would of seen this coming by the year 2017

While it was ravaging China, he was referring to it as a Democratic hoax. Regardless of whether or not you support him, that is no excuse to delude yourself about his early positions on coronavirus.

Dude I know right what an idiot. First off let me say how racist he is for banning travel from China. Second let me say how much of a moron he is for not banning travel much earlier. Third let me again clarify how racist he is for being the first country to ban travel from china

cope, trump tranny


When the democrats were taking it seriously and criticizing the way he was downplaying it and calling it a nothingburger he said they were perpetuating a hoax.

He also dismantled or ignored anti-pandemic safeguards established by the previous administration. Eliminated a key CDC position in China whose job was to watch for emerging pandemics, effectively dismantled the pandemic response team, ignoring the NSC pandemic playbook which instructed the government to ensure there would be an adequate supply of PPEs which there's now a dangerous shortage of... perhaps most importantly he totally flubbed the rollout of test kits. And there's a whole bunch of other ways he's fucked up.

This wasn't something unforeseeable that couldn't possibly have been handled better; literally any previous president, republican or democrat, would have had a better response.

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He was probably thinking about Tokyo. All those insectoid shitholes are the same, anyway.

700 deaths is still a big nothing
i bet more people die from rabid dindus every day

user that was march 24, it's almost 6000 now.

And the reason deaths haven't been way higher is BECAUSE the entire country is shut down.

I can't help but notice that instead of attempting to actually address my criticism you're just doubling down on desperate false-flagging.

Lol Trump banned travel from China after this was going on for months. Who gives af if its racist or not, his administration and himself are massively incompetent and Americans get what they deserve for electing a complete retard.

RIP to all the uninsured who get sick bahahahahahahahaha

>Hillary would of seen this coming by the year 2017
Hillary bent the knee to China. They would have paid her off so they could fuck you.
Now, TRUMP legitimately SHOULD have predicted this response (bioweapon release) to a trade war. I hope he can also predict what a desperate militant China looks like (and take appropriate countermeasures) or we're fucked.

So you've really got no response, huh? Not surprising. The China travel ban is basically the only thing you fags have to grasp onto, and it did jack shit. Corona was already in the country and Trump did basically nothing to stop it from spreading. Canada didn't do a China travel ban; instead they had a competent, coordinated federal response. And now they've got less than half the cases and deaths per capita.

>When the democrats were taking it seriously and criticizing the way he was downplaying it and calling it a nothingburger he said they were perpetuating a hoax.
Democrats have their own stake in the game. They want the economy to crash and burn, literally everyone else doesn't. So he soothed the delicate asses of investors.
>He also dismantled or ignored anti-pandemic safeguards established by the previous administration.
Yes, but also it was downsizing. He kept a lot of the good staff and chucked the rest into the private sector. Now he's scrambling to get them back.
>Eliminated a key CDC position in China whose job was to watch for emerging pandemics
I'm sure the CCP is fine with this. :^)
>ignoring the NSC pandemic playbook which instructed the government to ensure there would be an adequate supply of PPEs which there's now a dangerous shortage of...
This has been going on for two months before it hit our shores. Where exactly do you want to buy the masks, ventilators, etc. from? The daiguo have whisked it away on an industrial scale, worldwide. The EU wouldn't even provide PPE to Italy, hoarding their remaining national stockpiles. Now (again) we have to scramble by invoking the DPA, because most of our China-based production/supply chains have gone up in smoke (actually a good thing longitudinally)
>totally flubbed the rollout of test kits
Again, novel virus. Extreme demand for a niche item for which there was zero (0) supply beforehand.

Trump is charged with the security of America first and foremost as President of the United States.
If he foresaw a Pandemic (as he claimed on television) before anyone else, he's obligated to put preventions into place, Congress can call him whatever. They called F.D.R. and Lincoln worse, and history validated them.
Of course then he went to "no one could have foreseen this" and abdicating any responsibility for anything except BRRRRRRing the stock market back to life. (the one thing he consistently cares about).

He's an ass.

