The MSM cannot shine a light on this without upsetting the bluffing game around the Fed's foundation and public perception..
Trump took control of the Fed's capital flows
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explain this except to an idiot
President Trump is using the Corona Virus Pandemic from China to convert green Federal Reserve Notes into Red Treasury Notes in October 2020. Donald J. Trump will pay off the National Debt by the end of his second term using Treasury Notes which are not based on debt.
Bill Still explains:
Then the fed bails out blackrock in 10 years... am I missing something?
Right everyone is stuck on some retarded fud about an amateur porn whore and some overblown flu, meanwhile this shit is going on
So when they print the shekels it goes into the tax payers balance sheet liability the Fed owns the collateral?
>finance jews get more free money
We talked about this the moment it was announced. Get off your giraffe.
>he doubted trump
See pic related.
So you don't know shit basically.
How does one articulate greatness to a mere plebeian like you? It's not in your language, you couldn't understand.
If by "talked about this" you mean there was like 2 threads that got slid by all the bullshit scam and fud threads then yeah, I suppose. It just seems to me that this should be all we're talking about but I check the catalog and there's like 10 Jessica Khater threads
It seems clear that the implications of a happening like this will be absolutely huge, but for the better or worse I'm not sure. How long has Trump been working on something like this and why is it being rolled out now amid a bunch of bailouts?
I think I'm getting a general overview of how this works.
>Fed creates new money
>Treasury uses new money to buy assets from private market
>new money enters circulation, creating short term economic stimulus
>period of time passes
>Fed may choose to sell assets back to private market to take money out circulation if inflation is too high
Before the 2008 recession they only did these operations with Treasury bonds. In 2008 they started doing these operations with mortgage backed securities in order to bail out the banks that had made too many risky loans to uncreditworthy home buyers. The Fed is still holding the same amount of mortgage backed securities from 2008. They probably can't sell them for face value if they tried. This new program allows them to buy a whole new range of assets which includes mortgage backed securities, as well as corporate bonds, municipal bonds, and other assets for the first time. The Fed now has a greater ability to pick and choose winners. They can prop up companies or municipalities by buying bonds from them that they don't intend to see a return on. They are also buying a bunch of Treasury bonds on top of this. They can no longer lower rates to stimulate the economy so they have resorted to inflation. Keep your eye on the Fed's balance sheet.
Trump doesn't work on anything besides keeping drool off his tie. He's so incompotent that *anything* occuring even remotely near him is orchestrated by people around and behind him. The "most powerful man in the free world" requires constant babysitting.
>First result for "Curt Doolittle" is an interview with Chris Cantwell
MIGA baby!
>but for the better or worse I'm not sure.
And now you should be able to put together how this Federal Reserve usurp is far less popular than a girl sucking cock on camera ended up in a position to manage $300 million in assets. The latter is considerably easier to digest while we're stuck with an alphabet soup of an article to try to interpret that Trump is busy loading the shit out of the Treasury department with assets from the stock market. This is definitely a planned move that has been in the works for years. Qanon hinted at this.
And you should start flipping between Yas Forums and Yas Forums. There's a considerable amount of overlap between them in terms of topics (which helps fill the lapse of discussion) and high quality discussion.
Q boomers are fucking idiots
There's nothing great about Trumpito, least of all some cringy slashart that negates the whole point of this republic existing.
Qanon said the Federal Reserve would get restructured to be under control of the Department of Treasury. If that's not a big enough hint they're legit, there's pic related as there's an expected continental internet blackout for a few days at the very least.
>this consumed by TDS
So how do we benefit from this? I'm pretty poor, are there any moves I can make to vastly improve my situation?
So basically the way I understand it is that Wall Street now directly controls the US treasury, because the Fed (which is controlled by wall street execs) now has unlimited authority to order the treasury to buy up any and all junk bonds while BlackRock (which is controlled by these same people) takes kickbacks? How are /ptg/fags spinning this as a positive? This is the final victory of the wall street jews over the United States. Trump just handed them direct control over literally all of the government's finances.
find scab work
Bear priced in
kek no, the opposite, he basically pardoned the Jews and gifted the us treasure, now the fed can print as much money they like, they can buy the US treasure and even if trump backed it with gold it would still lose value due to zero interest, they literally can now crash the dollar to change it to bancor
From what I've read the Fed and Treasury both have to approve of the assets purchased. I like Trump and want to believe he has good intentions but even if he uses it responsibly it opens up the opportunity for others to abuse it. He is probably desperate since an economic downturn is the biggest risk to him being re-elected. Even if they have malicious intent they can't abuse this too much. They don't want to cause hyper inflation and destroy the system they've built. We may enter a period of stagnation similar to Japan's lost decade after they could no longer lower interest rates, which could present an opportunity to the middle class.
