I want to get into crime.
What crime is the most profitable one?
I think I'll start with burglary
I want to get into crime
stay in school jamal
waste of time, become a dealer
You will fit right in
>I think I'll start with burglary
i'm sure you will, nigger.
If you're going to risk a felony, why commit low stakes retard petty crime? You have to maximize your upside.
Only if you know what you're doing and massive balls and/or deformed risk aversion brain
>i'm sure you will, nigger.
This. Practically speaking you should be targeting rich retired pensioners and trying to con them out of money. The science is settled on this one.
Being a dealer is just a time bomb. Some basedjack will rat you out to the feds
Illegal alien. Free house, food, trump bux, and college/AA makework jobs for your subhuman spawn.
>too dumb for white collar, not cool enough for drugs, think i'll pinch shit.
I mean every /k/ fag and their split personality is just waiting to defend their property, what could go wrong?
> not if i shoot em first
maybe just wear top hats and call it a duel, what could go wrong?
OG here ;-)
Can you do the time? If you cant do 6months jailed and abused just go flip burgers or rent a room to air bNb
Shoplifting is my specialty. Fun fact: its not a crime until you cross the point-of-sale & most stores tell their employees not to chase/pursue due to the liability if they get hurt in the process
Commit the crime of killing yourself nigger
Become a CEO of an investment bank or alternatively a FED chairman.
white collar, cyber. don't do it though. the law is what separates us from animals and jews. are you jewish? then go ahead, the laws do not apply to you. but if you are goyim you must WORK and EARN!
>What crime is the most profitable one?
become a politician
:^) really good post
Believe it or not being a successful professional criminal who stays out of jail is much more work than a straight job or a small business.
this can be pointed out again and again, but literally basketball players don't care. they would rather steal $10 then earn $1000. its why their continent looks like it does.
just become a banker
is there some kind of database of stupid pensioners, the way companies buy books of sales leads?
I can rob the place I used to work with ease, I can hundreds of thousands out the safe which I know the combination of and dozens of thousands in terms of liquor, scotch and high quality wine. I know the place has a shitty door the owner never bothered to replace.
I can go there and get everything in like 15minutes and never be seen again. Sometimes I think about it when I get tired of the grind. I dont think Ill ever do it (even though that piece of deserves it for firing me to let his retarded brother handle the business) but the idea that this cash is just there and I have the possibility to go there and take it with no difficulty sometimes leads to me to daydream about finding a gateaway out this life
Federal reserve banker
stealing kneepads
This, although keep in mind some security guards are unhinged and think they're a bunch of diet police. Always check if there's a firearm in their holster before you snatch and run.
green text stories
keep larping
fuck off Jamal
Rob people on local bitcoins
Counterfeiting is the easiest ROI which is how the FED came to be so wealthy get good enough and you can charge taxpayer's interest on your bills
wasn’t it whites that went to africa and every other continent stealing whatever they could lay their dirty hands on after spending millennia killing and stealing from each other?
Look at it this way....a criminal is going against hundreds of years of fine tuned police/justice system with endless manpower. How clever does op feel now?
many apartment complexes allow you in by dialing in #9111 to the callbox, free packages
Prostitution, unironically. If you met 1-2 Johns a day and charged ~200, that's 75k a year, tax free.
Could do what Epstein did and make an exclusive mutual fund for millionaires and then steal their money while investing in high profile lawyers for protection
Posting it online was a mistake. ngmi
Sell drugs or gtfo faggot
The starting question should be "Where crime is more profitable?"
Run a ICO.
become a corrupt cop
Impost a Healthcare professional doing home to home checks for covid-19 and enter into rich people homes, then use your imagination
Yes, but he doesn't want to talk about that right now.
>went to africa and every other continent stealing whatever they could lay their dirty hands
You mean the time when Europe had to built entire civilizations, mines, factories, infrastructure of all kind from dust itself because melanine people didn't bother to evolve beyond tribal thinking? There is no stealing in investment
Vasya is an American spy, his heels come off the ground when squatting.
Drugs are the only real choice here. Competition is huge and you may get killed tho.
>have to case an area for days/weeks
>have to learn a stranger's schedule
>have to avoid security and neighborhood watch
>have to be spotless and fast
>have to use a fence or some other convoluted selling method
>all for a few 1000 at best
>risk big jail time
>risk getting shot to death
you're too retarded to be a successful burglar
The real criminals usurped the jewdicial system and made it their own at every level.
Buy pic related and just go and pick up cars that you like and then resell them.
I’ve got your “civilisation” right here in my pants wipipo
Get into cannibalism, obviously that's where the money is.