/smg/ - Stock Market General

April will be our month bullchads! Expect DOW 25000 this month.


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pump it up let’s go

let the bears have their moment, they've been taking the recovery hard

you're shootin blanks sonny

I guess the collapse is confirmed now.
No turning back

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>only -0.5%

Reminder that all of the volume will be in the last 30 minutes

Reminder we will hit 290 by EOD

How the fuck do I learn options? How do you bull chads even learn what to buy calls on??


inb4 powell gets the toner replaced at 3:50.

Oh yes i remember when economies could recover with nothing open and everyone at stay at home orders. We are definitely "recovering" here.

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Activate Phase Four.

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We got fucked so hard for three weeks, now it's their turn.

google you lazy shit. also khan academy in the OP has some videos

>newfags fomoing into calls
Local top is in

Hope you bought that dip on Boeing. Made some gains this morning off yesterday’s.

guys im retarded
when I buy SP500 on Borsa Italiana do I get charged the 30% US tax on my dividends or some Italy tax?

We're dumping to 200 by eow

rate my strategy

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Read investopedia. Read tastyworks. Read books. Lose your money anyway.

>stock market starts going up
>all my long picks begin crashing
>my calls are crashing

im going to put more into oil/gas when this comes in...i hope i dont regret this a year from now

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apart from the liquidity issue (not a real problem because i'm not dropping more than a dozen thousand in the stuff), would i be particularly jewing myself by buying an Irish-established "QQQ" etf traded on the french stock exchange

Just buy SPY options else you will get fucked by the spread.

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Both if your government doesn't have a double taxation agreement with the United States.

>Expect DOW 25000 this month.
ahaha yes the coronavirus will just fade and die off in the next coming 9 months, surely we will be prepared...

The 8:30 and 1:30 repos are always fun, the only time where when the index consolidates towards a support, it will still pump.

Why not hold sqqq for more than a day?

you'll regret staying on robinhood

RTN, KOS, CGC will all be on the bullrun?

Look at expense ratios. Possibly at tax laws too.

absolutely, I'm glad that there's a vaccine and that the lockdown has ended

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but shouldn't I be charged just once since SP500 is only US based?

You're reading the marked upside down, idiots
This is clownmarket now

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>lockdown ended

How to buy stocks? I'm done with crypto where a literal whore is managing funds.

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this isn't fucking funny anymore

People MOVE to such countries! Incredible

contango rapes u more the longer u hold it

heh DOW will be 32k by the end of the month. It's the Chinese year of the bull don't you know?
prepare for bears to be BTFO.

What a nothingburger! Who actually thought this would be serious? Watch DOW moon tomorrow!

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us stock market is the biggest shitcoin out there


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You made a 7 call on USO that expires in three weeks

>it's actually the year of the rat

Plague was always imminent

I don't know when to get rid of my bags.
I bought 10 shares at $25...

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Probably because expense ratios are high on ETFs traded in Europe. I think the only "cheap" ones are SPY equivalents but even those cost 0.10%.

$21 here

ahh, remember the days of $30?

i have a few that expire in 2022 i just got that one as a cheapie yolo


Saw it go to 30 and didn't sell

rake my portfolio

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Your dividends will be taxed at the point of the issuing entity in the US no matter what. Depending if you have a double tax treaty with the US, and if you have a W8-BEN form with your broker, that tax will be equal to your country's tax. Otherwise its 30%. Then you have to declare those divies with your country each year. They might not be taxed, if oyu have the treaty or they might be if you dont.
t. Euro

>airline and cruises going up
>entertainment and tech going down

we're getting trolled arent we

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If you sell it all now you'll be fine.

This is the bottom

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You should be fine if your expiration is at least 3 weeks out, bulltrap is on the verge of collapse.

$28, brother

Look at that big red dong on SPY.

You buy airlines because you buy with the government. You don't buy shit that might actually go bankrupt.

zoom out

I dont think it is an intentional bulltrap. it's just the fed being a retarded nigger

You first, zoomer.

What happens if I sell deep OTM puts on SVXY and it goes to 0 from a fund termination clause like XIV?

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>give up and buy in
>immediately drops

I'm euro too
ok, so let's assume my country has double tax treaty with US but not with UK
let's say I buy SP500 through London Stock Exchange which is based in UK
but I live outside both UK and US
will UK tax me too and then my country?
if I didn't have double tax treaty then I would get taxed thrice? (first US, then UK and then my country)

I'm going to sleep. I'm going to dream of DOW 15k.

