/smg/ - Stock Market General

puppies edition

pastebin.com/F1yujtVq (embed) (embed)

>Stock market words
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed) (embed)

>Risk management
pastebin.com/sqJUcbjp (embed) (embed)

>Bloomberg stream


>Free chart


>Pre-market data

>Boomer investing


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I am doing some home reno's and have built a shrine to Bogdanoff that will forever be entombed in my home in order to pump the market. Expect a green open tomorrow and a full recovery in the coming weeks.

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>puts on elon
Waitll you see the

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haha paycheck printer go brrrrr

will futures rip or drip

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Really need Ford to hit $4

If tomorrow is down then the hope for a bear market is preserved barely thanks to technicals if it's up then RIP bears.

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I just bought 1 whole Tesla stock.

I expect similar confused trading for this evenings futures to yesterday.

I was up, then I was down. I was down hard. but then I heard this call in this distance. I saw a shadow of a man running full speed in a business suit holding a briefcase.

It was Jerome. and he brought the cure all to the market. It was a briefcase that was bigger on the inside, and he slammed it onto the table, dabbed off the beads on his forehead, and unlocked the case.

It exploded releasing mountains and mountains of $100 bills pouring out and stacking into tall towers that continued violent erupting. Green light so bright it eclipsed the entire sun was shooting blinding beams into the sky. I knew then what I must do, I must ride this bull rocketship to the moon. I tipped my 5 gallon hat to Jerome and he nodded back at me. And with that I let out a soft whisper "yee haw" as I shed a single tear from my eye. I will see you all at the moon base.

If only you knew how bad things were. Honestly gonna rope tomorrow

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Wow at least rotate that picture you dumb fag or orient it right.

is this bullish?

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When is it the right time to purchase gold?

I'm not educated enough on how money is made when stocks go down, but surely TSLA will drop tomorrow? Who's going to be buying a relatively expensive electric car when both oil is cheap and there's a bunch of employment uncertainty.

They'll c-c-c-c-c-crip

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muh 100k deliveries in Q1.


Why is the stock market always forward looking, until it's not?

TSLA is literally copying BTC daily moves now.

>Moments from disaster

What the fuck is going on here?

I'm not sure what's going on in this webm.

Mooning. Because I bought puts.


I'm about to register myself as a independent contractor.

How do I make sure this contract exercises & Robinhood doesn’t Jew me out of this deal

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>dead minorities
Hell yeah, that's quin-topple extremely bullish.


If I'd take a gander, Vultures over dead corpses

My guess its the rotting bodies in the streets of Ecuador

>Tesla shorts fucked again
>sold oil at a profit
>RTN just got another missile contract

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people are dying in ecuador and ecuador cant deal with all the deaths. so they burn them on the streets etc. etc.
those are birds flying above a hospital waiting for their snack

t. retard who decided to lose money shorting Tesla and buying BTC.

guys, I just found out today that unless you have $25,000 you can't day trade.

This pisses me off so much. How the fuck is anyone supposed to attain financial independence in this fucked country?

Obviously crisis actors
GTFO shareblue kike shill

so how fucked are we? this stuff really scares me and i just want it to be over tbhwyfam

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If you can’t swing trade your way into $25k, you don’t deserve to day trade.


Not fucked at all. Unless you’re a boomer on Yas Forums

Dead nigger storage.

> i just want it to be over tbhwyfam
We've only just begun user. This will stick around for at least another 4-5 months.

the number of people dying every day is rising, cases are rising, and a lot of people aren't in lockdown and aren't observing social distancing, how is it "not fucked at all" exactly? even young healthy people have been dying.

>Bought RTN at 121
>Seconds later it falls to 117

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I don't feel so safe.

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haha that's all? You should have double that if or you're just wasting your time anyway.

It won't be like how it was in February though. That shocked the markets, the next couple of drops won't be nearly as dramatic. But they will probably still come.

Isn't Sweden the only country to still have free movement and open borders in Scandinavia, or is that just an exaggeration because of memes.

RTN is a long hold fren, I bought at $135 and I'm happy to wait for stonks to go up. The world is unstable right now and the only thing that stays consistent in uncertain times is Tomahawk missiles.

it has become political play, not avout little flu. trump should immediately cancel all lock downs now and trying to recover the economy it's going
down too hard, the 1200 or whatever gibs wont do anything. it's too small and too late. either give everybody 20 000 or cancel lock down next week, he has two options to save economy.

stock market can go up depends on how hig inflation level climbs, it's already high, but im worried about main street economy

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Agreed. Even if we stick to the estimates and peak in May, the other side of that hump will have a long trail into autumn. For the time being we're past the big volatility, barring something like commercial real estate imploding from thousands of loans defaulting at once.

Airlines are saved. Buy DAL call tomorrow anons

b-but i was told black bulls are immune

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I'm just glad I got to live through something huge like last month though. What a wild ride.

Crazy thing is, it's true. Open borders, the immigrants - all of it. It's all true.

People dying on the streets would actually be worse for the economy. Only reason why death rate is low for people below 60 is because the 10% that can't breathe anymore get hooked up to ventilators and life support.

I recognize that youtu.be/DMoCM_FgLP8

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Guys what's the URL for gibs?

Based vultures cleaning up our mess.

