I am going to drop enough Chainlink pills sdom/seinnaj will 404 this thread. I am 100% sure this will happen screencap this for later. Good luck to all. No matter what God loves you all
I am going to drop enough Chainlink pills sdom/seinnaj will 404 this thread...
Other urls found in this thread:
Chainlink is going to explode. Ask yourself how could Forbes and so many others get it wrong. Jesus Loves Everyone
Swift + Chainlink (Page 11, SmartContract + Rise Technologies, SmartContract is who makes Chainlink):swift.com
ISDA’s general interest in smart contracts: isda.org
ISDA + Openlaw (Attending an ISDA event on Nov 6th): isda.org
Chainlink + Openlaw: twitter.com
Chainlink + Google: cloud.google.com
Chainlink + Intel: software.intel.com
Chainlink + Oracle(Software company): blogs.oracle.com
Chainlink + Amazon (Skip to 1:01:30): pages.kaleido.io
Oracles: blog.chain.link
Derivatives: blog.chain.link
Smart contracts: blog.chain.link
Oracles: blog.chain.link
Derivatives: blog.chain.link
General Crypto + Business: www2.deloitte.com
Last note SAVE THE URL SAVE THE SITE back up everything and let the world know what's coming
Stale pasta is stale
>google's collective hive intelligence is sufficiently like ours in order to recognize the nigh unimaginably high eventual value of this fresh but promising new system, which is currently trading below 0.01% of this presumably inevitable price, and can be bought *now* for a very reasonable price instead of a few years later for a total cost of about a quarter of the entire world's money (plus or minus one-eighth);
>our gestalt decentralized hypergeist is similar enough to google's for (((their's))) to also comprehend that -- especially now, after certain pivotal points have been achieved, course maintained and the network opening up like a fucking rose blossom -- chainlink is as guaranteed of being *the* default, de jure & de facto oracle solution for fucking *everything* that needs oracles solved (derivatives market especially) because of the way which the project has progressed... google has carefully watched this and other projects, weighing odds intelligently, learning what fails and what succeeds; although it would have been premature to buy earlier, it's now such a sure thing in the eyes of any keyed in hivemind that that only an uninformed innocent or knowing idiot would not be buying at these prices right now;
>seriously: google has seen the project pass the 97.% probability percentile in global adoption, has watched any other pretenders, would-be contenders, and ersatz "competitors"
amount to no threat whatsoever to what chainlink is blossoming into, witnessed the fud blown to dust, the alternatives rust, and the fundamentals robust, just like i bust, fly must by trust plied gust whose gales blow sails on my moonbound yacht
>extemporaneous apropos freestyling aside, it's pretty fucking obvious that google sees what we see, which are guaranteed moon tickets to some, but to others, certificates of hegemonic dominion over the world and all nolinkers
The 216th number is this sequence is 619220451666590135228675387863297874269396512. The sum of all the digits in that number add up to 216, as well. He notes that it is believed that the secret or hidden name of God contains 216 characters. There are many other fascinating relationships and sacred geometries, which are presented by Lucien Khan in more detail at the links below.
216: 619220451666590135228675387863297874269396512
And if you add up all the individual digits in that number it adds up to 216.
If you look at the numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence you will find that the last digit in each number forms part of a pattern that repeats after every 60th number and this 60 number pattern repeats all the way into infinity.
Notice that after the first 60 numbers the last number starts to repeat. This 60 number pattern repeats all the way into infinity.
What I did is, I arranged those 60 digits in a circle (as seen in Diagram 1) and I found the results so amazing and revealing that they are simply Divine.
First you will see that the “ZERO’s” in the sequence align perfectly with the 4 cardinal points on a compass. And if you look at the number adjacent or directly opposite each number you will see that they add up to 10.
But there is so much more:
At this point I need to tell you why I am so fascinated by this 60 digit repeat pattern.
I have been working on a cosmological theory that states that the universe was not created in a singularity event as per the ‘Big Bang’ but rather that the universe is an eternal cycle of energy to mass and that this cycle repeats after every 60 billion years or rather after every 60 units of time.
The number 6 is crucial in my findings as 6 is the first whole entity in the physical universe. Every physical object must have 6 dimensions from its point of origin, being: UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, BACKWARD & FORWARD.
We get to 60 because we are using base 10 mathematics so:
6 x 10 = 60
6 squared or 6 x 6 = 36
36 x 10 = 360
The physical universe manifests in all 360 degrees.
6 cubed or 6 x 6 x 6 = 216
There are incredible predictions related to the number 216.
For example: It is believed that the secret or hidden name of God contains 216 characters.
Now, bearing my cosmological theory in mind you can see why I was so astounded to find this 60 digit repeat cycle hidden in the Fibonacci Sequence.
But this could simply be a random pattern of 60 numbers right? Yes, they could be. So I need to do more.
If 6 x 6 x 6 = 216 Which has divine connotations. What happens if I take 3 of those Fibonacci Circles and combine them as in Diagram 2.
