10 million unemployed...Stock markets go up

Fuck this game.

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More unemployed means cheap labour. That´s bullish af.

This is their way of telling you that poor people do not matter

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stopped trading this fake market in 2016

this is a shit show

either normies going all in all at once or FED cheating the prices

anyway I'm not buying

fuck trump and israel

>FED cheating the prices

It also means less consumption and civil unrest

What you fail to realize since you're a brainlet, is that this unemployment is a very temporary situation. Unlike the great depression where we had severe systemic issues that signaled an actual shit economy, we are in the middle of a natural disaster. Those companies would LOVE to have business and hire people but they just can't at the moment. And once things cool off with this virus we will be right back to business as usual. The economy is fine, the stock market was a bubble that popped, and the unemployed will gain their jobs back within 3 months.

priced in

Everyone's jumping back in. Fuck yo couch


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