Qanon Predictions

Can we get a Qanon thread going? They're projecting that the US is to go under a 10 day internet blackout starting tomorrow. If true, what would happen to our open positions?

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Won’t happen. At worst it would be down for an hour.

take your meds
some of you are faggots that not even Jesus can save

Qanon did say the Federal Reserve would be restructured, not closed by the government and that's what happened. There's basis for Qanon.

>that's what happened
The entire world is waiting with bated breath to get some tangible validation of Q, user. I think one of the reasons for the market decoupling we have seen recently is because people believe Q is real - trust me I want to believe, I really do. We just need to see some Fe bracelets going on pedos before we know for sure.
Godspeed fren.

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>They're projecting that the US is to go under a 10 day internet blackout starting tomorrow.

how would that realistically happen?

take ur fucking meds boomers fuck me dead

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Qanon are larps fuck off

Oh no no would be a shame if your digital currency was cut off hahaha

>Qanon predictions

Any and all who think Qanon is remotely real will die of fish bowl cleaner poisoning.
The end

Seriously I would love to disconnect for awhile. Might get some more sleep. How will zoomers cope?

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if you have money, you can just buy off cops and rape kids. no need to turn it into a fun little puzzle

Qanon is real there are army men rn draining the swamp and glowies are literally btfo. Oh and celebrities are apart of a super duper secret pedo sex club where they use pizza code words and symbolism to communicate with each other. Go and watch Ellen and see for yourself lmao!

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>you can just buy off cops and rape kids
The entire point of Q is to finally bring justice to those who "buy off cops and rape kids". It is an elaborate psy-op (granted) and seems to have some connection with Trump (given drops and tweets), but that could be coincidental... The Internet going down and return to the gold standard with villains in gitmo is what we want delivered. Burn the witches and fake money, embargo China, and make America great again.

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good luck with shutting this house down.

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Noooo you can't just take away shitposting from incels!! Noooo

Qanon said so though on a Malaysia bait and tackle fishing forum

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how many final proofs do you 55+ year old fucking homos need
what the fuck is up with assange
trump is a fucking kike

>It would be the best thing that has happened to a lot of them in a really long time.

Incel zoomers will literally DIE if them nets goes down lmao

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sure your bank account and credit cards will still all be open and working.

trump is literally on epstein's flight log, along with clinton and bloomberg. money = power. the idea that there are "good" and "bad" elites is bogus

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You have your own larp board for that you retarded boomer shit.

23 yo gemstone miner born on self sufficiency and Korean bamboo growing forums here
20% silver 20% gold 30% sapphire 30% fine mineral specimens half packed to boogaloo away from my city RENT to my mining lease that i own denbit free till this all blows over
taking the 19yo misso btw shes gonna be fucked with out the phone


>that time Q advocated (((regime change))) in Iran
Anyone still falling for this jewish psyop is a retard.

> Orange man bad!

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>Yas Forums has dozens of dedicated larpers each year, from fbianon to CIAnon to gods knows how many has been forgotten
>the one larper boomers and zoomers genuinely believe in is the guy speaking like an incoherent retard. And they found meaning in that.
Truly that user knew how to reach the deep minds of Yas Forums.
Shame it was marketing ploy by those two mods, PamphletAnon and that Baccasomething. Guess fantasy is more exciting than the boring reality.

sheeples this is the trajectory

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>Anyone still falling for this jewish psyop is a retard.
Indeed. That wikileaks tweet should have been the end of Qanon.
What's interesting though is the Gematria for Qanon = 201.
Event 201? Leading the sheep to the slaughter.

Good luck buying food with shiny rocks bro. I've stockpilled and am biding my time shitposting.

I'll be glad to find out that there's still some goodness left in the world instead of competing interests but big if true there's no escape from evil and corruption.

Isn't it weird how such an elusive figure decided to use a WWW site like Yas Forums that's monitored by every agency in the world? Or how he decided that 8ch was better, the site literally taken down by everyone after Tarrant, handled by an incompetent fat pig looking to monetize 8ch and keeping logs, and who conned the original owner Hotwheels out?
Oh no, THAT one was surely larp unlike our Yas ForumsQ.
Even Yas Forums had a retard speaking just like Q seeing btc to 100k dollars soon (in "subtle" hints). And as it turned out 2018 happened.

What about trump rolling the fed into the treasury? Minting a 1 trillion bar of platinum for less than 1k usd that's based right?

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Where else would someone wanting to start a grassroots intel cooperative post? Facebook? Reddit? Twitter? It has to leak into the consciousness of society. Everywhere keeps logs nowadays

>If true
Seriously kill yourself if you even remotely believe anything Q-associated

got my hands on 80kg of rice and 100+ cans i was stocking for my last trip up anyway
and a pokie win 6 months ago has me with $400 worth of drunkenly bought heirloom seeds

>Seriously kill yourself if you even remotely believe anything Q-associated

Someone told me that Trump was going to take down the Federal Reserve, I didn't believe it. Yet. Here. We. Are.

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Based user godspeed even if Q is a larper

Fucking Chad breakfast. Tons of bacon so not a kike, even though he sold out to them.

Regime purges are happening in Iran rn. Are you retarded ots literally between the lines in major news.

He has to pander to them like the who panders to china. You can't achieve change while ignoring power structures

on yahweh
eyes are open

> 42 dubs
Fucking checked.

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Haha fed go bye bye

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I remember watching a video about how Obama was doing all these FEMA exercises and that THIS AUGUST (in 2015) they were going to declare martial law etc etc.
It's it interesting how none of these conspiracy retards seem to remember how they've been wrong over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
And when this happening doesnt happen either they'll just steamroll forward and pretend they never believed it?

Q posting is glorified shitposting.
You idiots deserve isolation in cushion rooms.

This is a Yas Forums thread and it has no place on Yas Forums

> Nothing ever happens
I remember conspiracy theories about the implications of FEMA powers and such after 9/11. People said that's crazy yet now we have militarized power and excessive powers that keep people in their homes because of a "virus" (((they))) now want to blackout the internet for any length of time is crazy scary even it they do drain the swamp

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Also I was just starting high school when 9/11 happened. Might be a boomer not sure.

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This is a lie he was not on the Lolita Express, he was however in Epstein's black book of contacts

Q threads are quickly being banned despite being extremely political.
> Adrenochrome
> Pedowood
> 5G activates the virus
Feel free to add others but ((they))) don't want us talking about them. Also the politics of technology with reddit being pro China isn't really news but should be discussed if lines are being drawn for WWIII info wars

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Trump probably was on the express but refused to participate in their activities. But he banned only Epstein right? So he must not have been aware of the extent of the deep state and the cabal.
> Blackout
> Mass arrests
> Nobody knows anything because of the virus

I know you fags were idiots but this is embarrassing.
Your pizzagate amounted to nothing
Your hash was a scam
I saw your threads for years
You and your little movement is a waste of fucking time get off of my board.

It doesn’t surprise me it’s getting banned because it was nothing but bullshit.
Of course you had it then because you faggots needed something to do running off of the 2016 high you had.
The funs over, fuck off.

Is there a list of everything q has predicted that has come true, and a list of things he's predicted that have not come true?


Reeeee mods Jewish mods reeeee
So pedos walk free and you're happy? Wtf dude
Lol there are no brakes on this train

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I for one appreciate qfags being so sincere. It lets me know that I can safely ignore their takes, maybe scam them by playing along. You won't find a more gullible mark.

its pointlessly complicated
where are the facts

What do we do with no internet

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