These are not simply 60 random numbers repeating to all infinity. When 3 of these circles are aligned at the dead centre, as in Diagram 2, the circumference of the circles touch perfectly at their midpoints (Number 5 in the cycle) and I find that the 4 internal arcs add up to 360 and the 2 exterior arcs each add up to 180.
So now I have a 60 repeat cycle that produces the number 360 when aligned in this order.
Remember my theory says that the universe recycles every 60 units of time and manifests in all 360 degrees.
Look at the Clock Face (Image Below). The 5’s & Zero’s align perfectly with the 12 hours on a clock face.
Dear God how can I convey the PERFECTION of all of this to you?
Mathematics is showing us how perfect CREATION is. The face of a clock is divided into 12 hours that align perfectly with the 5’s and zero’s from the Fibonacci sequence. The same Sequence that produces the golden ratio.
It means the universe is a perfect creation and has deep structural programming. A single day can be sectioned up into 60 equal units (OR 2 x 12 HOURS) using the Fibonacci sequence.
The Fibonacci Sequence is making a perfect Human Clock
Take this down
Schizo posting mixed with fucking blog posts. The absolute state of current gen LINK bagholders.
Fuck you you stupid piece of shit eat shit suck dick fggt
Take this down now
See my shadow changing
Stretching up and over me
Soften this old armor
Hoping I can clear the way by
Stepping through my shadow
Coming out the other side
Step into the shadow
Forty six and two are just ahead of me
Mods do your job
See my shadow changing
Stretching up and over me
Soften this old armor
Hoping I can clear the way by
Stepping through my shadow
Coming out the other side
Step into the shadow
Forty six and two are just ahead of me
Nothing in the universe is random. Our Ancient Ancestors were guided into using units of 60 and 360 in our clocks and circles.
Time creates the universe.
24 || 42
>We get to 60 because we are using base 10 mathematics so:
>6 x 10 = 60
>6 squared or 6 x 6 = 36
>36 x 10 = 360
>The physical universe manifests in all 360 degrees.
>6 cubed or 6 x 6 x 6 = 216
>There are incredible predictions related to the number 216.
>that's the time constant
>that's why our seconds count 60 to a minute and why our minutes count 60 to an hour
it's the key
2*3*7 = 42
>7 days in a week
>7:00 minutes = 420 seconds
>420/7 = 60
>pic related
>from the Shining
>Kubrick (((knew))) subconsciously
The earth rotates once on its axis every 24 hours.
If I spilt this Fibonacci 60 Digit Circle down its central Axis and add up the first 30 numbers I get a sum of 128. Add up the remaining 30 numbers on the other half and I get the sum of 152.
152 – 128 = 24.
Not only does this diagram show the 4 cardinal points, North, East, West & South. But it also highlights the 12 hours on a clock face.
On top of all of that, if I split the image down its central axis and subtract the one half from the other. I get 24, which just happens to be the amount of time it takes for the earth to rotate once upon its own axis.
As a matter of interest the total sum of all 60 numbers in this cycle = 280.
But if I subtract all the 5’s in the image, thats 8 x 5 = 40. (The zero’s and 5’s highlight the 12 hours).
I get 280 – 40 = 240 which is 24 x 10.
I don’t think people can really understand what this means. Mathematics is universal. No matter where I go in this universe the Fibonacci Sequence will always be the same.
But only here on earth, will any of this have such powerful meaning.
Earth is UNIQUE.
Please think about this and what it means, this is not magic or witchcraft. Pick up your calculator and add it up for yourself.
In all the Universe, The Fibonacci Sequence shows us the earth’s cardinal points, The Hours on our clock & The 24 hour rotation of the earth axis. And so much more….
Dam u op
You can’t do this
The Number 7
The Kabala teaches that God created the world with seven spiritual building blocks—His seven “emotional” attributes.
I only have 6.
But I knew that physicists counted 3 dimensions plus time as a 4th dimension.
I use the same 3 dimensions (XYZ) but I also have (-xyz) which brings me to the six dimensions mentioned above.
But I also know that time is the 7th dimension.
This number 7 is crucial.
So I aligned 7 of my Fibonacci Repeat Cycles as seen in Diagram 4 below.
These 7 circles form a famous pattern known as “The Seed Of Life” and it appears throughout the ancient world as well as in works by Leonardo Da Vinci.
When I calculate the points where the flower pattern intersect I get a perfect 60. Draw a circle anywhere inside that pattern and the corresponding numbers on the 12 points on the circumference adds up to 60.
This is no coincidence.
But there is so much more. When I superimpose the Star of David into the design the 6 inside points add up to 60.
The 6 outer points add up to 40. Together they give me a perfect 100. This is a perfect 100% or whole using the "base-ten harmonic".
He she
Fuck trannies link 1000 eoy
Take this down
This next part is nothing short of Divine and points to a history rich with mystery and hidden knowledge.
Metatron was a scribe of God and is said to have been sent to earth with a message of divine knowledge.