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Cmon SPY pamp

Also why is TSLA up?

are there any stocks or ETFS that track oil price that arent being liquidated next week? i know UWT and WTI are kill

If this a new Great Depression? God I hope so. It does trouble me that now fags in the government know some shit about the economy and probably read some Keynes too. They won't let it happen will they bobros? I just want to short the market to oblivion, earn enought money to buy some property and slaves and live as a neet happily after.

Considering the money printed now won't just be given away for free, what country will we invade to "pay the debt"? Also, what stocks should we invest in before it happens? Strongly considering not only american but one or two russian companies aswell since they will obviously supply the other side like always

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you're gonna need a coma to wake up to that. Have patience.

Oil down is bullish for TSLA, clown market.

I give up. I'm gonna liquidate all my short term positions and go on a bender.

I'm thinking about buying SQQQ

I want to get 50 shares at 18.75, what do you bros think?

Source on them being kill?

You should be buying IUSE, distributed dividends are a meme

It's over.

Really loving this birb, aren't we?

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He likes them :OO
CAG is rated BUY

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TSLA trades on fantasy. Fantasy is a good place to be when reality is bad.

I get paid out dividends anyway even on accumulatings etfs because my broker doesn't have DRIP

>what country will we invade to "pay the debt"?
Venezuela is the low hanging fruit
>stocks should we invest in before it happens?
Defense stocks

appears to be 0.3 compared to the qqq's 0.2.
potential exchange differences (and risk incurred by holding foreign currency denominated assets) included, it won't be breaking me desu

Why did the ftse boom at the end of business today?

market begins dumping the day after 4k worth of puts expire worthless. real fucking based

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papa mnuchin will keep our equities safe

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What the fuck. Do you have any idea how options work?

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Im all in 4k sqqq. This Crab market is shit though. Unironically it's just gambling, market could pump or dump at any notice. I'm just praying this last pump was FOMO bulltrap, otherwise I'm selling by friday if we crab till then.



Chik-fil-a tried to take him out, but they can't keep him down!

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>Venezuela's literal last source of meager income is their oil
>that is now getting cancelled

Has anyone checked on this country? Are they all dead yet?

It doesn't matter at which exchange you buy. In your example it especially doesn't matter because UK has no withholding tax anyway.

And just like that, SPY is never going below 260 again.

Maybe, maybe not, but the indices have been pumping on low volume, trending lower, and on only bad news. I don't think this will last, the fed has a daily limit of 30bn, so when panic selling sets in, they won't be able to make up for the losses.

I'm calling bullshit on that. The fund literally does not distribute shit, the dividends are priced in the NAV.

t. Euro with Degiro

Nah dude sell that shit by tomorrow if shit doesn't crash

Because why not. TSLA is a strong company led by their genius CEO.

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they announced it about 2 weeks ago. They are deleting UWT and DWT by april 1 or 3 i think.

Go here and check out the new press release:

>Venezuela is the low hanging fruit
Ive been waiting for that one. Trump had the other president who won the election over at the state of the union. Wondering at what point his vocal support for it means more than just that and guys start dropping bombs in Venezuela.

And their closest ally Russia was in on the price collapse.
Feel bad for them, but that's the price of Socialism.

The UK lets you have 10 or so thousand pounds an year of tax free dividends. My country would tax me on any dividends from abroad that werent taxed already by a treaty country or are taxed at a lower rate than our domestic 10%. You have to check your own laws, but its probably something similar. I believe you are usually taxed in the country where the company/ETF is headquartered, so triple taxation is pretty much impossible.


I wish orbital atk was still traded.

uh, bros?

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You know those jerry rigged subs the Coast Guard keeps catching that have tens of millions in cocaine?

I like the owl birb too.

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>LCI getting fucked after good news
>price is worth less than book value
>was up 6% pre market and then in the first ten minutes of trading had like 7k volume

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Priced in

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You’re getting fucked by theta decay or ivcrush

how carefully do i have to be about being flagged as a daytrader if I typically like to hold for 2-3 days during this market?