>the one thing he consistently cares about
nigga you're on Yas Forums

>Be the first country to ban travel from China
>Get called evil racist
>Month later those same people call you stupid for not banning travel sooner
I'm laughing my ass off at you sheep

>This has been going on for two months before it hit our shores. Where exactly do you want to buy the masks, ventilators, etc. from?
Defense Act the manufacturers into jumping on that shit. GM could have had tens of thousands of ventilators coming online THIS WEEK if Trump and Jared hadn't kept dickering with them and sending them crossed messages.
Using the Defense Act is not a big deal, the Military uses it on at least a daily basis.

>nigga you're on Yas Forums
Without people producing value and spending money, stock market manipulation is pointless and futile. Protecting the consumer is absolutely in the interests of the Market.

>GM could have had tens of thousands of ventilators coming online THIS WEEK if Trump and Jared hadn't kept dickering with them and sending them crossed messages.
He was sending them a message of tolerance. According to him, multiple companies pre-empted him by volunteering to make the equipment. GM was one of them.
A couple days later, he gets a call from one of their production people and realizes he's been had: the salesman told him tens of thousands in a couple months, the production guy tells him that they can pump out at most 6,000 at the end of April. Couple hours later, he invokes the DPA on them. Ford, a company in a similar position, is thus given a message: don't fuck me or I'll nationalize your production like I did GM's.
Ultimately Trump's Achilles' heel is his pussyfooting. Trying to be a nice guy or some misplaced sense of quid pro quo. If he threw the book at everything he's tackled since day one, we would have had the wall built in 2017.

>Without people producing value and spending money
Only not possible if you're:
a) non-essential (your job is fundamentally useless) AND
b) in a locked down state (can't blame Orangeman for this one!)

>Democrats have their own stake in the game.
And they were right about the coronavirus being deadly serious, and he was horribly, horribly wrong. But it's ok, he swapped positions later.
And then swapped again and told everybody to get back to work when several of his hotels/resorts had to close.
Then swapped back AGAIN once everyone told him that was retarded, and came up with a new story about how it was OTHER people in his admin trying to downplay the virus and he was the one valiantly resisting them. :^)
>Yes, but also it was downsizing.
Yeah, and clearly not all downsizing as good downsizing, as you seem to acknowledge here.
>This has been going on for two months before it hit our shores.
Yeah and the DPA could have been invoked much sooner to ensure supply as the playbook specified. What would ALSO help with PPEs is if he didn't tell states to fuck off and buy their own, then strategically outbid them when they tried to do that, then allocate federal PPEs depending on which states Trump thought might vote for him in 2020 (with Florida getting 200% of what they asked for and Maine getting like 5%).
>Again, novel virus. Extreme demand for a niche item for which there was zero (0) supply beforehand.
And yet basically every developed country did a way better job. Guess they're just psychic!

Then there's him refusing to cooperate with oversight provisions in the bailout bill, making his fucking son-in-law a key figure in his corona response, accusing nurses of the mass theft of PPEs to imply the shortage isn't real, implementing the EU travel ban with no warning causing returning Americans to pack themselves shoulder-to-shoulder in a handful of overcrowded airports for hours before dispersing all over the country... dude has fucked up in almost every way possible.

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>And they were right about the coronavirus being deadly serious, and he was horribly, horribly wrong. But it's ok, he swapped positions later.
>And then swapped again and told everybody to get back to work when several of his hotels/resorts had to close.
To be fair, there is only one solution and it's one that nobody really talks about. Therapeutic cures (in this case, antivirals) > all the other concerns. Once people can go out and buy TheraFlu - Coronavirus edition (with extra expectorants! Now with REMDESIVIR!), this whole thing will blow over.
Hope you got stock in Gilead.
>then strategically outbid them when they tried to do that, then allocate federal PPEs depending on which states Trump thought might vote for him in 2020 (with Florida getting 200% of what they asked for and Maine getting like 5%)
>Then there's him refusing to cooperate with oversight provisions in the bailout bill, making his fucking son-in-law a key figure in his corona response, accusing nurses of the mass theft of PPEs to imply the shortage isn't real,
Unrestricted democracy was a mistake.
implementing the EU travel ban with no warning causing returning Americans to pack themselves shoulder-to-shoulder in a handful of overcrowded airports for hours before dispersing all over the country...
That's on their shit-ass airports not maintaining social distancing.

