Are women desperate to partner up now that we’re in the midst of a pandemic?

Are women desperate to partner up now that we’re in the midst of a pandemic?

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don't care
will still be ignoring them

>ever needing a woman in your life
Jeez dude. Just go full MGTOW. You're better off investing in shitcoins.

Not until the government stops feeding them

Imagine going against your most primal instincts and refusing to blow your seed inside a warm, moist vagina.

women don't want to "Partner up" they want to whore themselves endlessly and get attention at all times. They just want marriage for the photo op and the 20,000 dollar ring. After that they start plotting the divorce rape.

>Imagine going against your most primal instincts
You can control your primal instincts. Ever heard of Buddhism.
>blow your seed inside a warm, moist vagina.
Semen retention has far more benefits than jerking off or having sex.

Vaginas have changed. Most are massive craters riddled with HPV that have been cream pied into oblivion. Also modern vaginas are now attached to pic related

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ok animal

This was pretty much my ex. BPD is no joke either

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>that image

Good Lord. What on earth happened to women? Surely Feminism is the ideology of the devil.


I just found her instagram bros. Shit hurts. She’s doing just fine without me. Getting creampied by her BF every day. Can’t stop looking through every post. I let her go. She said she wants a serious relationship and kids. I said no. Should I just have lied and said I wanted kids too?
I miss her bros. When link moons I’m gonna get her back

everyone point and laugh at the virgin

How the fuck do people even have relationships. I can't even phantom have a gf or let alone getting married. Imagine she discovers my 2tb futa collection

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Imagine being unable to redirect your primal instinct and energy toward to more abstract goals and accomplishments.

hey buddy. don't laugh at virgins.

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Imagine thinking in absolutes and not being able to do both.

They start by not having a 2tb futa collection in the first place

>I said no

So you basically told her you just wanna pork her till she hits the wall. Are you honestly surprised that she left?

Imagine being such a subhuman coombrain you can't refrain yourself from masturbation even in front of facebook photos.

I could never put a ring on a female finger. Just imagining all the other dudes shes been with before you. Her fake excitement, wile you put the diamond ring on her finger, shes thinking about chad pumping her from behind, freshman year of college. Fuck that shit. Ill keep my money and my pride.

holy based

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With options expiry dates, does the contract expire at opening or close of that day?

>Vaginas have changed. Most are massive craters riddled with HPV that have been cream pied into oblivion.

Yeah benefits like prostate cancer, to remove you weak betas from the gene pool.

Nah, they just want dick, because the fear hasn't set in yet. Wait for the economic depression setting in and martial law. That's when they go into panic mode and realize they are worthless without a man. You can easily get a 10/10 if you have stacked enough PMs, crypto and weapons.

I fuck horses. Far warmer, far moister. I never have to hear a woman talk and instincts are satisfied.

the virgin semen-retaining buddhist

Imagine never knowing what the touch of a woman against your bare skin feels like.

Thats when we can start beating and caging them again. Selling them on the open market to the highest bidder. Bitches better familiarize themselves with how to cook again.

Does that mean I can finally lose my virginity?

wtf how does one even fuck horses?

Lol this, I’ll fuck a chick but holding hands kissing, her resting on me as we watch TV is really fucking annoying and gross. I have to pay for all her shit and she gives me a half ass blow job two times a year. No thanks.

>I’ll fuck a chick but holding hands kissing, her resting on me as we watch TV is really fucking annoying and gross. I have to pay for all her shit and she gives me a half ass blow job two times a year. No thanks.

Yas Forums incarnate. Simps not allowed.

>you weak beta
>arguing in an anime board
Imagine larping as an alpha

There are people on this board that fell for the diamond ring scam, kek get out normies

>he didn't read "The Importance of Gourd Crafting" by Rumi at the podium in front of his classmates

Imagine thinking your opponent gives a fuck.


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get a virgin, get someone who admires youre genese and skin color and wants your seed.

treat her well, maintain the relationship over the years. keep your cool be confident and be a challenge for the rest of your life.

Actually, my most primal instinct is to kill everything and I don't like and then rape every attractive woman I see, but I manage to suppress it. I think I can avoid cohabiting with a thot.

You're conscious enough to realize what you're doing wrong. Now do you have the drive to fix yourself?

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Imagine being this upset.

where do you find a virgin

>he said he doesn't care
>so he must be upset

Who cares about women nigga
I'm trying to get rich

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Huh? Put their tail to the side, eat their pussy and ass out, then insert dick in either hole.

You been on the internet long? Go look at some vids

>Get a virgin
Do you believe in Unicorns too?
Its illegal to date 13 year olds. majority of holes are getting railed or giving blow jobs by the time they turn 14-15. By the time women are 18 they are human garbage with lots of emotional baggage.


Can confirm, Having money and freedom is worlds better than being cuffed to some nagging bitch who is always trying to cause drama. It gets old bros. Stop living in a fantasy SIMP land and enjoy your freedom. Enjoy being a man.

What's the point of becoming rich if you don't have a wife and children to share it with? Doing otherwise is peak degeneracy.

>your opponent
if life is a game you already lost, incel

fuck off normie

i know it's a classic image but it should be

>im a 35 yo virgin btw

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i have no idea where to find horses

kek. I have 100gb of youtube sluts I will never let go.

at the close, user.

lmao no. OnlyFans is fucking booming right now during this pandemic and women everywhere are learning how they can make quick money off of simps. Women will only become desperate when the internet is gone and we enter an actual disaster situation. And even then it wont be for people like you, it'll be to become part of Chad's prepper harem or Tyrone's raider harem.

t. seething simp needing constant female validation or else he will implode and not know what to do.

>hahaha he's buddhist! He doesn't need sex to feel good haha what a loser