/smg/ - Stock Market General

more pits for the boys

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Is it really all up from here

Up or down?

only long on titties

First for my bear hole is being fucking rekt and I dont see how this shit can keep pumping.

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>Thank you for reminding me why I'm short to begin with. To bet against nothingburger fags like you. Nothing is fine, china lied, our current situation is the new normal before a vaccine can be developed. IF a vaccine can be developed.

Things are not fine. I actually wish you were right, we go back to normal life in 3 months and my puts expire worthless, but I just don't see that happening. This is way bigger than 9/11. The biggest tragedy in a generarion. Do you not understand that things will never go back to the wqy they were before? China lied. There is no vaccine, there is no cure and the second wave is likely to happen. Why are you so optimistic?

Again, I want you to be right. If my puts expire worthless and we go back to normal life in a month I'm going to be happy. But I don't think that is going to happen.

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Anime is for faggots dude.

Buy great divie stocks while you still can

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My hands are getting weak Bobros...

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I wish I had more money to buy more airline shares

>bought PBT
>stock goes up after announcing dividend

Are there any bears left or have you all k'd ys?

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Noob here. Question to bulls: isnt this a perfect reversal pattern? I want to buy this market but I'm not sure.

Would you buy this dip? Is this bullish?

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Is this a vshaped recovery?

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What happened to the 1,000 point daily swings?

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pitfags are gonna make it

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okay, based

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now a good time to buy and hold USO? I want to profit off the eventual oil rebound but dont wanna risk picking individual stocks and dont wanna fuck with the leveraged ETFs.

Fellow Oil bro how dod you do. Whats your take on XOM's yield and cashflow/debt situation? Have some positions but thinking about dumping that position and putting it on my other oil plays.

>actually thinking oil stocks have safe dividends

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Bull trap reason: "It's just because of this NOTHINGBURGER FLU that the fundamentals are so bad"
Bull trap pop: The fundamentals were bad even before this


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There is no possible scenario where you can argue that we're NOT in a bull market. If you're shorting or selling then you're wilfully giving away money.


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F will drop like a rock just before trading closes, it will open tomorrow even worse. You have been warned.

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Yup, you missed the cheapies. Jerome doesn't want it lower every day that passes he raises the price.

I'm buying in right now because it's still way below previous. If it goes down more, I'm throwing more money into it

The US response to 9/11 is proof that the american public are complete sheep. Invaded the wrong countries, purely for israel's benefit. Osama was nothing more than fucking criminal, all we needed to do was find out where he was and waste him. Trillions upon trillions wasted for no benefit to any american but dick cheney

the curve is flattening because we shut down the economy you fucking moron. there's no way to revive the economy AND keep the curve below the required threshold.

Surely this oil bullshit can’t go on forever...? Right...?

Just hold up until US starts having thousands of Corona'd per day. Even Trump admitted 100k dead is optimistic scenario.

you'll regret it bullfag

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You're betting on bailouts?

I'm only shorting cryptos. I have no faith in it's value, especially not after it proved to be just as influenced by the market shitting (but not reverse)

is there a way to do derivatives of ETFs

anyone else seeing this descending triangle forming on AMD's 1m chart tho? once it cracks through VWAP look out below

do bears really think fundamentals have anything to do with this?

>800k infections worldwide
holy fucking shit

so you're saying cases are about to explode in china again?
is that what you're saying?

fucking dump already for gods sake

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Curve is flattening because US is running out of test capacity.

Proof: case positivity rate is skyrocketing in the US and number of tests hasn't grown during the past days.

What game is Putin playing?

HAHAHAHA so there's a bearfag still in the thread? You should get out quick before we hit 2700 and rocket up

>Surely this oil bullshit can’t go on forever...? Right...?
And dont call me shirley!
yes, yes it can; and will.

Today has been a great day for me as the great portfolio rebalancing picks up end of Q1. I'm buying shit at half price and at discounts I didn't even think I'd see.

if bears a clueless to why stocks are going up "when they should be going down"

Its because over the weekend Fauci confirmed that his maximum estimate of deaths was 200,000 a much lower number than was originally priced in.

