Do you think I'm going to make it in the coming collapse?

Do you think I'm going to make it in the coming collapse?

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What's your plan on defending it all?

if this is the end im sure you'll find plenty of people wanting to also fill their black box with shiny things.

I have machetes and pepper spray. I can't get a gun because of reasons

Depends on how much of that is cocaine
Looks like none of it is
Cocaine and meth are the currency of the future



Based drug currency supporter

The only way to know for sure is to reveal your address.


no, only literal retards hoard silver

>no weapon in picture

And Dragons

>not even one roll of toilet paper

Absolute boom

I just use a couple coins of silver then wash the coins. I feel sorry for the poor bugger I eventually sell them to.


nice timestamp.

you will get shot in the head

>no toilet paper in the safe
never gonna make it

i hope you bought all that anonymously op or you're going to get raided during the confiscation phase

As a person from the hood, the first thing you’ll hear if your door gets kicked is “show us the safe”. Good luck

You will get robbed by niggers and will be left with nothing. The joke will be on them though since silver is worthless.

You might if you adequately prepped. Otherwise you will probably need to trade that silver for supplies and get robbed because you have no proper way to defend yourself.

You're going to need to murder multiple people to take that safe

R8 my stak

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>because of reasons
Imagine not being able to own a gun to protect highly sought after material. You'd have been better off throwing it all in bitcoin that way no one can ever question you over what you own and you can deny it. and if they somehow do find you can't get tortured for it just say you lost the keys or point to a different wallet with not much in it

In a home defense situation I'd rather have a combat knife anyhow. I can clear any distance in my home and start stabbing in the time it takes an untrained person to aim.

"one milk please"
"that'll be 765112 USD"
"the fuck is that?"
"how am i supposed to know, gtfo"

>goldfags going to the bank to barter

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Why are silver hoarders always such delusional nutbars?

>he doesn't own a knife made of solid silver
>he hasn't rigged a home-alone-style defense system complete with hot doorknob and blow torch to thwart potential burglars
>he thinks a safe is enough

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They don’t need to aim if you’re charging them with a knife. 99.99% of people can point and shoot quicker than you can close the gap and knife kill them. You literally just collected silver for the baddest guy on your block. He’s a lucky guy

>big fat autist charging you with a knife
>thinks they need to aim to hit his fat ass

Oh no no no

Actual police training says that within a ten metres knife beats gun almost every time.

Unless I'm being raided by multiple trained guys I'll be fine

Based as fuck man.

I have a couple of these bad guys hanging around.

500g bar

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I'm a new silver hoarder yet I have a Glock 19 with 18 rounds of 124 golddot for clearing my home because knives suck for defense

Unless you’re the fastest man in the world or you’re house is a shed you’re gonna lose. You’re just wrong. Pulling a trigger takes less than a second. Running to someone and stabbing takes at least a few seconds

Need more gold

When the ratio goes under 80 I'll buy more gold. All in on silver until then.

Okay so say you shoot and kill me. Now all my neighbors are calling the police and they'll be here in five minutes. Whats the next step in your master plan? You need special equipment to load a 100 plus kilo safe into a van and that's after you've pried it out of the floor.

Are you a Euro bro? Nobody wins In a fucking knife fight lmao. Knives are horrible for defense. Any blunt object that keeps some distance between you and attacker would be better

>he doesn’t know about suppressors

You can even make one for 20 bucks with parts at Lowe’s if you can’t afford one


all mine inevitably

This. He’d be better off with some sort of spear or sword than a fucking knife lmao the absolute state of Eurofags

Meanwhile my AR-15 can single handedly conquer Europe

2:41 those sound effects, is it really needed to keep the american attention span in check?

also top kek to say "american inches or in the european metric system" to make it sound like it's not the rest of the world that uses metric (i think only two countries on earth still use imperial units)

If you got 50k UND, yes you will make it

>Australia and the US

Yeah... I'm thinking we're pretty based

I have a modest vegetable garden, eight chickens, 60 fruit trees, 11 guns, a bow, and a stream/small pond on my property. I also live pretty far from most people. Honestly, if I don’t make it, I’m going to be pissed

ok THREE countries
and that's half counting UK and half counting Liberia (UK is mixed and the shit hole called Liberia are from freed US slaves so they basically counts as USA)

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Raider's will make great use of your hoard.

you wish, son. they only use it a little bit

>Australia doesn't want to be based

Ok. Well when you want to ride with a superpower, hit me up.

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So your best plan of defense is getting killed knowing that they won’t take your silver after you’re dead so long as police are still around

yeah we'll see about that after the year's over

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You sure you'll be able to find suckers in the future to buy your precious Bennie Babies?

If shit collapses everyone's going to be selling that crap for what they actually need and will be useless. When the market went down the first thing they sold was metals. If the market collapses you're just going to be stuck holding junk just like everyone else.

put as much silver as possible into my escape vehicle and get out of dodge before police arrive. Police take an average of 15 min to arrive and if society breaks down they won’t respond at all

>literally validating my premise by pointing out my government can print infinite money and still experience slight deflation thanks to the entire world snapping up the USD for safety

Yes. What I'm saying is we could print $20T out of thin air and not experience hyperinflation because we're the world's bank and safeguard.

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Okay you can hold USD and I'll hold gold and silver. Let's come back in five years after another 20 trillion has been printed and we'll see which is worth more okay? Deal.