The diagram 5 (below) is a partial representation of Metatron’s Cube which is said to be a sacred diagram or divine geometry that contains all the secrets of the universe.
The totally amazing and unbelievable part is that when I create Metatron’s Cube using my 60 digit repeat cycle I get the Sacred Numbers 216 & 108 (Google these numbers).This is a very important number in many religions and was considered sacred by Plato as well as Fibonacci.
108 x 2 = 216.
The secret name of God is said to contain 216 characters.
The diameter of the moon is 2160 miles
The solar radius is approximately 432,450 miles (2160 x 2)
And the speed of light is 432 squared or 186 624 miles per second (approximately).
Zelda is Freemason, and Zionist propaganda. Zelda is a Yiddish name. Honey and darling are male, and female dualities spinning around a center pole. Honey has dark curly jew hair. It's programming you to serve the Rothschild's using Mason lore.
Zelda's language of origin is Germanic, Turkish, and Yiddish. It is predominantly used in English, Hebrew, and Yiddish. Yiddish origin, Yiddish use: It is derived from the word selig which is of the meaning 'happy, blessed'.
>British Israelism
A Link to the Past was the first to swap the Christian crosses for mystery school symbols; Triforce, Masonic eagles, Horus falcons/hawks, Cancer lobsters, etc.
Link = linking your dualities. The Triforce symbolizes two lower dualities ascending as one. The Triforce consists of equilateral triangles, and can be made with the vesica pisces. The claimed Hojo clan source is a squat, non-equilateral triangle.
Tal Tal Mountain is a step pyramid with a "world egg" on top.
Ocarina of Time = the magic flute from "The Magic Flute" (Mason Mozart's last opera)
child Link = child Horus
adult Link = adult Horus
Green was the color of Horus's eye.
Link's hat forms child Horus's loch of hair.
The reoccurring volcano symbolizes Vulcan/Tubal Cain. The Goron forges you a mighty sword like Tubal Cain.
Hyrule Lake, and the later Oceans symbolize Enki/Ea.
Hylians = Hylics
mummies = Osiris
The Royal Family's Tomb hints at the murder of Princess Dianna.
Temple of Time = Temple of Saturn
Rauru is the builder of the Second Temple = Cyrus the Great
Ari Juels Reddit username is arij216 reddit.com
So what is this deal about 216 you ask next?
This is the synopsis of Ari Juel's Tetrakys novel:
>International Monetary Fund is startled by an oracular voice from his computer charging him with crimes against divine numerology and God
The number 216 is in Bible associated with Oracle of God aka the Holy of Holies (Oracle)
It has the gematria value of 216 (Literally, an Oracle and also there is numeration for a Chain with the value of '216' found in Hebrew)
The number 216 is itself a cubic number, and also both the product of two cubes and the sum of three cubes (of a Pythagorean triple).
It is also the multiplication of 6x6x6
>The Number 216 is the cube of 6 - the Number God used in the foundation of the Creation Holograph. It is the value of the Davir (Holy of Holies, called the Oracle in the verse above) which God designed as a physical cube of 20 x 20 x 20 cubits:
These identities integrate with the Holiness of the Number 6, which is the Number the Lord God Almighty used to construct the Cosmos (= 600). This is why the "Man of Sin" who sits in the Holy of Holies shewing himself to be God, is marked by the Number 666. It is his attempt to sit in God's Holy Place.
The Number 216 is also the number of counters in the border of the 73rd triangular number representing 2701, the value of Genesis 1.1:
Notice the similarities with the Genesis triangle and the Zelda Triforce and the Oracle of Seasons / Of Ages publication dates.
Research Gematria, research Qabalah. Research Antichrist, blockchain system of control mark of the beast breadcrumbs
Ari Juels
280 x 13 = 3640
The total sum of all those numbers = 3640.
Take all those points where the Star intersect not as (5 + 5) but as ‘5’ I get:
3640 – 40
= 3600
This design is “PERFECT”
Remember Metatron’s Cube is a Fractal
Fractal = A curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole.
To me the answer is as clear as day. The universe recycles after every 60 units of time and manifests in 360 degrees. This is how the Universe exists for all eternity. Metatron’s Cube is a Fractal of the “WHOLE”.
You people need to Google the numbers “108” and “216” and their religious significance.
Why was it believed that the Secrets of the Universe were Hidden inside Metatron’s Cube and Sacred Geometry?
We didn’t know that the end numbers in the Fibonacci Sequence recycle after every 60 digits into infinity until we had computers.
I cannot begin to explain the sheer “INTELLIGENCE’ involved here, this is undoubtedly a big step toward proving once and for all that the universe is not a random singularity event but it is an Intelligent Creation and recycles for all eternity
Your mother stupid fuck
Post the Epstein messages already.
Delete oP
sounds like some jewish shit
Yes sir Mr tneg A
I want complete social destruction, this rabbit hole is too deep.
First this
Stupid diluted fuck don’t you know what your doing ?
Give me a tldr 3 sentence max of what you are trying to say. I'm so comfy with link that I mainly just look at images on biz.