Even if Fauci is lying his statement increased market sentiment, thus the green days.

So enough of the "CLOWN MARKET" posting or "WHAT IS THIS ECONOMY" etc, because "priced in" isnt a meme you fucking twits

Fed decides

Priced in and bullish.

Why should the stock boys care about unemployment? They won't get affected. They have huge accounts worth millions. To them this is just a game. Consequences unimportant to them. They move the market, not the poor, not the workers, not the middle class. Not even the small companies.

no? wtf? and before you say some retarded shit thinking you've epically owned me you're a dumb monkey if you believe any of the numbers coming out of china

People rioting over hospital bed shortages and 30% unemployment haven't been priced in. Affirmative action beneficiaries are going to run through that $1200 in a day stocking up on mentholated cigarettes and henny.

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Do you have good analysis on that? I've seen something simmiliar happening in Italy.

no one cares. 99% of those people will have no symptoms or get a mild cold. the other 1% die from it, even though they were already going to die a week later anyway. literally no one cares. priced in

wasted trips

Holy fucking shit. We're going to be rich bulls

a bit euphoric i would say...

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>.0100234615385% of the total global population
holy fucking shit

I think both are true, but testing capacity is way more important

the stock market does not measure the number of deaths. your reasoning is foolish. 0 deaths is still incredibly bearish if you shut down the whole economy to achieve it.

Hey! I can see the strings
Dali confirmed HACK

I'm so fucking sick and tired of bears whining and complaining constantly "b-but line should go down!!!!!!"
Look, the bottom line is the fundamentals of this economy are strong, and with 0% interest rates, they're about to get a whole lot stronger. Yes, the 30% drop was significant but it was based entirely on over-sensationalization from the media. The president has handled this whole debacle exceptionally well, and people are calming back down knowing that we will be back up and running by May, June at the latest. China too is already almost completely back to work. People have begun to realize that this whole thing is huge nothingburger, and that we'll be fine in the long run.

People know the future is going to be okay, (hell, the current situation is fine already...) and THAT is why the markets are going up.

History has shown that now is the time to buy. And with several very big green days on the books, we finally have some stability. Unfortunately if you're not already in you've missed the bottom, but it's not too late. If you jump in now you can still make some huge returns. Not as big as if you'd bought last week, but... well, it's either that or lose everything. Your choice.

Congrats. It's looking that way. As they say, my only regret is I didn't buy more

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Accumulate REFR cheapies

You forgot the part where Jerome pumps it to new highs and resets the graph

I mean the pattern in the picture here It's a foreign etf. The question is, do you agree that it looks bullish?

Check out my 5, which is more real than your portfolio

Idk about selling. Am expecting more drops come Fridays unemployment report. If number are just as high or higher the market may not be able to stay propped up. If big banks pull out, the other banks won't want to be the one's left bagholding.

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That's sure going to burn a lot of oil!

I agree that fundamentals and expected earnings for Q2 have no relation to today's prices.
But look at it this way. Casinos are closed. Adventure sports are closed. It's either this or online poker to get your fix.

Everyone is quarantined, and many are buying on expectations of a market recovery by end of year. They're not wrong, but they are early. Scalp the swings and sell it back into the fomo market.

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What's your average buyin?

tomorrow is international clown day aka april 1st. i hope the market does something meme-worthy. maybe it'll moon to reinforce that we're really living in clown world

i still can't tell whether to side with the doomers or the nothingburgers. both sides make such compelling cases.

You mean when the Fed decides to hyperinflate the US into a much worse depression? Priced in nigger

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Tl;dr Now i just want it to drop to spite you.

Just reposting for those who didn't see it. Stay delusional, kid.

Trump is going to go down in history as the next FDR

will require a lot of asphalt too.

and what is asphalt made from?

The CFR isn't what matters, it's the lockdown period and consumer sentiment. After yesterday, I now know more people who are furloughed or unemployed than I do people who are working. And with the extension of social distancing, and some states such as Virginia extending lockdowns into June, the future is looking increasingly grim. This market is absolutely insane compared to reality.

