Patience pays off

patience pays off


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Post your losses from week before plz

I gave up and sold my SPY puts yesterday

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Do you hear that Mr. Bull?

That is the sound of... inevitability.

Dead cat bounce is over bois.

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I was up 10k then last week took me down to being ahead 5k.


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I lost so much is it time for one last 125x to win it all back brehs?


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i sold 1 btc at 6600 and 1 at 6000. LETS DUMP!!!!!!!!


Just sold my put! 50% ROI, looking to place another before Friday, that's going to be another big one.

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We're still a few weeks away from the real bottom.

20x short from 6470, let's go!

red bear standing by

Buy it tomorrow, will be slightly green and VIX will be way down.

All my SPY puts are down today. I think it’s just people market selling them to pay rent tomorrow. I’m a committed bear though, so I’ll hold until expiration.

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Live by the bear die by the bear

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I just can't get over how bad this shit is. Not even the virus, but the economic knock-on effects of the control measures.

>(((Goldman Sachs))) predicts the economy will shrink by 1/3 this quarter and possibly the same percentage the next
>3 million unemployed, 3 million more by the end of the week, 30%+ expected to be jobless by the end of the month
>Banks and major corporations receiving trillions of dollars in free money, plebs get a one-time $1,000 advance that they will have to pay back in their taxes
>food production crashing due to labor shortages and disruption, and distribution beginning to be interrupted, strikes at major food and logistics companies like Amazon and Whole Foods
>South Korea one of the two countries which dealt best with the initial outbreak now suffering a second wave a month after the first outbreak, more than 150 people infected every day which foreshadows immense difficulties and widespread infections for the United States if they try to open shit up again

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This is good, my puts will print

I've just been holding 3x bear ETFs while the market crashes, should I be going with options instead?

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I'm the exact same! Up to 6 again after today

stupid frog

Relax, give it a few more weeks. Delusional bulls will get more confident with every minor increase and then, suddenly, out of nowhere, BOOM! btc goes to 4k and all hope is lost once again (and a true new bull cycle will start once again)

>now suffering a second wave a month after the first outbreak
so what you're saying is the economy is basically going to remain killed until a vaccine is created?

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Completely agree, smart man.

You make more money with options, but you also lose more money

If you really think it will do so. I do, but yours is a safer option in case it doesn't.

it just a second day down, trend still up, so too early to act .

I am pretty sure we are going to retest the bottom again before May.

True but it's going to crash sooner or later with all the 100k dead/2 weeks of hell FUD going on.

It hasn't even fucken begun yet but yeah I'm psyched to dab on the bulls and frogs.

Can't wait for this shit to begin in earnest.

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The dead cat has finally hit the floor, or is there one last bounce yet?


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The age of bears is upon us

i'm down 40% in total :)

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I told you bobros

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Lads, why are Bobo memes so based and SOUL while Mumu memes are so cringe and soulless?

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the bottom is already in retard

lost 1,5 bitcoin, still waiting for a dip to 4K
no bully please

or till almost everyone is infected...or dead.. and we have herd immunity...


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Your shit stained ID stinks as much as your low IQ.

You lost.
Bears won.

Deal with it.

They won't even see it coming

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The depression isn’t real, April Fools!

>90% of earth pop. dead
We did it patrick, we saved the city!

It's going to be greater then the first dump isn't it.

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What are you doing being a permabear. You should've been bull last week, bear after yesterday

The great crash hasn't even started yet, great times ahead

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I lost 1k usd when I accidentally bought bear tokens instead of bull tokens but I’m riding out my 8x short now from 6500 entry price

I'm still down 50% on my puts because I bought too early. Worst part is that I kept doubling down way too early because I got greedy.

>just time the market bro!

the longer you invest the more you realize you really gotta wait to double down or DCA on a position

Usually I'm a bit more patient, but I've already waited 10 years for this crash and was worried I would miss my chance at making some serious money. A bit of FOMO I guess.

Hi Bobo, do you want to know what will happen?

it was literally a week user!
Also if you had a longer expiration it helps too



You have no idea how funny you are. Yo are all fucked already. Bobo Mumus, everyone.

not feeling so good bobos since im going to graduate in 2022

>been sitting at 30% cash for three years waiting for this
Not buying in yet though. Not yet...

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July will be the time. But until then, the toilet paper men isn*t even a meme

I was already late to the game, missed out on the initial volatility because I'm generally a buy and hold investor. Worst part is that I had absolute conviction of a drop early on but didn't play options because I didn't want to become a degenerate gambler. Now I'm a degenerate gambler AND I'm losing money.

The problem is this: YA i bought btc at whatever price. Should I sell and be happy? NOBODY does that right now. because things are just fucking uncertain. We are all fucked.

agrghahdhhh sold my SDOW yesterday at a push