I'm not sure I understand, but does this mean the stock market is now being supported directly by infinite funds ?
like it literally cannot drop outside of 1-2% before these guys will be putting buy walls and start market buying ?
I don't think anyone knows what it means until something happens. My hope is Trump uses all the monopoly money to get us in a good spot with infrastructure and debt then just nukes everything for something more solid
united states sovereign wealth fund
>We may enter a period of stagnation similar to Japan's lost decade
We've already been in this situation for the last 12 years. What Trump just did is make the situation permanent. Until we have an armed revolution, the government will bail out anyone who is about to go under? All those companies who made fake profits with stock buybacks and other memery as their productions fell and their employees got laid off? That's now going to be permanently rewarded since Uncle Sam will always be there to do infinite bailouts of corporate bonds. All those banks and investment firms that keep doing retarded shit on leverage? Perfectly safe because the Treasury will be there to pick up their bags when the bubble pops. And by "the Treasury," I mean "the American taxpayer." The transfer of wealth away from the American people into the hands of Wall Street and boomer's 401ks is now complete. What you're witnessing is the culmination of the biggest con in world history.
On the underlying legislation
>falling for the muh drumfp media misinformation
"He's just incompetent but extremely lucky"
Japan's land and stock prices crashed before the stagnation and didn't recover. Stocks are still higher than the 2008 peak and land is still expensive. I just want to buy cheap land and I don't think these operations are meant (or able) to keep asset prices high, just to keep companies afloat.
Trump is doing worse than nationalizing the fed. Nationalizing the fed implies that the fed is coming under government control, when in fact the opposite is happening: he's giving the fed control over the treasury and thus giving private organizations semi-unlimited authority to BRRR money to further their own interests.
>b-but the Fed is already nationalized, the fact that its governed by anonymous banking executives of whom the chairman is but one is irrelevant, they're all powerless!
That's cute, but no.
if you aren't buying physical silver right now
you are an idiot
Started in August but am a poorfag. Am I going to make it
>You might think Trump has completely fucked up, but in actuality he's got you right where he wants you, libtards!!!
looks good.
might want to get some gram bars in case shtf
fake news
based propertarian poster
Stocks are high but the stock market has been completely divorced from reality ever since 2008, or did you miss the fact that essentially all the market growth since then has been solely a positive feedback loop of stock buybacks that in no way reflects the economic situation on the ground? Literally the entire economy since the housing crash has been a bubble sustained by 0% interest rates and QE from the Fed. What Corona has done is pop the bubble -- if production/consumption is interrupted it doesnt matter how high you've artificially inflated your stock price with leveraged stock buybacks because your actual finances still suck and you're still going bankrupt. These policies are Trump trying to un-pop the bubble by letting the Treasury buy all the corporate bonds that are about to make everyone default. All this does is keep the zombie shuffling forward. The supermajority of Americans will still be living paycheck to paycheck. The percentage of Americans who are underemployed or get their income solely from gig work or minimum wageslavery will continue to increase. The wealth gap will continue to grow, the percentage of Americans owning land will continue to shrink, wages will continue to stagnate as cost of living continues to mushroom. All indicators of a zombified economy that is being forced to continue living with these policies.
haven't seen anything resembling that yet.
look at that retarded white trash fuk.. what a deplorable piece of shit.
topkek I always forget how large those meme bats really are
Couldn't help myself, memetics too strong
Yea I'm just saying that the bubble hasn't popped yet. We are in a similar situation to Japan when they could no longer lower interest rates which caused their bubble to pop in 1992. The period after that was called the lost decade. I'm not saying that the period beforehand is any better.
I'd say the bubble popped like 3 weeks ago. It's not like people have suddenly stopped being laid off or businesses have suddenly stopped defaulting. The stock market is rising solely because the Fed is promising infinite money brrring to keep wall street alive. If anything, the zombification of the economy is going to get way way worse from here on out? 30% unemployment? Who cares lol because the DOW just recovered its ATH. That's what's going to happen in the next few weeks. Clown world.
So how do we make money from this
I haven’t seen anyone outside Yas Forums and crazies talking about this at all. Not how it’s good, or bad, or even exists. I’ve been given some links that didn’t have anything to do with it. Where are official sources?!
The hyper-inflation route is the only game they have left now. And the only way to keep up with the hyper-inflation is to be invested in the ponzi.
normies have their attention diverted on 'muh death count' right now
Imagine thinking the FED isn't a private fucking bank already. sage.
Sure, but what government publications? What economic journals? If something this big is just slipping through, it’s...unbelievable? embarrassing? an argument against the rationality of modernism?