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Other urls found in this thread: BLK&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgecRoyi3w8sc9YSmdSWtOXmNU4-IKzsgvd80rySypFJLgYoOy-KR4uLj0c_UNzKtyCssreRaxcvpFBrtaKTj5eAMAe_gEG0YAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjli5rJ87voAhXWr54KHWNwB_YQsRUwKXoECAsQAw&biw=1617&bih=843

What timeline is this?

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is this shit real at all? that yahoo post is not what yo say it is.

Are you sure? Read twice

Bears BTFO

what the fuck how is any of this legal

Brainlet here. what does it mean? Should I be goncerned

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Trump just saved us from a depression

FED is over
Trump fucking did it
What a time to be alive

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it means trump can prop up the stock market as he pleases just to get re-elected

It’s bigger than that
Guys I’m moving to US, you don’t want to be an yurofag in this moment, don’t you?

The US government is going to issue it's own currency instead of a privately owned central bank.

Now we do not need to audit the Fed

Because the Fed serves the Treasury and the Treasury serves Trump and Trump serves the People

big if true

I'll start to think about believing that when I see what poison pills the Dems slipped in.

Buy Blackrock, yo.


the fed is ded

You cropped out the interesting bit

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What does this really mean in terms of what actions will occur? Will he pump the market or some shit?

Fishy as fuck yo

So should we stock up on gold? What does this mean for crypto?

Trump's gonna pump it to death, serve 4 more years, cash out as the US economy crashes into uncharted waters, and die of cheeseburger induced heart attack.
Then the piss tape will leak out from his private servers.

For anons:


>of course there will be trading fees associated with these billion dollar stock market buys

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Buy gold.

Buy silver.

What the actual fuck bros is trump actually hitler?

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How exactly? Do you just say shit to say it?

Fake news.

Knew it, fucking businessman president

Their stock price is gonna moon shot. But you stay ignorant and poor.

If this is happening the Fed is now part of the US government so it can be audited. Can you imagine what would be dug up in an audit?

Dragon dildos and anime pillows?

>we find out Ben was actually a tranny

Do you even know what BlackRock is, newfaggot? You can’t buy BlackRock stock. BlackRock and Rotschild & Co are the ones running everything.

It's always been part of the US government, you fucking dolt. What part of FEDERAL Reserve did your chimp brain not understand?

Wanna try again, chimp? BLK&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAONgecRoyi3w8sc9YSmdSWtOXmNU4-IKzsgvd80rySypFJLgYoOy-KR4uLj0c_UNzKtyCssreRaxcvpFBrtaKTj5eAMAe_gEG0YAAAA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjli5rJ87voAhXWr54KHWNwB_YQsRUwKXoECAsQAw&biw=1617&bih=843

It's not part of the government you restart. It's private not federal even though the names indicates otherwise.

It’s autonomous. Doesn’t answer to the government

It gets audited every year by kpmg you mong

Source: me, a drunk accountant

Dumbass. You're the reason they keep getting away with it
>hurr is named federal so must be part of gubermint
It's not owned by your fucking government. It's a separate entity.

4d chess stupid niggers

>Doesn’t answer to the government
>president appoints the chairman

That's symbolic. He 'appoints' one person. The fed is not a US government entity.

Not the kind of auditing he was referring to, drunkanon. The kind of auditing that gets you killed if you plan on doing it as a president.


federal literally means owned by the government, you ignorant retard.
federal reserve, federal express etc.

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Wait so is this what Ron Paul wanted or is he gonna be pissed

BlackRock will now directly decide which stock goes up and which goes down. The jews have finally achieved complete control over the U.S. economy. Previously they had to do it indirectly through lending by their big banks.

Bro you're getting baited so hard lol it's painfully obvious

Yeah, nah.
There stock ticker is BLK

Wow, you are that dumb. LOL.

end the fed

>he doesn’t know federal express is not owned by the government
look at this dumbass

Based. National currency and removal of the men with long noses.

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Exactly the opposite of what he wants

>Naming something Federal makes it part of the US gov

>I was only pretending to be retarded

The Federal Reserve is a FEDERAL central banking system that oversees private banks, you room temp chimp.

Do you even know what the Federal Reserve Banks are? And where they are?

No, because you don't even fucking know they exist, because you're a moron.

THE funniest part of /biz is waterheads like you commenting on economics, finance, and business, and you know fuck all about any of it. But you post anyway.

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>Mmurica is nationalizing without even noticing it
You're becoming a commie state, do you realize that?

Trump is hitler. He’s printing and nationalizing.
Next is world war 3

Trump's favorite president was Andrew Jackson.

none of this matters. the world is going to end in 10 years anyways.

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it litereally has FEDERAL in the name you unfathomable imbecile

The opposite, people here are legitimately retarded.

Aggressive midwits are the worst. How hard is it to comprehend that a financial banking organ operating on a federal (inter state) level is not actually part of the federal government governing those states?

Dunning Kruger retards can go back to Rebbit.

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The people don't own or control shit. You're highly suggestive sheep whom are led easily by whatever your masters put on TV.

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>he doesn't know

Are you joking or do you really not know? You probably not racist too? How uncouth.

so in order to prevent some NWO cocksucker from destroying us further we must declare Trump as Emperor?

>Federal Express
>Not Federal

pic 2

This is going to be bad.

LOL, the schitzo chimes in.

ITT: People who don't know the Fed is a private bank

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Why would you name it FEDERAL if it isn't FEDERAL? That's just stunningly moronic and obviously wrong. Words have specific meanings for a reason. Like an ASSAULT Rifle 15 is used for ASSAULT and not for hunting. Else it would be the HR-15.

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