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This seems like totally normal conversations every prudent business person would be having right now. I don't like Trump at all, but it would surprise me more if his businesses weren't having talks like this

People make mistakes with numbers sometimes
Remember when Brian Williams and that woman claimed that Mike Bloomberg had enough money to give a million dollars to every American?

>When the democrats were taking it seriously and criticizing the way he was downplaying it and calling it a nothingburger

Back to Resetera with you kiddo.

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>That's on their shit-ass airports not maintaining social distancing.
They didn't have a choice, unfortunately. There were thousands of people and limited space. Perhaps it could have been done better if there had been more warning, but like many Trump policies it was haphazardly implemented and poorly communicated.

I realize the point of posts like this is to imply that Trump's detractors have no real ammo and their criticisms of him are picky and unserious. But it doesn't work when there are a fuckload of very serious criticisms that you're just ignoring. It doesn't help that you people trot out the "orange man" defense in response to ANY criticism towards Trump whatsoever, which just makes you look thin-skinned, much like the man himself, who flips out and screeches autistically at reporters who ask questions like
>what would you say to people who are scared
>can you elaborate on [thing you yourself said]

>literal who tweeting about something that probably didn't matter
Chinese people who haven't been to China aren't magically corona carriers by virtue of being Chinese. The first case of community spread in New York wasn't until almost an entire month after that tweet. Now, if you want a parade that really SHOULD have been cancelled, the Mardis Gras Parade in Louisiana on the 25th really should've been nuked, as well as all the spring break shit in Florida.
But yeah, basically all the most prominent liberals were calling for a stronger response in January and February like Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Warren, Sanders, AOC, Harris, etc etc

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First post best post, I refer you dear reader there.

>believing Donald Tranny ever

Disdain for mentally handicapped bootlickers, I hope you will die on the hill of your ignorance.

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other user has a point. you just seethe

But I addressed his point in the post you're quoting, and he addressed none of mine.

That pic is unironically THE BEST response to that question. It at once reassures the people by making the reporter the psychological scapegoat, the "sky is falling" weirdo; but also eviscerates him live for daring to try to stir panic/hysteria.
>Now, if you want a parade that really SHOULD have been cancelled, the Mardis Gras Parade in Louisiana on the 25th really should've been nuked, as well as all the spring break shit in Florida.
It *was* nuked. But nobody really wants to step up and enforce these things. You will inevitably be disliked by many.
>But yeah, basically all the most prominent liberals were calling for a stronger response in January and February like Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Warren, Sanders, AOC, Harris, etc etc
Welcome to three years of trying to get Trump to do the things he was elected to.
>me when the wall is built

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>literal who

NYC Health Commissioner.

>basically all the most prominent liberals were calling for a stronger response in January

Uh huh.

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dude some guy on Yas Forums pretended to find it racist ironically, but I'm disingenuously taking that seriously so everybody called him racist

get with the times cuck

in reality though, can ANY TRUMPKEK on this board find EVEN A SINGLE INSTANCE of someone in a position of authority calling him racist for the China ban?

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Looks like Coronavirus has at least desensitized people to accusations of racism. Progressives have truly turned into a rotten, toxic ideology.

Next time hopefully people won't get their panties in a bunch when times are good and someone like Trump shows up and say we must protect our borders. If some trannies sperg out, let them. Health of a nation is far more important than (((Globalism))).

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It's an absolutely LAUGHABLY bad response, holy shit. The reporter lobbed him the absolute softest of softballs and Trump whiffed it so hard he fucking impaled himself with the bat. Acknowledging the basic, INSANELY obvious fact that there are, in fact, people who are scared, is not "trying to stir panic/hysteria." Trump could've just offered some basic reassurances to boost confidence, offered some inspiring words to bring people together like literally any other fucking president would have done; instead he whines.

So you ignored my point about how the parade ended up being completely irrelevant, eh?
>Uh huh
Ah yes, noted prominent liberal Rosie Spinks, global tourism reporter for Skift.

BTW, this is the hilariously unqualified son-in-law Trump has put in charge of coordinating logistics and supply management.