Look at this promotion and tell me the economy is okay.

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Attempting another 5 get

>There is no possible scenario where you can argue that we're NOT in a bull market. If you're shorting or selling then you're wilfully giving away money.
I'm short puts. Does that count?

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>china is lying
what about south korea
what about japan
what about italy
what about france
what about germany
what about spain
just fucking look at the curves at 30 days. is EVERYONE lying?


not a single one of these represents ongoing exponential growth

probably will dump biblical and then pump the same again, truly clown world

There’s not a chance that airlines will go under.

This could be one of the most fucked days so far...

>AMD dropping below 48 support VWAP, on volume


You don't understand. There is no cure. There is no vaccine. Before those are found the lockdown is the new normal. The deaths lag behind the infections. Tge entire US isn't even under lockdown right now. If tge entire us is put under curfew right now, infections will peak in two weeks, deaths in 5. But it doesn't matter, no one will be allowed outside before either

A. Literally EVERYONE is tested for antibodies (which is going to take a long time)

B. A vaccine can be found

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what the FUCK is ZM doing

you were supposed to be the chosen one

It's boring now. Or you could call it the calm before the storm

401k contributions disappear, meaning less buying pressure outright. Consumer spending goes down, meaning earnings go down, meaning stonks go down.

(((Goldman))) Sachs has stopped trading on a cert since 8am, how is this legal?

>muh inflation
Imagine looking at INFINITE MONEY about to pump the markets and squealing about inflation while shorting
You're so fucking dumb hahahaha

>clown market

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Fuck this manipulated fed economy bullshit printing press.

Who the fuck is buying, it dumped enough this morning to put the fear back into the market and then what? A bunch if super confident investors come in and push it higher? Gtfoh. I dont know a single person confident in their financial future right now.


The fuck is this market today. Where are the moves. It's not even crabbing.

290 EOD

Is picking up SVXY a good move rn? Seems we're going to be in crab mode for the foreseeable future.

People like you are one of the reasons for which I'm confident in my shorts

>rent is due tomorrow
>jobless claims the day after
>3000 american deaths by saturday(?)
>delivery workers striking

Is this already priced in?

I'm so fucking sick and tired of bulls whining and complaining constantly "b-but the line should go up!!!!!" Look, the bottom line is the fundamentals of this economy are weak, and with record jobless claims and corporate debt, they're about to get a whole lot weaker. Yes, the 20% rally was significant, but it was based entirely on retarded FOMO boomers. The president handled this debacle incredibly poorly, as he did basically nothing in February when he had plenty of time to prepare, and people are starting to realize just how badly our economy will be damaged by May, June at the latest. China, too, is completely lying about its numbers and laying people off in record numbers. People know that the future is grim, and THAT is why the markets are about to tank. History has shown 20% rallies like this in the great depression and the great recession, and we finally have some instability. Unfortunately your calls are about to get assfucked, but it's not too late to buy puts if you jump in now for some huge returns. Your choice.

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the secretary of state is a GS employee

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newfag here, are restaurant shares any good at this time? most are at lows due to pandemic, surely once stores reopen this shit goes up right? short term loss more than likely but over time could re-up.

checked. based bvll

God damn I really sold my SPY calls too early

Close to kms. I’m still up like 120% but the future not looking real anymore

I agree on the invading the wrong countries part but understand no normal American has any control over who the government invades. And the Iraq thing was because George Bush senior was beefing with Saddam and junior decided to settle the score once and for all. That's all it was. Everything else was parallel construction. Sickening

Yes, including your post


I just watched her porn.
You know whose.
And at the very last second as I reached orgasm I realized one profound thing,

I've been long since last Monday I'm very confident actually

Yes Lmao, Venezuelan stock market was skyrocketing before the collapse of the currency

Confident in them all the way to liqudation

how much longer can this clown market be propped up before it collapses

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what % of people actually infected have been tested do you think


Fed likely selling stocks to themselves. Ironic how its not considered money laundering.

What about all of those countries? Do you think they've not taken a massive economic hit? The United States is poised to fare even worse than all of them. The current level of growth is irrelevant if we have to stop the economy to achieve it. You're acting like this level of viral growth will remain constant if we open things up again, which is utterly foolish.



