Every normie buying gold and silver now

>every normie buying gold and silver now
have fun getting rekt

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Dude if everyone got corona virus on the planet 1% of the entire world would die!!!! You better prepare for the collapse society will go through when 1% of the world dies

>FIAT retard thinking precious metals is bad

I never said metals are bad. Learn to read.

>OP: "Woop wooop woopp wooo wooo wooo uguuu,... gurgle,.. uhhhhnnnn"

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cope, keep posting memes, that aint gonna save you. damn, as expected. many people on this board who bought gold and silver at the wrong time.

no. this is [you] projecting and making all kinds of presumptions and accusations.
are you naturally retarded and delusional or are do you take medication to become this way?

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I agree
The masses are always wrong

You think the "masses" are buying? It's probably less than 1% of the population.

Rememeber that, my friend, and keep buying stocks with the rest of the people.


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Just take a look at all the online dealers that are out of stock or have massive delays

LMAO. go ask a normie about what they think of PMs.

Thanks for the kind words kike

PM's are gonna fall with the stock market when this COVID shit starts to hit for real. Cya at the real bottom, I'll be coppin some silver/plat then.

Gold and silver are savings

And think about it... the last week or 2 frenzy in gold and silver whether online or brick and mortar stores with many of them being sold out..... it is still probably only 1/10th of 1% of the population chasing this shortage. I bet if you approached 100 random people last week and said have you been to a coin shop or ordered online that literally zero people out of that 100 sample size you asked would have not been to a coin shop or buying online


Dollar value of gold and silver is irrelevant

Soon, it will a l l be clean

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Just because it's sold out doesn't mean the masses are buying. 40% of American's can't afford a $500 emergency, you think the other 60% are stacking gold?

Why same size if same weight?

To some extent yeah. But the dollar value follows the market in a lot of cases. And if I missed the window I'm not buying in now.

Rate me stack

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even if your premise is correct, which it totally isn't, just because people are PM doesn't mean it will go down you dumb idiot. short it retard.

Exactly...when people were running around last week what % of the population was actually worried about acquiring silver and gold? It’s a tiny fraction of 1%

That isn't a good thing. We need to make sure tons of people buy gold and silver so their wealth doesn't get wiped after the next collapse.

About 11/2oz Au?

What people do now realize is you don’t need that much gold and silver to begin with. Literally 300 ounces of silver and 5-10 ounces of gold will make you a king.

Fair to point out but also doesn't matter. It's the 1% moving billions around that makes the real difference. When it went from $400oz -> $1800oz how many average yanks were buying physical? Still fuck all

No, every normie is buying toilet paper and soap and could not possibly give a fuck about PMs

It doesn’t matter... 350 million people in this country. They won’t lose it all but they’ll lose 75% or so of their net worth and the smart people who stacked even a little bit of gold and silver will be kings

It does matter. Having a poor middle class usually leads to extreme fascist ideologies (USSR, Nazi Germany) and less freedom. Those societies didn't turn towards fascist leaders because they had good lives.

if I have 700 is that overkill or still good?
Hard to tell if I should put some into BTC or Stonks, already bought the dip with some cash already holding a bit of everything but jobs gone now so savings is on the hook. I was hoping property market would crash when the inflation shock from the FED/Gov arrives

It isn’t overkill but it’s well more than enough. If you told me you sold 200 ounces to speculate or fuck around in something else I wouldn’t have an issue with you doing that.

bro when did you transition to male?

Well that isn’t our fucking fault. It’s their stupidity that led to it. I wish we could help them but we can’t... and if we make out great while most everyone else is fucked... well too bad.

My dad graduated from univ of Chicago mba program. He has worked for a few big investment banks. I’ve been telling him to get gold and silver for 5 years now. And even now he still won’t get any now despite now despite probably half his retirement has gone down in flames. He’s brainwashed. Normies don’t care and have no idea how it works.

Was getting acupuncture the other day and two of the chiropractors were glued to the tv about a potential bailout. And I said we are going back on a gold standard, and they are like ooooh you don’t know what your talking about. And I said well I’ll tel you what... you guys looking to these assholes to help your business isn’t the solution you need to be getting gold and silver to protect themselves... and I even explained it all to them... and they are still in their own worlds.

Gold going from 400$-1800$ has to do with inflation not buying and selling

Premiums will rise, just as they have been. Futures might say one thing, but try getting anything at spot right now.

i find that most white collar professionals are NPCs.

my accountant was amazed that you could buy physical bullion. he just assumed everything was sold with a claim certificate.

Accountants are generally retarded when it comes to money and investing. They're like lite lawyers who only know how to interpret taxation law and talk about entities.

I'm a Fin Planner and my accounting clients are some of the dumbest cunts when it comes to their investment accounts I had my illusions shattered pretty quickly when in my first year I was talking to them casually and they didn't understand anything my boss and I were talking about.......I had to fucking explain Index vs Active to some of those cunts

I'm okay with that. Ive seen a couple of places intermittently restocking stuff (silver for ~$20/oz). It sells out sorta fast but I'm not worried desu. I think this spike in value is very temporary.

Accountants are the jannies of the business world. They're more involved in law than finance. Fucked them.

Let's see the jannies clean up this economic crisis. Fucking cunts.

There are areas of accounting that arent tax.. I agree many in accounting are NPCs though

I try to spend around 200€ everymonth in gold. Since coronavirus I just didnt buy.

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So what, like a half sovereign?

that's funny I had a discussion with someone yesterday about gold being real money, saying that central banks stack gold for a reason, his reaction was "yeah why do they stack gold why not diamonds its stupid." then calls me a conspiracy theorist and then goes on to me about how shells and pebbles should be the next currency, then how well the stock market was doing at the moment going up 7%!! I then say to him that the fed and central banks are printing money like there no tomorrow and he responds by just starring me down saying "no, they aren’t printing, that's QE right? there's always inflation its totally normal."
Any notion that maybe they should protect themselves with PMs or anything other than funny money they turn abrasive, amazing how the media have conditioned the masses to reject what is good for them just like GM crops are modified to become toxic to insects

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Those poor bastards. I can't help but think we deserve what's coming.

It's not his fault if the system taught him wrong as a joke

Gold will go anywhere from $5k-$10k and silver $50-$100 within 2 years.

Just bought another ounce of gold. Thanks for the reminder nigger!

>population grows by 1% a year
literally just a years worth of people, most of them will be sickly and probably non contibuters anyway

Haha isn’t it so true! Ive screenshotted this and sending it all around

You are right but it won’t be like a stock going 3-5x. If you have 300 ounces of silver and silver goes to 100$, you will have 30k. 30k is nothing TODAY. But after the deflationary collapse of all asset prices... it will be like having 30k in 1930.

THATS the secret to making it with gold and silver and the reason you don’t need that much to make a killing

No normie is wanting to buy gold or silver. Big high energy dicks bought the phyzz. If my mum or dad ever tell me to buy silver or gold I'll be selling.

u wot m8?

craiglist account?

I invested in gold and silver like a month ago was it worth?

Invested in gold and silver like a month ago was it worth?

Fucking whoops

Corona has already disrupted world's economy by only killing thousands. When people are afraid to go out and socialize, it's a world of NEETs

It will be when you retire, it might be if the world goes to shit any time soon. It probably won't tho, gold is not an investment if there is no war or deep economical crisis. We might have a small crisis, but the moment we get the vaccine it's over. People depraved of fun will blow their money on the biggest holidays and shit, we should bounce back quickly.

if you go on tiktok right now, the cool normie npc's are hyping stonks as we speak.
>this will never be so low in your life time
>Im rich because I buy when others are fearful