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>People make mistakes with numbers sometimes
"sometimes", yes -- but with The Donald, it's half the time he mentions a number.

>So you ignored my point about how the parade ended up being completely irrelevant, eh?

Not really, because it was bullshit. Chinktown have people that visit home now and then.

Let me ask you though is there any awareness at all within the leftist bubble that NY being extremely mismanaged at state level could have something to do with NY being worst hit state in all US, or it was all just Drumpy's fault?

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>hey look how little corono we have here
>thank goodness we banned travel
>instead of prepping

Dumb faggot

This. Trump should have told me to go out and buy all the toiler paper in January.

>It was established on January 29, 2020.

What were the media and democrats talking about at that time?

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>What were the media and democrats talking about at that time?

Who gives a shit. Fuck them kikes and trannies.

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>Acknowledging the basic, INSANELY obvious fact that there are, in fact, people who are scared, is not "trying to stir panic/hysteria."
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
>Trump could've just offered some basic reassurances to boost confidence, offered some inspiring words to bring people together like literally any other fucking president would have done
Nope. What's there to boost confidence about? Everything is fine. Saying otherwise is "a very bad signal" to put out. YOU'RE the crazy one.
See how much easier that is?

>Not really, because it was bullshit. Chinktown have people that visit home now and then.
And you've again ignored the fact that the first case of community transmission wasn't until almost a fucking month after the parade.

>twitter screencap of a some rag
OK, great job. But that's, again, not a prominent liberal. If we're gonna fling dumb opinion pieces from dumb media faggots at each other, I'll just show you 2.5 months of fox news and other right-wing outlets saying it's just a flu, bro, or the dems are overhyping it to hurt Trump.

NYC was the hardest hit because it's the densest, most populous state in the country with shitloads of international travelers. You could certainly argue cuomo and de blasio should have enforced social distancing guidelines sooner like California did... but on the other hand they did a very good job testing aggressively. All in all I'd say they've done a fair job.

None of that absolves Trump of his many, many failures. See and other posts.

He established a task force... that didn't fucking do anything. They utterly failed the preparation of test kits and PPEs.

Top dem leaders were saying it should be taken more seriously. Donald was saying saying dems were pulling a hoax to hurt him, that it would disappear with the warm weather like a miracle, that those 15 cases would soon be zero, etc. Republican reps like Matt Gaetz showed up to congress wearing a gas mask to mock the dems taking it seriously (and had to self-quarantine just a few days later because he'd been in contact with someone who tested positive). Several republican senators were publicly saying corona was nothing to worry about, while privately selling their stocks in entertainment/travel and in one case buying stocks in medical supplies and work-from-home software.

>The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
Or, you know, coronavirus and its economic fallout.
>Nope. What's there to boost confidence about?
His admin's incompetent handling of coronavirus? Fears of which would be best assuaged by exuding calm confidence, not freaking out like a baby.

And he keeps sperging at reporters for other innocuous shit too. Like that lady he had a hissyfit at when she asked him to explain his comment about NY not actually needing ventilators. And at least one other instance I can't even remember.

Valid point. I agree.

>OK, great job. But that's, again, not a prominent liberal.

Lol whatever.

>NYC was the hardest hit because it's the densest, most populous state in the country with shitloads of international travelers.

Plenty of cities that are almost as desnsely packed with international travelers.

>You could certainly argue cuomo and de blasio should have enforced social distancing guidelines sooner like California did

You can say that again, lol. Glad we agree on something and it all couldn't have been Trump!

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>None of that absolves Trump of his many, many failures.

Trumps doing fine. He acted far quicker than any democract would have. The way you freaks jump on calling anything/everything racist, safe to say Hillary wouldn't have banned any travel until well into March.

Also regular flu alone killed 80k in a regular season in 2018. Corona is far more deadlier than regular flu, and if he manages to stop it at 100-200k which is the projection, he's done good.

Also only thing Dems have been obsessed with since Trump got elected is getting him out of office since he shit all over their party on Nov 8, 2016. Looking forward to seeing them get Trumped again. Have fun supporting Joe Biden btw, you lose your privilege now to call out Trump on his pussy grabbing shenanigans. Top Lel

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No, it wasn't *all* trump. But the sheer scope and scale of the incompetence he's demonstrated is seriously not comparable to that of any other leader. I've posted quite a lot of examples in this thread. Feel free to address them.