Could be. It wont happen overnight or over a couple months though. Whats priced in now is a couple months of lockdown & everything going back to normal by summer, which will probably happen. But will we get another surge in the fall & need to go back to lockdown for several months next winter? And the following winter? And the following winter... until we finally get a vaccine? Will these lockdowns happen multiple times over the next couple years & become the norm? If so, yes the depression will be epic

Ah I can't wait to finally own a home

The day of the rope for landlords or landlord proxies is at hand


I wish orbital atk was still traded. There's BAE, but not keen on it.

well if that's the case, the accumulating etf should at least have a higher performance in price but it doesn't seem to
accumulating and distributing etfs appear to have the same performance with distrubuting etfs paying a dividend on top
check the charts and compare their performance without including dividends, they're the same from my research
so what determines which country I pay tax in? (not counting my own)

>super hosts
good, fuck them.

Nothing's dumping lmao

Hmm, I should have bought CSSE

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God fucking dammit. What about WTI?

Closing at/above 262 is the real test this week imo @_@
His alliance with PZZA protects him, why didn't we listen when the papa told us about the Day of Reckoning

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Good, those likes deserve it for driving up rent

this post is a major bear flag, don't fuck it up bulls

I'm not following. Does Phase 4 mean something?

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Sold my USO today and bought a shitload of HAL and SLB instead. Did I fuck up?

what are you tryin to tell us?

The mortgage defaults will begin soon.
Nobody is talking about this.

Don't make more than one intra-day trade. You can buy today, sell tomorrow. You can buy ten things, sell all ten tomorrow.

>I believe you are usually taxed in the country where the company/ETF is headquartered
is there any way to check where they are HQd? I spent a lot of time googling that for many ETFs and couldn't find shit

Fucking people dont know shit. You can safely hold an inverted triple leveraged ETF for 100 days easy before you risk any decay


I get a cheap house now? Yay!

Lol, this is horse shit. The profit margins on AirBnB are so good you can cover a year’s mortgage in 4 months.

>dow -150
>market dumping
not quite

>assuming that airbnb and its landlords collectively own $19 trillion dollars worth of land
I'd be suprised if they owned even $1 trillion in land, and the 2008 crash involved $19 trillion in credit defaults. So good fucking luck making it as bad as '08 retard

Same desu. I’ve been stashing cash for 2008 part 2

$20 crude is going to be the market top for the next 6 months

>pale white girls in black
I must breed

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Alright maybe, tomorrow or thursday. If the crab lets me lick my wounds with a semi dip so i can break even I'll take it at this point.

Lol just bought in the bottom at 18.50 a share

if you dont like it buy your own place and charge a low rent

Another bear trap another pump. Bears should wait for the housing bubble to pop it's not going down otherwise.


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Are you an ultrabear?

Good thinking. You'll thank yourself later.

t. had multiple opportunities to exit SQQQ and didn't take them


GOOG is underpriced right now

look at it vs fb / other top ads

look at it's 5m vs everything else tech


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>operate at a loss because kikes wont rent their property to locals
Not falling for your Jewish mind games

Phase 4 was here all along, brahs. We're all gonna make it.

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Mitch McConnell just shut it down! Lol! No more gibs!

He's getting set up to pull an FDR.
He knows it's gonna get bad.

For me, it's Salamandra

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based black man

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We could hit record unemployment. Advertisers have a lot of downside that is not priced in.

The American economy? But seriously big banks should be good. These are the guys that let money to those fags. Look at BAC, WFC, C, JPM for instance.

Why are my SPY puts pumping now? Vix and SPY are crabbing

I don't like posting too many of my picks here

GOOG is fucking free money right now. It's stupid as fuck, even scion capital owns this stock and it's at this price relative to other tech / ad plays

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Those are S&P tracking EU ETFs. On the left you can filter by domicile (place of HQ). Unsurprisingly they are all in Ireland or Luxemburg.

Every financial company.

26.70 here, I gave up this morning and cut my retard losses at 18.20
The only thing I hate more than myself is Yas Forums

Stop posting thots

still underpriced

I'm not saying it's going back to 1500 this month, but it's gonna rise off these lows: see FB

too much engagement

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>tfw missed LMT below $300
feels SHIT

I liked her eyes!
Like the eyes on the succubus qt!

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Look at first letters of the ISIN. IE is Ireland for example.

Do you have any idea what LEAPS are??

Buy high, sell low. The Yas Forums way.

so I do get taxed thrice if they are domiciled in Ireland/Luxemburg? (US at source, Ireland/Luxemburg, my country)

So free money if you buy as a stonk or an option?

fucking based

I unironically will vote for Trump in the next election

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