If the government can just print the money it needs why the hell do we still have to be taxed
If the government can just print the money it needs why the hell do we still have to be taxed
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Becuase it's all a scam and keep to control over common people
because your labor and what you are willing to do for the fancy green toilet paper is what gives it its value
otherwise you'd be rich
rich people don't want that
every new printed money devalues all the money already in existence as it is circulated, if all taxation was replaced with printing and nothing was done to lower spending we'd go broke very quickly
Honk honk
Taxes are in place to reduce inflation. They have all sorts of other "schemes" in place to reduce inflation or keep it hidden. Wars for example.
It can print money while wealth is being destroyed without diluting the value.
On the other hand, when velocity winds back up, so will taxes. Government tends to destroy more wealth than it creates.
Building bombs and tanks is the same as burning the cash.
Taxes create demand. Fiat would be worthless without taxes.
Google: Modern Monetary Theory
Ppeople demand goods/services. No one demands to pay taxes
My eyelids are getting heavy
Because the US has been a kiked system for a long time
nah, it's the military that gives it value.
the tax is just like mandatory removal of money from supply. Seen it explained today on youtube
pic related only true answere
Pretty much this. The purpose of tax is yo remove money from the economy.
Based and redpilled. taxes are a scam
As are money.
taxes create demand for a certain currency, think about it, most of the demand for any currency is in the form of taxes. This gives the currency a value (if you dont pay taxes you go to prison, if you dont accept the legal tender you go to prison), and is also used to take money out of circulation to redistribute wealth and control inflation.
But yea your taxes do not finance anything, government doesnt need taxes to finance stuff, saying something is paid with "taxpayer money" is pretty stupid.
>gubmint prints a shitload of money
>gibs $10k/month to everyone
>everyone stops working because "muh gibs"
>noone produces anymore food, cellphones, internets
>everything collapses because gubmint gave gibs
>Missing the point completely
Who said anything about gibs? Just print money instead of taxes. Imagine the money they'd save on getting rid of the IRS. It would be exponential printing of course to match the money supply. Maybe remove a few zeros when the inflation gets silly so $1000 old dollars becomes $1 new dollar for example.
Why have the worlds elite been allowed to create back doors within the federal reserve so that they can syphon tax paper $ for decades ?
its the perfect crime. take a little money from everyone who works, they are too busy working to really notice. take a little more each year, they will not really notice the small change. give "money" to the corporations who employ people, so they can "hire" (control) more people, and give those new employees juuuust enough money that they keep coming back to "be productive," but NEVER give them enough to actually change their lot in life. this is the true purpose of tax: too much money has trickled through the corporations, into the hands of people who must continue to be controlled, and so it must be removed from those people.
Don't think of the government as a household. Instead, remember that a federal tax makes money disappear from the economy. If you pay 1000 in federal income tax in 2019, that 1000 just does not exist anymore. Its nowhere. Its gone. The digits on the ledger have changed, poof. It is simply removed from economy, that is how inflation is controlled.
>why the hell do we still have to be taxed
why even work?
why even live?
How the fuck does one end up like this?
This is very interesting, thanks for sharing it.
Inflation reduction
been thinking this a lot lately
The gov doesn’t print money. They borrow it from the FED. The interest needs to be paid, the IRS collects the interest for the FED. that’s it.
Uncle Sam demands it.
There is literally nothing being done. Everything is outsourced. The only jobs left are service jobs no one really needs.
>noone produces anymore food, cellphones, internets
No one does that anyway. There isn't 1 single phone made in USA. The internets are serviced by Pajeets, the food is being grown by illegal immigrants.
you mean the jews
Where were you when you realized our systems of government and finances were all just designed to enforce a caste system even as the industrial revolution made wealth easy?
Kill the sociopaths. Kill the greedy who would put a boot on the neck of their fellow man.
The government can't print money. The Federal Reserve can print money.
>the government prints money
oh boy
Here its explained kinda close to the beginning of this video. You could just read it in the description instead
If taxes are supposed to control inflation then why are there so many loopholes for the 1% to avoid paying them?
They make cell phones in korea. And the food is imported from Mexico
They said the same thing during the Great Depression when we went 30 billion in debt. We're good.
dude america is in like 30 trillion debt or something now. thats the trick, you owe money to some ghost figure and life goes on as usual
Diving into the world of military contracting will get you angry real quick. By far the biggest waste if capital in human history. At least back in Napoleon's days it was just rifles, ships and canons
I live in Ohio and not far there's a tank plant in Lima. We throw fucking hundreds of millions of dollars building these absolutely useless hunks of shit so they can just get old and rot away after a couple decades. Add this tank factory x10000 and that's US defense spending.
But it's not even about making shitty vehicles so they can end up getting scrapped. The galaxy brain of this straight up SCAM is forcing dependency on foreign powers for weapons sales. Iran is the textbook example of what happens when you buy American. The Shah's entire military was made up of mostly American equipment. But it's the *parts* that force dependancy, for when the equipment breaks who do you go to buy replacement parts? Well after 1979 uncle sam was not too keen on selling Iran parts to fix its F14s, so by the end of the Iran-Iraq war almost none of them were flying. This entire scheme i ls certianly not designed to win a war and isn't even optimzied for deterrence, it's hooking your friends on your product and never getting them off it. That's why absolutely zero people on the Hill give two shits Saudi Arabia beheads witches and disembowels journalists... Trump said the quiet part out loud that we gotta sell them guns! Why do you think the bases got utterly BTFO by Iranian cruise missles last summer? We don't make weapons to beat the enemy we make weapons so that Raytheon gets the most most money for the least ammount of effort.
That picture is beautiful. I hope I can be that happy one day, bros.
Legit the most “essential” Job now is a supermarket shelf stacker lmaoooo
this. Does no one read basic economics?
I tried to learn how to restore a HMMVV. Wow, what a piece of shit. And it's impossible to do unless you have a machine shop and welder.
So i should go into arms manufacturing?
By the way, not only did the government cut off the F14s from Iran, but they demolished every single F14 in existence so that they would never get access to parts. Hundreds of billions in perfectly serviceable military jets.
Taxes are literally robbery, anyone who tells you otherwise is a fucking boot licking scumbag
>Fuck taxes bro
The mating call of every pleb idiot throughout history since the city states of Sumer in 4500 bc
Retard, taxes are as foundational to civilization as written language itself
first stop paying rent
second stop oaying attention to the consequences of taking your landlord and billcollecters lives