>Trumps doing fine. He acted far quicker than any democract would have.
You fucking people. Did you just skip over the entire last paragraph of the post you quoted, and selectively erase Trump's 2.5 months of "just a flu bro" from your memory?

You seem to be under the impression that the only actions a president can take in response to a pandemic is MUH TRAVEL BANS, while ignoring all the other ways he's fucked up. OK. He implemented travel bans. The US still has the worst curve of any country, while having gotten more time than most of them to prepare.

And that's a cute image, but it's also retarded.
You absolute
H1N1 started in Mexico and moved into the US before ever even being recognized in a laboratory. It was effectively here from day 0.

And if you wanna talk about timelines:
>Obama's CDC had activated its Emergency Operations Center within a week
>had working tests within TWO weeks
>the government, again, declared a public health emergency within two weeks and started releasing medical supplies and drugs from the federal stockpile.
Member how long it took Trump to get tests actually working and supplies going out? Yeah.

As for the numbers, they're already outdated lmao. Two months of Corona vs a full year of H1N1 and Corona's already got almost half as many deaths, and that's WITH the entire country on lockdown. Trump also had the benefit of Corona not coming to the US until after multiple other countries had shown what it could do, vs H1N1 basically popping up out of nowhere in our own backyard. I've got little doubt that Corona's deaths are going to outstrip H1N1's within a month.

I also don't know why you're accepting Trump's pre-emptive damage control that "only" one or two hundred thousand dead Americans is a great victory. If we're gonna shut down the fucking economy for months you'd think we'd actually get something out of it... like, say, numbers that aren't worse than any other developed nation.

>He established a task force... that didn't fucking do anything.
but he did something. i can only imagine what he would have done if he didn't have to worry about impeachment.

or if the news media didn't downplay corona constantly. trump gets influenced by them just like everybody else, you know.

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>But the sheer scope and scale of the incompetence he's demonstrated is seriously not comparable to that of any other leader.
Try looking at our leaders here in Germany. They did the exact same thing.

>It's nothing to worry about guys
>We have nothing to fear
>We're prepared!
>It's just a cold / flu
>Let's give away all our medical equipment to some third-world shithole
>Closing borders and checking travellers is impossible! Also, it's racist!

Then, a couple of weeks later

>Who could have known it would be this bad?
>We're doing everything we can
>We're prepared
>You guys better stay at home while we change our constitution so only 25% of representatives need to be present to vote on introducing new laws

Leaders all over the western world dropped the ball on this one. They all deserve to be hanged.

Legislators can, and do, focus on multiple things at once. It's kind of their fucking job. Please tell me how impeachment forced him to make the dumbfuck statements he did about corona. And it's not like impeachment was so hard on him, the GOP didn't even call any witnesses, they just waved him on through to acquittal. It certainly didn't get in the way of his golfing time lmao.

Yeah some journos wrote dumb thinkpieces. There are thousands of journos writing several articles a week. But for every cherrypicked opinion piece about corona being a nothingburger from mainstream media sources, you can find several talking about it seriously, and twice as many articles from conservative outlets saying corona was a democrat plot (until Trump finally switched narratives, thus giving them permission to take it seriously).

>trump gets influenced by them just like everybody else, you know.
Wow gee I dunno maybe he should get his information from medical professionals instead of fucking Fox & Friends.

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boy you sure changed my mind, I'll vote for Joe in November now

Hahahaha that fucking tweet

You don't have to, he's more competent than Trump but he's also an incoherent serial rapist. Just don't vote for anyone.

>or if the news media didn't downplay corona constantly. trump gets influenced by them just like everybody else, you know.

You’re a fucking moron. The man has had private briefings from November-December on the reality of the situation. Him not knowing or believing the news is absolutely no excuse when he has numerous agencies that report directly to him.

What likely occurred was his staff had To dumb it down so he didn’t throw a temper tantrum.

Have you told your parents that you're gay?