What happened?

I was considering buying southwest near the close today but I think the airlines will somehow manage to flush the stimulus money down the toilet.

No, No, No, No, let me ask you a question. When you came pulling in here, did you notice a sign out in front of my house that said "Dead Nigger Storage"? Did you notice a sign out in front of my house that said "Dead Nigger Storage"? You know WHY you didn't see that sign? 'Cause it ain't there, 'cause storing dead niggers ain't my fucking business, that's why!

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jesus christ you are out of touch, death rate on cruise ship with average age of 60, 30% being 70-85 years old was below 1%, similar to flu, nothing close to sars or mers. cancel lock downs quickly or you're going to see chaos later on

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I lost 65% of my portfolio during this crash haha!

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The entire stimulus will be used to bail out golden parachutes for C levels and their buddies. Congress said they can't do that, but they'll figures out a way to do it anyway.

Man that's actually really fucked up. That's endangering millions of people simply for the sake of pearl clutching.

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Based and doggopilled

>futures opening down
Finally. The market is being rational. I am excited for my gains to come.

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This lockdown is an excuse to install more global government like the 9-11. Fuck this gay earth.

Kushner is about to speak on the Presidential stream.

why would her headphones be UNDER her hair? how would you even put the headphones on without either removing the phone set and putting it on from the front, or lifting her whole set of hair over the top of the headphones? Shouldn't her headphones go over her hair?

Reminder that today was literally an irrelevant day for trading. Reminder that literally all the action will be in the last 30 minutes tomorrow.

let's say you want to protect your 401k balance from recent volatility. would it theoretically be smarter to invest in a stable value fund or a bond fund right now?

You don’t. RobinJew is notorious for their kikery. I placed an order for Lucking Coffee when it opened at $4 something. The order didn’t fill until an hour later at $8. Oy vey

honestly the thing that bothers me the most in this situation is that regardless of who is right, we can't do ANYTHING about it. all i can do is wait for another week, another month, in my house, shitposting on /smg/. we are all impotent in this situation.

and the fucked up thing? i was just starting to be really profitable with my day trading strat. i've been making more day trading this past month than i did at my job i got laid off from, and im not even using all of my capital. i can make money from home now so just have to not die to corona, i live with my parents who i also want to not die from corona.

But I want stocks to go up

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I hope the US cancels all lockdowns and lets millions die. Please, please let everyone die horribly, it's the least these fucking boomers deserve.

what global government? You mean local state governments doing their job?

it's still a long night, futures are useless unless they go limit up/down or it's 5 minutes to open.
I imagine we open at or around 2500 but who the fuck knows at this point

The only futures that matter, oil futures, are going up.

This shit is going to limit up during the night and then open down and then we will have a 9% day tomorrow
This is a clown market, I don't trust anything.

you use a 65% stop loss? so you were expecting at least 65% gains, at a minimum?

>stable fund
Every "stable" "low-risk" fund I've seen has still taken a gigantic dump.

Probably a bond fund, if you want to be even safer you can go for one that's short or intermediate term Treasuries only

Just bought 2k in GUSH ask me anything

many black people are obese. obesity is a big risk factor on this one.

Imagine literally risking lives for sjw points and muh diversity

Is dividend capture the best way to profit off of dividends? How reliant is it on trade frequency to be relatively profitable?
Financial sector seems to have some really good yield at seemingly solid companies, but they don't seem to be recommended in general (as opposed to e.g. utilities), why is that?

Better investment of that 2k would have been hookers and blow

Birds rising on heat plume. I've seen like 500 crows do this in a parking lot of a shopping center. It's pretty surreal, but not a sign of the end times.

If we get another big drop I’m going to bust out the margin

>tfw half swedish (american, tho)

i cringe at my ancestry. we used to be vikings, wtf happened?

give it a few hours. selling isn't exactly determined.

As in 65% is GONE. Its not in anything.

>Short Indexes
>Fed throws the constitution out of the window pumps the shit out of the market with unlimited QE
>Short oil and gas
>Trump tweets a made up conversation and pumps the fuck out of oil prices

I'm getting cucked hard by my own government. What I'm learning is wait until I think something bad is going to happen, then bid against what SHOULD happen because the Federal government is going to stick its fat fucking fist into the market's anus and work it like a puppet

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Same bought at 485

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the government is bailing out airline companies.
I can see it here youtube.com/watch?v=GXc1Az7uPtU

aren't dividends currently getting slashed left and right because of coronachan? seems like a bad time to be a divvy investor. good time to day trade based on price action.


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Of course, I'm talking in general, when the market isn't retarded by china.

Should we assume everything below A- is actually junk?


where are the assholes that were pumping athx

howd that do for you boys today?

>he doesn’t know

>SBA loan program crashing and burning
>All the big banks not on board and won't lend to small businesses
>Mnuchin just doubled the interest rate on the loans

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>muh constitution
Crisis means all bets are off dude. Get ready for more constitutional violations going forward, the govt doesn't give a single fuck, they will do what they want to make Trump look like he's not a worthless slug.

>$900 in an account without even verifying an email address
lol you're going to make $100,000 and then forget your password

he was but he went to take a piss break and left kushner and pence in charge

sounds like you've got it all figured out - just always do the opposite of what you intend to do

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