How is the recent drama around Jessica Khater going to affect Linkies ?

How is the recent drama around Jessica Khater going to affect Linkies ?
What was she thinking with this ?

I assume she only got the job because of her daddy, since she only has a Bachelors in marketing and no real experience, so giving her 300m $ to manage seems like a bit of a stretch.

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Other urls found in this thread: khater

It’s known to be a psyop to make you dump. There’s been 10 anti-chainlink threads per hour every hour for the past 5 days

>What was she thinking with this ?
Women don’t think, they’re animals

a well made psyop though, a very well made one

>she only got the job because of her daddy
doubt it

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It's not going to affect anything. Jews are free from consequences after all.

It's not real. It's fud you dumb cunt

daddy is going to be so proud !
she also set her Instagram to private now.

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so much this. she has never made porn, the pics are shopped. and she is just an assistant at celsius.
this is the last attempt of billioniare whales to grab up your linkies cheap

what is this then ?
girls do porn episode 349

also in the case against girls do porn she is directly mentioned by name as a plaintiff

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Kek what a shameless whore

Can we track down this kike’s social media?

She knew what she was doing going into that video. GDP may be victimizing women, she definitely wasn't one them, with that stellar head game she was rocking.

She got cummed inside by the entire team and it's beautiful.

>Can we track down this kike’s social media
nothing much came out yesterday, info seems to be difficult to find
also in her Instagram she was replying and linking to some of her relatives.
a shame that she shut her Instagram down as soon as fellow anons started kicking the bucket.

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Have sex incel

>kicking the bucket
That means something else


it does, i meant it in a way of "making noise" about the situation.
i.e. posting to her and her company's social media.

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that's my fren

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we need to comment the video link under Instagram

Lol someone called her a whore on one of her IG posts before making it private.

>How is the recent drama around Jessica Khater going to affect Linkies ?
Link pumped. The end.

these are the people responsible for the new digitization of money? brb guys gonna kms real quick

i saw this as well. was the latest insta post lulz. Still the opportunity to post under insta of celsius LMAS.

That scam needs to disappear anyway. We all lost enough money due to EXIT SCAMS in the past years. It needs to be ended

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there were also a few other video links that were posted yesterday

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I take it they won't have an "Ask Jessica Anything" event? Lmao


interesting that yesterday this was the top story on Yas Forums and now it's barely mentioned
(((i wonder why)))

What a cuck author

redditors defend her in this thread

Looks like a bunch of simps. Here's my hot take, they probably knew she did porn when they hired and more to the point they hired her because of it.
>haha oh shit dude this Jessica chick did porn
>oh shit bro let's hire her, haha wow this is so like the Wolf of Wall Street

Barely. They seem to be hating on her too

Wow so on top of being a stupid whore who was given an executive salary for sucking dick she is probably also getting a big payout from the lawsuit. What a useless cunt, the only thing she deserves is death

She was 17 in this picture.

Can some legalfag tell me what happened here?
Looks like the sluts lost their case
btw Jessica's name is there, while other sluts went with "Jane Doe"

that only makes my cock harder

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we might sent this khater to pic related
im so evil LMAS

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Nobody gives a fuck. You incels keep spamming the fuck out of it until it stopped being lulzy. Within a day and keks to be extracted have been used up.


that's all I needed to know

>Plaintiff's objections are overruled.
No big payout for her.

Jannies deleted many threads, they dont delete linkspam strangely


Sauce for lawsuit user

what did she mean by this

She's on their official page a few times hmm


Thats ok I'll pass on homoerotic activities and money

You typed "children" wrong

I told you clowns to download/archive it yesterday

Lol in the interview the guy CLEARLY tells her it's a porno and she is about to be filmed having sex on camera.


Trolls? So spreading the truth equals trolling aha

Not a lawyer but I have a pretty good idea of the law.

Paperwork is 99%. If they signed a contract, not under duress, and it specifically states they were doing a porno and the creators own all the rights and can do anything they want with it, then the plaintiffs have no case.

The problem is many liberal judges out there that like to make examples of people who they think are bad. So the right judge will throw this out while the wrong judge will let it go to trial and manipulate the trial so the plaintiffs have all the advantages evidence wise.

Fuck this gay ass country. Thankfully Corona virus is gonna destroy the west.

You typed "property" wrong

you incels should try having sex

kek. Is “JaneDoe”, who is replying and linking on twitter the vice article about GDP to everyone, Jessica ?

no way this article is real and if it is this cucked looking guy must be a regular /biz peruser to know this quickly

You sound extremely upset.


For sure.

I'm pretty sure she put her insta on private because I sent the porno link to her little niece lmao


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>nothing much came out yesterday, info seems to be difficult to find
also in her Instagram she was replying and linking to some of her relatives.
Seems like some anons put in work. Do with this what you will, Yas Forums.

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Kek. Send them some marketing materials.

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