As Barry Ritholtz said on a BB Radio interview today, there has never been a bottom put in after an "all clear" signal. In other words, every historical bottom has been put in while bad news is still coming out. The question is: are we closer to the end of the crises than we are to the beginning? The market looks like we are further than halfway. I will post a link to the interview when it is up.


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this is clearly not a screenshot wtf

Making bank off Boeing and oil, can't believe people weren't buying Boeing at $89

Can you tell me if I should buy this dip in picture?

Look at that dip fellow bulls, lots of upside from here!

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its going down. its probably just the faggot crab snibbing and snabbing

see you in a week faggot

Everyone already got it. It only gets 5% of infected sick at all, and only killed old people with lung and heart issues.
This will be done in a month, and WORST CASE it'll free up real estate and crash medical prices because no old dementia patients to set money on fire for.

Yeah bro no doubt the US Dollar is going to collapse

That that's a man I just came to a dude getting fucked.
My life is over.

So if this drops 5 bucks today, you're not gonna start feeling the heat?

Man, I wish I hadn't lose my bear money getting fucked last week. I'd have a lot more money to buy these guys.

nice argument dipshit

Not sure. I'd imagine quite a few people are infected with this incredibly minor illness and aren't being tested at all because they feel bad for a couple days then they go back to their life.

>bears are getting so desperate that their last hope is that the world reserve currency collapses at the start of a new 10 year bull market

You still don't get it. Nobod can go out before we have widespread anti body testes, you collossal retard. Even if The new infection rate dropped to zero today we would still have a massive problem.

Incubation time is 14 days, lockdowns only slowly curb the spread. Deaths lag behind infections by 14 days too. In otger words, deaths will peak 8 weeks after tglhe total lockdown. As far as I understand, parts of the US are still somewhat open. You have no idea what is comming.

Also your source stinks. Johns Hopkins or bust. Were still exponential. But like I said, the virus is not eradicated and before we can test for antibodies letting anyone outside is manslaughter.

I've known about this virus since janurary, you fucking denialist. Maybe I shorted the bottom because of infinite brrrrrrr, but holy shit man open your eyes. The world is burning.

What if it’s really as fucking simple as lose March and April money = 2/12 =.166% how far down is market? 16.6 percent LUL

Why is it not crashing bros?

you havent made anything until you sell

>new 10 year bull market
>40% unemployment

By then you'll be busy sending out lots of resumes to the local fast food joints to make back your entire portfolio

You don't know that without antibody tests.

Should I buy in

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>bulls are getting so desperate to have a generational buying opportunity that they think the longest bull run in history is going to go on another 10 years because market crashes just dont happen anymore, man

SQQQ is never breaking deep into the 20s again isn't it?

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Except we've been told to stay in our homes for another month and to expect 200k+ deaths in the next 2 months and we have no idea when this peaks or when people will start spending their money again even after it's all over.

It kills young people too you fucking moron. 0.1 CFR for young people is still the biggest school shooting in history if EVERYONE gets infected. Plenty of young people end up in the ICU, you fucking CCP shill. What is this, feburary?

I warned you stinky bobos

But really like is this just a game until tomorrow? I honestly dont feel like a recovery is happening already

bruh I just want it to hit $21 and I'll be happy

anime posters need to go back

the unemployment is priced in, up is the only direction from here

I know more people that are laid off/fired than I know who are working. The economy is at a fucking DEADLOCK and the earnings reports of everyone except grocery stores is going to be completely in the shitter.

40 percent unemployment is "bullish" as long as the fed keeps artificially pumping. They will run out of capacity.

go back where, to an anime website like Yas Forums?

That's right, they don't happen when the Fed can and IS pumping 2 trillion (soon to be 4 with the next bill then 6 with the infrastructure bill) into the market

If you had to choose to fit a curve to this data, would you choose a line or an exponential function or what?

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k dude. hole up in your basement. stay safe. maybe in a year or so you can come out in full hazmat gear and ask if jean shorts are in fashion yet