China already back to selling bats and pangolins in wet markets

What the fuck is wrong with them? Can we please just start WW3 already? I'll enlist.

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I mean bat soup has to be extremely fucking delicious if people are risking a global pandemic over it

don't bash it until you try it

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Apparently it is since fruit bats eat sweet food

They dont even singe the hair off. They just boil that shit and eat it

You need to visit butcheries more often

>I'll enlist
good, we don't need you here.


Hey recruiter!
I got a letter in the mail from the Navy today. You guys really want to shill this stuff hard don't you?

How do you say uma delicia in ching chong?

This user gets it

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>I'll enlist
please do. fucking moron


yeah...the china hate astroturfing is becoming really obvious now. you glownigs are pathetic

Based China
Fuck white people

Agreed, how are they still considered part of the human species?

>Apparently, China celebrated its ‘victory’ over the coronavirus by reopening squalid meat markets of the type that started the pandemic three months ago
Some literally who news outlet from Spain provides no evidence or source other than saying "apparently this happened" and I'm supposed to believe it why?

Go ahead. I'll just use my panic disorder to avoid the draft, stay at home and play VR games, and watch my defense stocks moon

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If they properly prepared it, would the virus would of happened?

Eat your bats chink

Already did. I'd hate to go into combat over anything but China. I think all of us feel the same way. Fuck that faggot whinnie the poo cunt

They banned eating wild animals permanently last month. This is likely due to a black market.

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No. If they had actually roasted it in the oven.
But they prepare to eat it almost fresh. Flash boil or shit.

Why would they stop, you uncultured racist? I bet salt is spicy to you.

That's what gets me the most. I don't even have a problem with exotic meat, but these faggots eat them with fur and guts still on. That and they go out of their way to not kill the animal quickly.

Something is up. Military wise

What better place to put the millions of newly minted unemployed than the meat grinder?
Better they fuck shit up abroad than fuck shit up here trying to get something to eat.

Those are jungle gooks

Disgusting as those wet markets are, they didn't cause covid19. It was a bioweapon that they were too incompetent to keep hold of.

*Bush meat markets. Don't fall for fagspeach.

The Chinese ain’t incompetent

extra protein and kill wiggers at the same time
also it was a bioweapon so #2 doesn't even hold

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Guy in China here. I doubt it unless it's some black market shit going on. I believe they banned the sale of those animals now. Also a lot of Chinese people are pissed at these people who sell and eat bats and pangolins and other weird shit. They'd probably get ratted out if anybody saw it happening. It's way too soon to be doing that.

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SARS (over 30% death rate) didn't change the Chinese mind. What makes you think a relatively milder disease like Covid-19 would do that

Because I'm here only a few hundred miles away from ground zero and seeing what people are doing and reading the social media with my own eyeballs and not just consuming re-regurgitated slop from the media and racist 14 year olds on an Arabian Carpet Piloting image board are saying

You are obviously biased though. Chinks and their sympathizers don't understand how to keep their credibility.

How am I biased and you aren't? A goldfish has more self-awareness than you. I'm making my judgments based on what I'm actually seeing here with my own eyes.

I'm not saying that I'm not biased, but I believe news sources and am not making any claims beyond that, which is not what you are doing, brainlet.

They believe the more stressed the animal is before death the better it tastes.

>Believing news sources
>Either Western or Eastern

>I'm the brainlet

and the Chinese were reactionary like that exactly during the Sars. Why is it different this time around.

>hurr all news is fake
Yes you are the brainlet because you don't understand that bias is bad in a news source but irrelevant in a news reader.

Not taken care of by the Government. Either way.

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What's the general situation like there now?

guess their BSL-4 is back up and running

They are taking this shit seriously. I've been here for 5 years and even in just 5 years the country feels a lot different. There's a lot less peasant mindset and people are becoming middle class. SARS wasn't nearly as bad or widespread as this, and there will be people who chimp out if it's known they are back to selling bats and pangolins. There was a TV personality who in the past shilled the bat soup who was forced to apologize publicly for it. I don't live in Wuhan but I doubt it's back to business as usual. That kind of meat was a dying practice to begin with, this is the last nail in the coffin for it.

It's just pathetic that winnie XI pooh wants to create an empire out of china considering that every time one of your citizens eats soup you put the world at risk of armageddon.

I humbly request all amricans Rambo-wanna bes to carpet bomb this god forsaken place and teach all chinks to wash their hands and eat proper human food.


Things are slowly going back to normal but if you're outside you need to wear a mask. People are still paranoid. The DiDi (Chinese Uber) almost all of them have a giant plastic sheet separating the passengers from the driver in the front. I'd guess there's way more paranoia here and precautions taken than in the west, which has no idea wtf to do. My friend got made fun of by some fat Mexican at Costco in the US for wearing a mask a week ago.

Yeah, masks aren't the norm here. I have a feeling they'll be more accepted after this is all over. I have a good one but feel awkward wearing it sometimes.

to be fair, the bats and pangolins and markets had nothing to do with the bioweapon which was accidentally released from a level 4 biowarfare lab

You have be at least 18 to be on here, kid.

>+5 social score

I'm a foreigner, I don't care

shut up faggot
the virus spreads while they keep them locked up in tiny cages
chinks like the meat to be freshly tortured before they cook it

My advice is to check your dignity at the door when you leave and just wear it. This shit is going to spread like gonorrhea at a frat house in the west, mostly because of how the average westerner grossly underestimates the severity of this virus and would rather risk getting sick than to look uncool wearing a mask to protect themselves and others.

Fuck off chang

Fuck off Xi Wang Chong

do we need to just carpet bomb these fucking idiots?

Ching Chong bing long bong ling bao lang bong dong