/smg/ - Stock Market General Thread

Fuck this market I am tired of this shit edition

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First for fuck niggers

digital numbers for circuit breaker monday

Lost all your money? Just learn to code.

check these dubs

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Beastiality edition?

Just bought 1200 shares of NBR how fucked am I?

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If this gets worse enough (Medically and monetarily) they'll call this the post pandemic era.

First for candy corn.

We gonna get the red dildo or the green dildo tonight at close?

Finish the sentence:

______ the FED

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based dept WILL be hearing about this

We're pumping to green EOD, you guys are missing your chance in the bull run of a lifetime.

priced in

red (mine will be green)

>Lost all your money?
Worse. I keep it all in cash since mid February.
I just dont know whats going on

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Look at those digital numbers!

Are there any bears still here?

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>181 mil mcap
checked and bobopilled
priced in

Any experts in teledildonics care to chime in?


Priced in

Nobody is selling. It goes vertically up but takes 5 hours to trickle down half way, stop shorting.


Fuck yeah nigga right here sup

I believed all these fucking bears and bought puts two days ago. Im down 40%. How fucked am I bros?

you did long puts right

Remember to get your daily supply of oil today.

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If you bought puts for May you have a chance. April is guaranteed crab or moon.

Fuck you don't tell me what to do bitch I'll gismack

>tfw lost 2.5k on DIS puts expiring today


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my bulls of the day are Campbells Soup and General Mills

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wait till monday bro

SQQQldiers we lost so much over the past week. Our shining moment comes now.


That's why... THIS time, I'm going TWM,
2x inverse small caps

that should be fine... right?

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40% recoverable
everything up to 80% recoverable

buying the dip a little bit every day. Give me cheap stocks

I've been holding some 4/17 puts since that big ass pump 3/16. already sold off my initial investment. kek

i'm dying, but yea

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Right now Id hodl. This weekend might be another drop.
This virus is not contained by the US in any way and Americans pretend it is a non-issue. Italy locked down 2 weeks ago and still a huge +25% or so spike in deaths today.

spxs and sqqq

I'm there with you user I need it to hit 22 to be able to get out of my bags

so what it's not like the share price can drop any further

Cpb! Crushing it!
and CL too!

bag holding puts yeah

It's time.



And that's why it won't be today.

>NRB director of racism retires and liquidates his 40000 shares
nothing personal kid


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gonna close green lmao
bears livestream ur suicides

Bag holding 4/17

how fucked am i bros

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lol, this shit is going to go green today.

need someone famous die

Why hasn't someone turned this into a frog.

can someone help me? why can't I buy SQQQ puts on interactive brokers? Can someone give me other good puts to buy?

you bulls ready for the fucking cataclysmic short squeeze coming right before close?

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Very low volume last two days. I have 5/1 puts hope for a big drop next week.

And PEP!!!

Regret trimming after yesterday's PAMP
but I can put that cash into more KO if it goes below $40 again!

you're probably toast, but i wouldn't sell until the week of just in case.

lol yep
hopefully user
Nice. my biggest SPY put is for 226 4/13

>mfw i've started purposely going to grocery stores and coughing on elderly people to make this virus shit explode so my puts pay off

take the dirtypill bearbros

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Probably fine.

Bobo please get up Bobo it's time to fuck this market...........Bobo?

maybe because no one is selling them because they're not foolish enough to be against the nasdaq

Birth the FED

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you probably think yesterday was a short dont you

>gold overvalued, oil cratered, bonds shit yields
how2diversify now, imaginary coins need not apply

Fuck pharma stocks. So many yet they all look like complete shit.

can i join you?

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*dabs on GUSH*
Fuck that trash. Fuck MbS. Fuck Bobos. But most importantly of all, fuck jannies.

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Close your positions shorties! Holding over a weekend is scary.

Down on everything. Even puts.
But, I was able to sweep in and get a metric fuckton of stocks.

you don't have approval to trade leveraged etfs


Today's volume on SPY is so low it barely shows up on my 15 minute chart, kek.

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There's no Bobo, it's a bull market now it will go up until somebody above flips the switch again.


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Trump said he's going to restore the oil industry and I believe him.

Never betting against daddy Trump again

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I'm not sure what to make of it.


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Can you buy QQQ calls? Sometimes these leveraged ETFs don't have a market for options.

How the fuck do I buy and hold? After buying a stock I second guess my decision for days and waste so much time and nerves worrying if I made the right call.

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i expect prices to drop and i wait for long-term invest

however watching the price action i think most of the selling has taken place by now, the heavy downward pressure is not there anymore despite bad news

i think the market will just ride down slowly for some months now. what do you guys think?

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Are any of the anons who bought SQQQ at $26/25 still holding? Are you hurting yourself out of spite?

>4 days green
Bears, it's time to go hibernate.

can corona deaths hit 50k by monday?

Ok, maybe. I did lie my ass off making this account but I didn't go overboard. I have approval for puts/calls. I do have the option for SPY, what is the difference between SPY and SQQQ?

i'm waiting for monday/tuesday

I sold colgate yesterday, cause its really slow and were teetering on another possible Thrust, so probably time for growth, just 1 or two more days

Which broker should I use? Robinhood is being autistic right now and can't even connect to my Wells account

You shouldn't trade options or do puts if you don't have experiences with stocks and bonds because of the risks.
Yay or nay